One of Canada’s cannabis crusaders visits Penticton on Tuesday to share with people his cure for whatever ails them.
Rick Simpson, 63, is a proponent of homemade cannabis oil, a product he developed from marijuana buds and claims to have used to heal himself.
“It’s basically a cure-all. It’s good for all types of cancer, I would say all types of diseases. I haven’t seen a disease yet it wasn’t a benefit for,” he said in an interview this week from Nanaimo, where he kicked off a 17-day B.C. tour that ends Sept. 6 in Terrace.
“Over 10 years ago, I cured my own cancer using an extract from the cannabis plant,” he continued
“Since that time I’ve been to everybody there is to go to — the cancer societies, the different political parties, I’ve been to them all — and all they’ve done is persecute me.
“But now, it’s all over the Internet because I took my case to the public.”
Simpson, who lives in Nova Scotia, doesn’t sell cannabis oil, but rather teaches people how to make it and also about benefits to which he claims thousands of people have testified in online videos. Sourcing pot is still a problem.
“If possible, I like to see people grow (marijuana) themselves; that takes the money out of it,” he said. “But if you have a loved one who’s sick or dying, the only choice you have then if you need the medicine quickly is you have to go to an illegal grower or dealer.”
Bruce Prince, a Terrace resident who organized Simpson’s visit, said he learned about the oil through Internet research and became a convert earlier this year.
“I just started using it as a boost to my body with some incredible changes,” Prince said.
“My articulation in speaking, the way my brain works just seems to be cleaning right up. I’ve lost some weight off my body,” he added.
“I’m not treating any diseases in my body right now, I’m a healthy guy, but I’ve noticed some changes since I started using the oil.”
Interior Health spokesperson Lannea Parfitt said her organization was unable to provide comment on cannabis oil because its medical health officers focus primarily on public health hazards.
Prince encouraged people to do their own research.
“Once you start going online and start looking at the reports and the peer-reviewed studies, you can’t help but get involved,” he said.
Simpson will be at the Seniors Drop-in Centre in Penticton from 6-9 p.m on Tuesday, Aug. 27. Tickets start at $10 and will be available at the door. Proceeds from the event will cover his travel costs and also help fund his compassion club.
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