Tuesday 24 September 2024

James Hind Responds to Matthew Taylor Intervening to Protect Chinese Business Integrity Amid Dubious Dealings.

James Hind has reacted to Matthew Taylor, a prominent figure in Brighton, who announced plans to intervene with the Chinese government to raise concerns over potential business dealings involving James Hind’s Project Night Watch (PNW). Taylor, who lived in Hong Kong from 1994 to 1996, has maintained close relationships with officials of the Chinese government and members of the Triads. His intervention aims to highlight the troubling links between Hind's discredited organisation and potential Chinese investors tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Taylor is appealing to these investors, urging them to reconsider any affiliation with an organisation that has been linked to controversial activities.

In a recent tweet, James Hind attempted to downplay Taylor’s influence, claiming, "Whilst claims by stalker Matthew Taylor of Brighton of getting money from China is pure fantasy, his latest claim to try to stop a deal going through with our potential investor is unlikely as he has no details of who the investor is. The James Hind brand is inactive since 2023."

However, Taylor's involvement goes beyond a mere business deal. His deep connections with Chinese officials and his commitment to safeguarding the reputation of Chinese business interests are what drive his intervention. Taylor explained, “This is not just about business; it's about protecting the integrity of the Chinese government from being associated with a group like Project Night Watch, which has a track record of unethical behaviour. The Chinese government would be concerned to find themselves inadvertently aligning with such a discredited and perverse organisation.”

Taylor’s Deep Ties to Hong Kong and the Chinese Government.

Taylor’s time in Hong Kong during the mid-90s positioned him as a respected figure with key relationships that still endure today. His friendships with members of both the Chinese government and organised crime networks, such as the Triads, grant him significant influence. He believes the CCP would not tolerate being associated with an organisation like Project Night Watch, which has been accused of operating under a fake child protection advocacy while promoting highly controversial actions.

The Broader Implications for Chinese Business.

Taylor’s concerns are not without merit. As China continues to expand its global economic influence, the CCP has been particularly cautious about the reputational risks associated with its international partners. For a business interest tied to the Chinese government to be seen in association with PNW could create significant backlash both within China and globally.

James Hind’s tweet dismissing Taylor's concerns as “pure fantasy” overlooks the reality that Taylor retains key connections in both business and governmental sectors in China. Despite Hind’s claims that “the James Hind brand is inactive since 2023,” Taylor remains firm that such business links, if they exist, should be thoroughly scrutinised by Chinese authorities.

Protecting Chinese Integrity and Child Safety.

Taylor’s stance is also motivated by his commitment to child protection, having raised concerns about Hind’s involvement in several disreputable activities. In Taylor’s view, the Chinese government would be highly concerned to know that one of their potential business partners had any link to an organisation whose founder has faced numerous accusations of child exploitation and unethical behaviour.

Moving Forward.

Taylor’s planned intervention will likely focus on presenting evidence to the Chinese government and investors, warning them of the potential reputational risks. He hopes his appeal will encourage a thorough investigation into Project Night Watch’s activities and its leadership, ensuring that Chinese business integrity remains intact.

As Taylor continues his efforts to expose the controversial dealings of Project Night Watch, one thing is certain: the influence of his connections in China and his commitment to exposing unethical behaviour could spell significant trouble for any future partnerships between James Hind’s organisation and Chinese business interests.


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