Monday 23 September 2024

Matthew Taylor to Intervene with the Chinese Government Over Project Night Watch’s Business Dealings.

Matthew Taylor, an outspoken advocate and relentless critic of the so-called "child protection" group Project Night Watch, has announced plans to make a formal intervention with the Chinese Government. This comes after claims made by James Hind, the founder of Project Night Watch (PNW), suggesting that the Project Night Watch organisation is in negotiations with Chinese investors as part of a major international business deal. Taylor believes that the Chinese government would be very concerned if they knew they were aligning themselves with a group that promotes a satanic agenda and falsely presents itself as a child protection advocacy organisation.

Taylor, who spent time living in Hong Kong between 1994 and 1996, maintains strong connections with officials in the Chinese government and Chinese organised crime networks like the Triads. He believes the Chinese leadership would be highly concerned about aligning themselves with a discredited, perverse organisation like PNW.

In a recent blog post, James Hind, writing under his alias "Mordred," described ongoing negotiations with potential investors tied to Chinese interests. Hind claimed these negotiations have been in progress since early 2024 and are nearing a final decision. Hind’s statements prompted Taylor to consider raising alarms directly to the Chinese government, expressing concerns about the legitimacy of Project Night Watch and the real risks their alignment could pose.

James Hind’s Claims of Business Negotiations.

In his blog post, dated September 21, 2024, Hind boasted about Project Night Watch’s potential deal with Chinese investors. He wrote:

“In contrast to Matthew Taylor, the people at Project Night Watch do have business experience, and one of their potential investors is currently in negotiations between interests in the UK, Africa, and China that could have implications for PNW. The negotiations with those in China, who are tied to the Chinese government, have been running since the start of 2024, and on at least two occasions nearly fell through. The amount of hurdles that some had to jump through for making things happen in the deal has been slow, resource hungry, and challenging, but any day now a decision by those in China will be announced after their final stage of intensive checks. From our experience with the business interests in China, Taylor would fail even the most simple of due diligence by China, or most large-scale investors.”

Taylor, in response, asserts that the Chinese government, known for its highly controlled business environment and strategic economic alliances, would not take lightly the idea of collaborating with an organisation like Project Night Watch, which has a controversial reputation, dubious methods, and a leader known for his satanic affiliations.

Taylor’s Concerns: Aligning with a Fraudulent Group.

Taylor has long accused Project Night Watch of being more of a smear campaign and a source of harassment than an actual child protection organisation. He has also drawn attention to James Hind’s connections to satanic ideologies, which he believes contradict the moral standards that the Chinese government tends to uphold in its dealings.

Taylor stated, "The Chinese government would never knowingly align itself with a group that masquerades as a child protection organisation while promoting harmful ideologies. Project Night Watch is nothing more than a smokescreen for personal vendettas, and I intend to make sure the right people are aware of this before any deals are signed."

He emphasised that Hind’s personal agenda and dubious claims about Project Night Watch’s effectiveness in child protection undermine its credibility. Taylor also pointed out that Hind’s public admissions about his fascination with Satanism and other dark ideologies would likely raise red flags within China, a nation that remains highly vigilant about ideological threats to its state.

Hind’s Ongoing Obsession with Taylor.

For years, James Hind has maintained an ongoing campaign against Matthew Taylor, consistently publishing blog posts and social media content aimed at discrediting him. Taylor has often dismissed these attacks as baseless and rooted in Hind’s personal vendettas rather than any legitimate concern for child safety or community protection.

Taylor’s intervention with the Chinese government is not only a response to the false narratives being spread by Hind but also an attempt to safeguard against what he believes would be a dangerous and unethical partnership. Taylor stated, “If this deal goes through, it will not only legitimise Project Night Watch’s fraudulent operations but will also open the door for them to continue their harmful practices under the guise of child protection. China deserves to know the truth about who they’re dealing with.”

A Question of Ethics and Business Integrity.

Taylor’s move to involve the Chinese government signals a broader concern about the integrity of international business partnerships, especially when they involve organisations with questionable reputations. He hopes that by shedding light on the true nature of Project Night Watch, he can prevent further harm to vulnerable communities and expose Hind’s activities for what they are.

The Chinese government, which has stringent rules on foreign partnerships and values economic stability and national security, is expected to take such concerns seriously. Taylor remains confident that his intervention will lead to a reconsideration of any deals involving Project Night Watch, potentially halting the group's attempts to expand their influence through international channels.

Taylor’s influence and connections put him in a unique position to halt any potential deals between PNW and Chinese investors, adding another layer of pressure on Hind and his organisation.


"The Pot Calling the Kettle Black: James Hind’s Hypocrisy in Full Display."

Freedom of Dreaming.

James Hind, “Fantasist asks China for money after abandoning Saudi Arabian fantasy.”

Debunking James Hind’s Latest Tweet (27 September 2024 - 11:57hrs) About Matt Taylor.

James Hind’s Obsession with Children: What Do His Disturbing Images Reveal?

Tomatoh Punc Hits Back at James Hind’s Baseless Accusations.

James Hind and Project Night Watch: Utterly Discredited, A Finished Force.

Exposing James Hind: The Hypocrisy of a Self-Proclaimed Child Protection Advocate.

James Hind - The Extremist Mindset.

Ex-Royal Military Policeman Matt Taylor Dismantles Satanist James Hind’s False Narrative with AI Assistance.

An Analysis of James Hind’s Disturbing Image: A Hooded Figure, a Child, and a Veil of Danger.

An Analysis of James Hind's Latest Tweet: Projection, Gaslighting, and Fragmented Identity.

Project Night Watch: A Bunch of Perverts.

Analysis of James Hind's Latest Blog on Matthew Taylor.

Why I Bother with YouTube and Blogging: A Fight Against Misinformation.

The Ethical Obligation of Moderation.

The Morality of an Adult Posing as a Child Online: A Critical Exploration.

Understanding James Hind's Project Night Watch.

"Stop Making Images of Children".

Disband Project Night Watch Now!

The End of Project Night Watch.

The Truth Behind Project Night Watch: Why James Hind and His Team Operate in Anonymity.

"Behind the Facade: The Hypocrisy of Project Night Watch and Its Failed Mission".

Matthew Taylor’s Challenge to James Hind: “Keep Children Out of Your Mouth and Mind”.

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