Stormy Weathershe wouldn't let me on she's scared of me
Jim The PillI have a mojito scented candle on in the background, lovely lovely lovely.
Stormy WeatherI'd rip the piss on her live she knows that
Jim The PillI like cocktaiils. My mate Jimmy invited me to all these fancy cocktail bars.
Emily tShe is so rude and nasty to people
Stormy Weathercampari and soda is very nice
Fenwick BrindleMy owner likes cock and I like tails
Stormy Weatherlots of ice and lemon
Stormy WeatherI'm a chef
Emily t
Emily tAre you
Stormy Weathercook up a storm
Stormy Weatheryea
Stormy Weatherworked for 5 star hotels
Emily tI bet your family love it
Stormy Weathergot to when you have a lot of kids to feef
Stormy Weatherfeed
Emily tSo True
Stormy Weatheroh yea I love it
Stormy Weatherfood is love
Emily tIt is
Stormy Weatherseeing my children eat is heaven
Emily tIt is..
Stormy Weatherif we all met u would do a Hugh cook up
Dave StrangeI love food! I eat nothing else
Stormy Weatherlife is gor loving eating and laughing
Emily t.. Dave..
Stormy Weatheroh boy love it
Emily t.. stormy
Stormy WeatherDAVE
Jim The PillOriginal Star Trek was amazing!
Stormy Weatheroh yea lovely
Stormy Weatherlovely grub
Stormy WeatherSpanish Italian Japanese taiwanese
Emily tStar wars..
Emily tEMMM.. your making me hungry..
Stormy Weatherhahaha
The Masked Detective UKhello all
Stormy WeatherI've always got food on the go here
Stormy Weatheralways a pot of chicken stock on the go
Emily tHi Masked
Stormy Weatherthe basis for all good food
Emily tEMMM .. stormy I want some
Stormy Weatherhi masked
Stormy WeatherOK haha
Emily tstormy
Stormy Weatherlol,s
Stormy WeatherI'm free with my food known for it
Stormy Weathermatt could do with some of my Irish soup
Emily tMy grandmother was a cook in hotels in London, and when we went to visit,. it was so nice and Lovley food
Stormy Weatherit's a mix
Stormy Weatheroh that's fabulous
Stormy Weathermy Irish grandmother was a great cook
Emily tShe cooked Lovley stews and soups
Stormy Weatheryea great healthy food
Emily tMy grandmother is Austrian
Stormy Weatherthese boys
Stormy Weatheroh fantastic
Emily tWhat they talking about
Stormy WeatherI live Austrian German food
Stormy Weatherall sorts these boys
Stormy Weatherblack forest gateau
QuadTubeChannelFAO Grobnob. Still waiting for you to substantiate your claim; namely, that Matt Taylor is a "3 times convicted stalker".
Stormy Weatherviner snitzel
Emily tDo you.. I use to eat something at my grandmother's. I think it's called spititzel..
Stormy Weatherhave a nice evening Emily, talk to u soon
Emily tThat's it stormy.. what you just said
TaylorTV!Make sure to tune into tomorrow's Open Panel Show!
Emily tBye xx
Stormy Weatheryea
TaylorTV!Bye Emily T
Stormy Weathertake care love
Emily t
Dave StrangeNite Enily
Emily tSpeak soon Matt, bye All xx
Emily tDave x
🌻A1000🌻in and out listening, not keeping up with chat, night to you Emily
TaylorTV!Sweet dreams Emily T
🌻A1000🌻Shepherds pie
QuadTubeChannelFAO Grobnob. Still waiting for you to substantiate your claim; namely, that Matt Taylor is a "3 times convicted stalker".
🌻A1000🌻 new in chat
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷nobody cares!!!
QuadTubeChannelYou didn't say "harassment" - you said "stalking."
QuadTubeChannel"Convicted stalker". Your words. Your complete lack of substantiation to the effect.
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷grobby do you still tug your acorn to me?
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷shut upppp nobody cares matt, roll up!
QuadTubeChannelYour posted words to the effect in the army forum, shortly after which your post containing said accustion - that you deny ever existed - was removed.
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷I've lost my job. all I do all day is not eat and make notes of all your IPs ! not my buzniz
QuadTubeChannelThere's recordings of it.
QuadTubeChannelPROVE IT.
Snake77Am I in a alt universe
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷whoop whoop call da police
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷lock up your sons i like em 15
QuadTubeChannel@I'm so upshet be careful with your words Are you a grobby sock puppet?
TaylorTV!Lets call it a show!
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷are you?
TaylorTV!Thanks for everyone for joining me
I'm so upshet be careful with your words 🍷 was hidden by Reece Leverick 🇺🇦.
Snake77Matthew Taylor sentenced for harassing Sussex PCC A man who spent years harassing Sussex's police and crime commissioner online has been sentenced for defying an injunction to stop his campaign....
🌻A1000🌻Night all
Not my business,not my business, are you for real?up your bum
Dave StrangeNite Matt, all in chat, have a great evening all!
QuadTubeChannel[message retracted]
SimpleTruthNight everyone
QuadTubeChannel@Snake77 Where in there does it mention any conviction for stalking?
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