Friday 23 August 2024

MattTaylorTV! Late Night Chat and Music... 22 Aug 2024 with ONA Guest Fallen Angel.

The Order of Nine Angles.

The Order of Nine Angles (ONA or O9A) is an esoteric and controversial organisation that has garnered attention due to its extreme ideology and practices, which have been described as a blend of Satanism, the occult, and far-right extremism. Here's an overview of what the O9A is about:

1. Origins and Background.

  • Founding: The Order of Nine Angles was founded in the 1970s in the United Kingdom by David Myatt, a British occultist who has also been associated with neo-Nazi movements. Myatt used the pseudonym "Anton Long" to author many of the O9A's texts.

  • Structure: Unlike traditional organisations, the O9A is more of a decentralised network of individuals and small groups (called "nexions"), making it difficult to pin down specific membership numbers or a hierarchical structure.

2. Philosophy and Beliefs.

  • Satanism and the Occult: The O9A espouses a form of Satanism that is distinctly different from other Satanic organisations like the Church of Satan. It emphasises practical, real-world acts of evil and disruption as a way of achieving personal and societal transformation.

  • Antinomianism: Central to O9A's belief system is antinomianism, which is the rejection of conventional moral laws and norms. The O9A encourages its adherents to break societal taboos and engage in transgressive behaviours as a means of personal empowerment and spiritual evolution.

  • The Seven-Fold Way: This is the O9A’s path of initiation, a rigorous process that is said to lead the practitioner from novice to an advanced state of personal and spiritual development. This path includes physical challenges, esoteric practices, and real-world acts that often involve criminal or violent behaviour.

  • Racial and Nationalist Ideologies: The O9A has been linked to far-right and neo-Nazi ideologies. The group promotes a form of racialism that aligns with the idea of a societal collapse and the emergence of a new, stronger human race. This connection has led to the O9A being classified as a terrorist entity in some countries.

3. Practices and Controversies.

  • Criminal Activities: The O9A encourages its followers to engage in illegal activities as part of their initiation and personal development. These activities may include violence, sexual abuse, and other forms of criminality, which are seen as a means to break down societal norms and personal inhibitions.

  • Rituals: The O9A is known for its extreme and often violent rituals, which can include human sacrifices (though it is debated whether these are meant to be taken literally or symbolically). These rituals are part of their "Sinister Tradition" and are intended to invoke dark forces and entities.

  • Influence on Extremist Groups: The O9A has been influential in the radicaliSation of certain far-right groups and individuals. Some of its literature has been found among extremists involved in acts of terrorism and violence. This has led to increased scrutiny and calls for the group to be banned in various countries.

4. Public Perception and Law Enforcement.

  • Classifications and Bans: Due to its promotion of violence and extremist ideologies, the O9A has been classified as a hate group and a terrorist organisation by various governments and watchdog groups. Several countries have considered or implemented bans on O9A materials and activities.

  • Controversy: The O9A's combination of esoteric occultism and violent, far-right ideology makes it a uniquely disturbing group. It has attracted a mix of occultists, extremists, and fringe thinkers, leading to a diverse and often fragmented following. Its blend of mysticism and extremism continues to attract concern from law enforcement and counter-terrorism agencies.

5. Criticism and Counter-Movements.

  • Criticism from Other Occultists: Many within the broader occult and Satanist communities reject the O9A, criticising it for its emphasis on violence and its associations with far-right extremism. These critics argue that the O9A's focus on transgression and destruction undermines the more philosophical or spiritual aspects of Satanism and occultism.

  • Media and Academic Scrutiny: The O9A has been the subject of media investigations, academic research, and reports by extremism watchdogs. These analyses often highlight the group’s dangerous ideologies and potential to inspire violent acts.


The Order of Nine Angles is a highly secretive and controversial group that combines elements of Satanism, the occult, and far-right extremism. Its practices and beliefs are geared towards breaking down societal norms through acts of transgression, often encouraging illegal and violent behaviour. Due to its connections with extremist groups and the potential for inspiring acts of terrorism, the O9A has attracted significant attention from law enforcement, academics, and counter-extremism organisations.

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