Friday 30 August 2024

King Arthur II: The True Story of Britain’s Greatest War King.

When one hears the name "King Arthur," the mind conjures images of a mythical figure shrouded in mystery, wielding the magical sword Excalibur, and surrounded by knights of the Round Table. However, beyond the realm of legend and romanticised tales lies a historical figure whose life and reign bear little resemblance to the stories of Camelot, yet who played a monumental role in shaping the history of Britain. This is the story of King Arthur II, the War King—a real king born into a long line of monarchs, a leader who united Britain against its enemies, and whose legacy endures in ways far removed from the fictionalised accounts we know today.

The Lineage of a King.

King Arthur II, born on Christmas Day in 503 AD in South Glamorgan, Wales, was not just a figure of legend, but a king from a distinguished lineage that traced its roots back to some of the most influential figures in Roman and British history. His grandfather, King Tewdrig, was a revered Paramount leader, and his father, King Meurig, continued this proud tradition. This royal line claimed descent from Magnus Maximus, a Roman usurper who ruled Britain, Gaul, and Spain in the late 4th century, and who was himself descended from Constantine the Great, the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. 

This illustrious heritage provided Arthur II with a strong claim to leadership—one that did not require the dramatic flair of pulling a sword from a stone. Instead, he was born into kingship, destined from birth to lead and defend his people. His upbringing in the Welsh courts was marked by rigorous training in the arts of war, and he was groomed from a young age to take on the responsibilities that his bloodline demanded.

The Making of a War King.

Arthur’s training was overseen by none other than Merlin—not the wizard of popular legend, but a formidable warlord and military strategist. Merlin's guidance equipped Arthur with the skills necessary to lead his people in a time when Britain was under constant threat from external forces. By the age of 15, Arthur had already proven his mettle in battle, leading his first military campaign against the Saxons—a group of Germanic tribes who were relentlessly encroaching on British soil. This early victory marked the beginning of a career characterised by martial prowess and strategic brilliance.

King Arthur II was a warrior king, clean-shaven and dark-haired, a striking figure who inspired loyalty and fear in equal measure. His reign was defined by a series of military campaigns aimed at defending and uniting the various kingdoms of Britain. Under his leadership, the fragmented British tribes were united against their common enemies, and the Saxons were driven from the lands they sought to conquer.

The Fall of Arthur’s Britain.

However, Arthur’s Britain was not destined to last. In 579 AD, catastrophe struck. According to a controversial theory proposed by historians Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett, and Ross Broadstock, Britain was devastated by debris from an asteroid impact, which turned the land into a toxic wasteland. This event, they argue, led to what we now know as the "Dark Ages"—a period of chaos and decline that lasted for nearly a decade.

This apocalyptic event, if true, would have had a profound impact on Arthur’s kingdom, forcing him and his people to seek a new home across the sea. In a bold and unprecedented move, Arthur II is said to have led his army on a fleet of 700 ships to America, where they settled in what is now Kentucky. This journey, which predates the voyages of Columbus by nearly a millennium, stands as one of the most extraordinary episodes in the history of exploration and conquest.

The Final Battle and Enduring Legacy.

Even in the New World, Arthur’s life was marked by conflict. The War King, who had spent his life defending Britain from foreign invaders, now found himself in battle once more—this time against the Native American tribes. In this distant land, far from the home he had fought so fiercely to protect, King Arthur II met his end. His death, however, was not the end of his story.

The legacy of King Arthur II has endured, passed down through centuries of oral tradition and preserved by groups like Britain’s Hidden History. These modern historians argue that the true story of Arthur II is far more compelling than the legends that have been woven around his name. They present a vision of Arthur not as a mythical hero, but as a real and powerful king whose deeds shaped the course of history in ways we are only beginning to understand.

Long Live the King.

The tale of King Arthur II is one of a warrior king who led his people through some of the darkest times in British history. His life and legacy challenge the conventional narratives of British history, offering a glimpse into a past where myth and reality intertwine. As we continue to uncover the truths behind the legends, the figure of King Arthur II emerges not just as a character from folklore, but as a real and enduring symbol of strength, leadership, and resilience.

Long live the King—long live King Arthur II, the War King.

**Verse 1**  

Born on a winter’s night, Christmas 503,  

A son of kings, destined to be free,  

No need for a sword or a stone,  

Arthur was born to claim the throne.  

From the blood of kings, his lineage runs deep,  

From Constantine’s line, a legacy to keep,  

A warrior’s heart, in a land so wild,  

Arthur II, Britain’s brave child.


Long live the King, Arthur the true,  

The War King who led, with a heart so blue,  

He fought for his land, united and strong,  

In the echoes of history, his name lives on.

**Verse 2**  

Merlin the warlord, not a wizard in the night,  

Taught him the ways of battle, the art of the fight,  

At fifteen years old, he led the charge,  

Against Saxon hordes, his legacy large.  

Clean-shaven, black hair, a king’s fierce glare,  

He drove the invaders out, with a warrior’s prayer,  

The tribes stood as one, under Arthur’s hand,  

He was the sword that defended the land.


Long live the King, Arthur the true,  

The War King who led, with a heart so blue,  

He fought for his land, united and strong,  

In the echoes of history, his name lives on.


But darkness fell, from the skies above,  

An asteroid’s wrath, the land he loved,  

Britain in ruins, a wasteland’s gloom,  

Yet Arthur sailed west, to escape the doom.  

To America’s shores, with seven hundred ships,  

He led his people on, through the ocean’s grips,  

In Kentucky’s hills, his final stand,  

Against new foes, in a distant land.


Long live the King, Arthur the true,  

The War King who led, with a heart so blue,  

He fought for his land, united and strong,  

In the echoes of history, his name lives on.


Now his story lives, not in legend's tales,  

But in the blood of Wales, where his spirit sails,  

Long live the King, Arthur’s line runs through,  

The heart of a nation, forever true.  

Long live the King, Arthur II,  

The War King of Britain, to whom honor is due.

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