Sunday 11 August 2024

Who's Obsessed with Who? A Look at James Hind's Early-Morning Attacks on Matt Taylor.

In the realm of online conflicts, it's not uncommon for disagreements to escalate into full-blown feuds. But when one party begins to exhibit behaviour that borders on obsessive, it's worth pausing to ask: who's really obsessed with who?

Such is the case with James Hind and Matt Taylor. Hind, who has a history of launching baseless attacks on Taylor, recently took his fixation to a new level by publishing tweets attacking Taylor at 4:15 AM. At a time when most people are fast asleep, including Taylor himself, Hind was wide awake, crafting yet another round of unfounded accusations. This behaviour raises a crucial question: why is James Hind so preoccupied with Matt Taylor, and who is truly obsessed in this situation?

The Timing Speaks Volumes.

The fact that Hind is posting about Taylor in the early hours of the morning is telling. While Taylor was asleep, likely unaware of Hind’s latest tirade, Hind was consumed with thoughts of Taylor—so much so that he felt compelled to share his latest attack with the world at a time when most are still in bed. This kind of late-night activity suggests an unhealthy preoccupation, one that goes beyond the normal boundaries of online disagreement.

It's worth considering what would drive someone to act in this way. Why would Hind feel the need to target Taylor at such an odd hour? Is it a sign of an obsession that Hind himself cannot control? The timing of these tweets suggests that Hind’s thoughts about Taylor are constant, intruding on his mind even during the early hours when most people are resting.

Projection and Deflection.

Hind’s tweets often involve accusing Taylor of behaviours that seem more reflective of Hind’s own actions. In one of his recent tweets, Hind labelled Taylor an "obsessed compulsive stalker," claiming that Taylor's supposed hostility towards the Star Trek genre stems from an obsession with a particular vlogger. This accusation is not only baseless but also a clear example of projection—a psychological defence mechanism where a person attributes their own undesirable traits or actions onto someone else.

By accusing Taylor of being obsessed, Hind is deflecting attention away from his own behaviour, which, by any reasonable standard, appears far more obsessive. The late-night tweets, the relentless accusations, and the fixation on Taylor all point to someone who is far more preoccupied with his target than he would like to admit.

A Pattern of Obsession.

This isn’t the first time Hind has exhibited obsessive behaviour towards Taylor. Over the months, Hind has repeatedly launched attacks against Taylor, often based on little to no evidence. He has constructed elaborate narratives designed to paint Taylor in a negative light, all while hiding behind the anonymity of social media. This pattern of behaviour suggests a deep-seated fixation, one that Hind cannot seem to let go of.

Meanwhile, Taylor has continued to live his life openly, engaging with the public under his own name and without hiding his identity. Unlike Hind, Taylor does not spend his nights plotting attacks against others. Instead, he uses his platform to share his thoughts and engage with his audience transparently.

Who’s Really Obsessed?

When we look at the facts, it becomes clear that the real obsession lies with James Hind. His early-morning tweets, his relentless attacks, and his projection of his own behaviours onto Taylor all point to someone who is deeply fixated on his target. Hind’s behaviour raises serious questions about his motives and state of mind. Why does he feel the need to attack Taylor so fervently? What does he hope to gain from this obsessive campaign?

As the saying goes, "The guilty dog barks the loudest." Hind’s constant accusations against Taylor may be less about Taylor’s actions and more about Hind’s own issues. Perhaps it’s time for Hind to take a step back and reflect on his behaviour. After all, obsession, when left unchecked, can lead to destructive consequences—not just for the target, but for the obsessed person as well.

In the end, the answer to the question "Who's obsessed with who?" seems all too clear. While Taylor continues to live his life, it's Hind who remains fixated, unable to let go of his unhealthy obsession.

Who's Obsessed with Who?

*(Verse 1)*  

In the quiet of the night, when most are fast asleep,  

There’s a shadow in the dark, with secrets he can’t keep.  

He’s typing out the lies, in the glow of his screen,  

Fixated on a name, like it’s all he’s ever seen.


Who’s obsessed with who?  

Tell me what’s the truth?  

Is it the one who’s dreaming, or the one who’s stuck on you?  

Who’s obsessed with who?  

The mirror shows the clue,  

Late at night, in the dimmest light, tell me, who’s obsessed with who?

*(Verse 2)*  

You call him the stalker, but who’s up before dawn?  

Spinning twisted stories, while the world moves on.  

You hide behind a name, throwing stones from afar,  

But your obsession’s showing, it’s written in the stars.


Who’s obsessed with who?  

Tell me what’s the truth?  

Is it the one who’s dreaming, or the one who’s stuck on you?  

Who’s obsessed with who?  

The mirror shows the clue,  

Late at night, in the dimmest light, tell me, who’s obsessed with who?


You think you’ve got the upper hand, controlling the game,  

But the light of day reveals your face, and it’s you who’s to blame.  

Projection’s a funny thing, it turns around on you,  

What you see in him, might just be the truth about you.


Who’s obsessed with who?  

Tell me what’s the truth?  

Is it the one who’s dreaming, or the one who’s stuck on you?  

Who’s obsessed with who?  

The mirror shows the clue,  

Late at night, in the dimmest light, tell me, who’s obsessed with who?


So when you point that finger, take a look inside,  

The shadows that you’re chasing, might be yours to hide.  

Who’s obsessed with who? The question still remains,  

But the answer’s in your silence, and in your midnight games.

Darkness and Shadow of Terror.

James Hind's tweet presents a metaphorical view of his self-perceived role in addressing the impacts of predatory behaviour. In this tweet, he describes the lives and minds of victims of predators as being "cast into the darkness and shadow of terror, suffering, and distress." He then introduces the "symbol of the lantern" as a representation of "hope, courage, and safety," suggesting that his "watchmen" provide guidance and support to victims as they work to recover and regain their strength.

Hind’s reference to victims being "cast into the darkness and shadow of terror" is a vivid description of the emotional and psychological toll that predatory behaviour can have on individuals. It evokes a sense of isolation, fear, and helplessness, which are common experiences among those who have suffered at the hands of predators.

Symbol of the Lantern:

The "lantern" in Hind’s metaphor is intended to represent a guiding light—something that offers hope, direction, and a sense of safety to those who are in the metaphorical darkness. By using this symbol, Hind is attempting to position himself and his associates (the "watchmen") as protectors or guardians who help lead victims out of their distress and towards healing.


The "watchmen" that Hind mentions are presumably those who, according to him, are vigilant in their efforts to protect and assist victims. He casts these individuals as moral and protective figures who walk alongside the victims on their journey to recovery. This framing attempts to convey a sense of noble purpose and righteousness in their actions.

Critical Examination of the Tweet:

While Hind’s tweet uses lofty language and imagery to depict his supposed role in aiding victims, it’s important to critically examine the context and implications:

Self-Positioning as a Saviour: The tweet seems to be a way for Hind to position himself as a saviour or protector of victims, a role that casts him in a positive light. However, given the context of his other actions and statements, this could be seen as a form of self-aggrandisement or a way to justify his behaviour, which has been criticised as obsessive and harmful.

Projection and Control: Hind’s use of metaphors such as "darkness," "lantern," and "watchmen" can be seen as an attempt to control the narrative by portraying himself as a hero. This could be interpreted as a projection, where he assigns predatory qualities to others while positioning himself as a beacon of hope.

Inconsistency with Actions: The rhetoric of being a guiding light for victims seems inconsistent with some of Hind’s other behaviours, such as making baseless accusations and engaging in what could be perceived as harassment. This discrepancy raises questions about the sincerity and authenticity of his proclaimed mission.

In Conclusion.

James Hind’s tweet is rich in metaphorical language, portraying himself and his associates as protectors who bring light to those suffering in darkness. However, this self-characterisation conflicts with his other actions, which have been widely criticised. The tweet can be seen as an attempt to bolster his image while obscuring the negative aspects of his behaviour. It raises important questions about the true nature of his motives and the impact of his actions on those he claims to protect.


James Hind vs. Matt Taylor: A Study in Contrasting Methods and Conduct.

Who is James Hind?

James Hind’s Desperate Attempt to Discredit Matt Taylor Falls Flat.

James Hind’s Latest Tweet: A Disturbing Projection?

Sussex Police Must Act Now!

Satirical YouTube Channel "Project Night Larp" Calls Out James Hind’s Disturbing Claims and AI Use.

Analysing James Hind's Belief That He Is His Own God.

James Hind: The Dangerous Delusion of Being Above the Law.

The Disturbing Behaviour of James Hind: Slander, Libel, and Harassment in the Name of “Child Protection”.

James Hind Returns to Twitter: Obsession with Matt Taylor Continues.

The Hypocrisy of James Hind: A Fake Child Advocate with an Unhealthy Obsession in Children.

Satanic Stalker James Hind Breaks Silence with False Claims About Matt Taylor.

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