Friday 30 August 2024

The Joy of Being Right.

The Calm Assurance of Truth.

There’s a particular kind of satisfaction that comes from knowing you are right. It’s a quiet, steady feeling that settles deep within, a serene confidence that wraps itself around your spirit. It is more than just the thrill of winning an argument or proving a point; it’s the profound contentment of having the truth on your side. In a world where opinions often masquerade as facts, and deception can sometimes wear the guise of sincerity, holding firm to what is true offers an unshakeable peace.

When you know you are right, when you have truth on your side, the noise and clamor of dissenting voices become little more than background static. There is a saying, “like water off a duck’s back,” and it perfectly captures the ease with which falsehoods and deceit slide away from you, unable to penetrate the armour of your certainty. Others may argue, they may attempt to undermine your position with lies or misrepresentation, but when you know the truth, their words hold no weight. They are powerless to disturb your inner peace.

This is not the boisterous triumph of someone who needs to prove themselves at every turn. It is not the loud insistence on being right for the sake of ego. Instead, it is the quiet, unshakeable knowledge that truth is its own defence. There is no need for theatrics or endless debates; the truth stands tall and steady on its own. And in that knowledge lies immense power and profound tranquillity.

To have the truth on your side is to walk through life with a kind of invulnerability. It grants you the patience to weather storms, knowing that justice will eventually prevail. You don’t need to scramble or fret over the lies that others might tell. They are transient, fleeting things that cannot stand the test of time. The truth, on the other hand, is enduring. It may take time for it to be recognized, but ultimately, it will shine through, as inevitable as the dawn after the darkest night.

This assurance allows you to let go of anger and frustration. When others attempt to deceive or mislead, their actions can be frustrating, even infuriating. But when you hold fast to the truth, you can meet such attempts with a kind of serene detachment. Their deceit cannot change the reality of what is true. And so, you can face their actions with calmness, knowing that they are but temporary disruptions in a journey that is ultimately guided by truth and justice.

There is a deep and abiding peace in knowing that everything will be okay, not because you can control the actions of others, but because the truth itself is unassailable. It is a peace that comes from the understanding that, regardless of how things may look in the moment, justice has a way of making itself known. There is comfort in knowing that, even if the path is winding and the road difficult, truth will eventually lead to where it must go.

In a world often characterised by uncertainty, holding onto what is true is like anchoring yourself in a safe harbour. It keeps you steady amid the turbulence, secure in the knowledge that you do not need to fight every battle or win every argument. Truth, after all, is not something that needs to be aggressively defended. It simply is. And in that simple, powerful reality lies the deepest form of satisfaction—the joy of being right, and the unshakeable peace that comes with it.

Standing On The Rock Of Truth…

**Verse 1:**  

I’ve been down this road before,  

Where the shadows whisper lies,  

But I’ve got something in my core,  

That they can’t touch, they can’t disguise.  

The world can twist and turn its words,  

But I see right through their game,  

I hold the light, I hold the truth,  

And I’ll never be the same.


‘Cause I’m standing on the rock of truth,  

Where the winds can’t shake me down.  

Let them speak their lies, let them wear their disguise,  

But I’ll keep my steady ground.  

Oh, the peace that fills my soul,  

Knowing I’ve got the truth on my side.  

It’s a fire that keeps me whole,  

And no storm can steal my pride.

**Verse 2:**  

They can shout, they can scream,  

Try to drag me in their fight,  

But I’m living in a higher dream,  

Where the wrongs will turn to right.  

They can throw their stones of doubt,  

But they’ll never break my skin,  

I’ve got the armor of what’s real,  

And I know I’ll always win.


‘Cause I’m standing on the rock of truth,  

Where the winds can’t shake me down.  

Let them speak their lies, let them wear their disguise,  

But I’ll keep my steady ground.  

Oh, the peace that fills my soul,  

Knowing I’ve got the truth on my side.  

It’s a fire that keeps me whole,  

And no storm can steal my pride.


The night can be so long,  

But the dawn is on its way,  

Justice sings a quiet song,  

That echoes in the day.  

No matter what they say or do,  

The truth will find its way,  

And I’ll be here, still standing tall,  

In the light of a brighter day.


‘Cause I’m standing on the rock of truth,  

Where the winds can’t shake me down.  

Let them speak their lies, let them wear their disguise,  

But I’ll keep my steady ground.  

Oh, the peace that fills my soul,  

Knowing I’ve got the truth on my side.  

It’s a fire that keeps me whole,  

And no storm can steal my pride.


So let the waves crash, let the thunder roll,  

I’ve got the truth, and it’s made me whole.  

Standing firm with a heart of steel,  

In the end, the truth will heal.

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