Saturday 31 August 2024

The Worst Case of Stalking in Sussex: The Shana Grice Tragedy.

Shana Grice


The tragic case of Shana Grice, a 19-year-old woman from Portslade, East Sussex, represents one of the most shocking instances of police negligence in the face of stalking in the UK. Her brutal murder by her ex-boyfriend Michael Lane in August 2016, after months of stalking and harassment, highlighted severe failures in the handling of stalking cases by Sussex Police, ultimately leading to significant changes in police procedures and an outcry for better protections for victims.


Shana Grice met Michael Lane, then 26, through work in 2015. Although she was in a relationship with another man, Ashley Cooke, Grice briefly dated Lane but soon ended the relationship. Lane, however, refused to accept the breakup, becoming increasingly obsessed and controlling. Despite her attempts to distance herself from him, Lane began to stalk her relentlessly.

A Descent into Terror.

Lane's stalking behaviour escalated quickly. He repeatedly followed Shana, installed a tracking device on her car, slashed her car tires, and loitered around her home. The situation became so distressing that Grice sought help from the police on multiple occasions. However, instead of receiving the protection she desperately needed, Shana was fined £90 for wasting police time after she failed to disclose her prior relationship with Lane. The police viewed her complaints as a domestic issue rather than recognizing the clear signs of stalking and the imminent threat it posed.

Between February and July 2016, Shana reported Lane to the police five times. On one occasion, she reported that Lane had physically assaulted her by pulling her hair and grabbing her phone. Despite this, the police issued only a caution to Lane and dismissed Shana’s fears.

The Murder of Shana Grice.

On the morning of August 25, 2016, Shana Grice was brutally murdered by Lane in her own home. Lane broke into her house, slit her throat, and then set her bedroom on fire in an attempt to cover up the crime. Shana’s body was discovered later that day, and Lane was arrested shortly afterward.

Lane initially denied involvement, claiming he had no idea what had happened to Shana. However, evidence quickly mounted against him. CCTV footage showed him purchasing fuel shortly before the fire, and his mobile phone data placed him near Shana’s home at the time of the murder. Moreover, his DNA was found on the petrol can used to start the fire.

During his trial at Lewes Crown Court, it was revealed that Lane had a history of obsessive behavioir towards women, further emphasizing the danger he posed. Despite his claims of innocence, the overwhelming evidence led to his conviction. In March 2017, Lane was sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum term of 25 years.

Police Failures and Subsequent Investigation.

The murder of Shana Grice exposed significant failings in the way Sussex Police handled her case. An independent investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) found that the officers involved in Shana’s case failed to investigate her stalking claims properly and did not recognize the severity of the threat posed by Lane.

The IPCC's report, released in March 2017, criticized Sussex Police for their inadequate response to Shana’s pleas for help. It concluded that had the police taken her allegations more seriously, her death might have been prevented. As a result, five police officers were subject to disciplinary action, with one officer, PC Trevor Godfrey, being issued a final written warning for failing to investigate Lane’s behaviour thoroughly.

Public and Legal Repercussions.

Shana’s death sparked widespread outrage and prompted a national discussion about the dangers of stalking and the need for better protections for victims. The case highlighted the importance of police recognizing stalking as a serious crime and taking swift action to protect those who are at risk.

In the aftermath of the case, Sussex Police admitted their failings and took steps to improve their handling of stalking cases. They introduced mandatory training for officers on recognizing and responding to stalking, and new measures were implemented to ensure that victims are taken seriously and given the support they need.

Shana’s parents, Sharon Grice and Richard Green, have since campaigned for greater awareness of stalking and stronger protections for victims. They have called for changes in the law to ensure that other families do not have to endure the same heartbreak they have suffered.

The Dangers of Stalking.

The murder of Shana Grice is a harrowing reminder of the dangers of stalking and the catastrophic consequences that can result when authorities fail to act. Her case led to significant changes in how stalking cases are handled by the police, but it also left a lasting scar on her community and underscored the ongoing need for vigilance in protecting vulnerable individuals from such threats. The legacy of Shana Grice’s case is a stark warning of the cost of inaction and the need for systemic change to protect those at risk from persistent and dangerous stalkers.

Whistleblower Revelations: Misallocated Resources and Malicious Complaints.

In the years following the murder of Shana Grice, new allegations surfaced that painted an even more troubling picture of the failures within Sussex Police. A whistleblower within the force claimed that the mismanagement of Shana's case was not an isolated incident, but part of a broader pattern of mishandling stalking complaints. According to the whistleblower, resources that should have been allocated to protecting Shana and investigating her legitimate concerns were instead diverted to pursuing cases where individuals were falsely accused of stalking and harassment.

These revelations have sparked fresh outrage and renewed calls for accountability within the police force.

Misallocation of Resources: A Disturbing Pattern.

The whistleblower, who remains anonymous for fear of reprisals, alleged that Sussex Police often failed to distinguish between genuine complaints and those that were maliciously fabricated. In some cases, individuals with no history of threatening behavioir were aggressively pursued based on unsubstantiated claims, while real victims, like Shana Grice, were left vulnerable and unprotected.

The whistleblower testified that there was a lack of proper training and understanding among officers regarding the nature of stalking. Instead of thoroughly investigating the credibility of each complaint, some officers reportedly took action based on personal biases or pressures to quickly close cases, rather than ensuring that justice was served.

One particularly disturbing claim made by the whistleblower is that some officers were more concerned with maintaining their case closure rates and meeting performance targets than with the safety of victims. As a result, genuine stalking cases were often downplayed or ignored, while others, driven by personal vendettas or misunderstandings, received disproportionate attention.

Malicious Complaints: A Dangerous Oversight.

The testimony also revealed that Sussex Police had a worrying track record of being manipulated by malicious complainants who falsely accused others of stalking or harassment. These complainants, often driven by personal grudges or the desire to cause harm, exploited the system’s weaknesses to target innocent individuals. The police, according to the whistleblower, sometimes acted on these false complaints without conducting proper investigations, leading to wrongful arrests and wasted resources.

This misallocation of time and effort not only diverted critical resources away from genuine cases but also undermined public trust in the police. In Shana Grice’s case, the whistleblower suggested that if the police had been more discerning and had not been so easily swayed by baseless accusations in other cases, they would have had the capacity and focus to protect Shana.

A Failure of Priorities.

The whistleblower’s testimony highlights a failure within Sussex Police to prioritize the safety of real victims. The case of Shana Grice, tragically, stands as a grim example of what can happen when a police force fails to recognize the difference between a real threat and a malicious complaint. Had Sussex Police allocated their resources appropriately and treated Shana’s complaints with the seriousness they deserved, it is possible that she would still be alive today.

The whistleblower's allegations have added a new layer of complexity to the already damning narrative surrounding Shana Grice's murder. It is not just a story of negligence, but of systemic failures where the innocent were wrongly pursued while those in real danger were left unprotected.

Renewed Calls for Reform.

In light of these revelations, there have been renewed calls for comprehensive reform within Sussex Police and other forces across the UK. Advocacy groups, including the Suzy Lamplugh Trust and Paladin, have demanded stricter guidelines and better training for police officers to ensure that stalking cases are handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

There are also calls for an independent review of past cases where the police may have mishandled complaints, to ensure that justice is served and lessons are learned. The public, as well as victims' families, are demanding greater transparency and accountability from the police.


The tragic death of Shana Grice has become a symbol of the fatal consequences that can result from police failures to properly address stalking. The whistleblower’s testimony has shed new light on the systemic issues within Sussex Police, revealing that misallocated resources and a failure to distinguish between real and malicious complaints contributed to Shana's vulnerability and ultimate death.

This case underscores the urgent need for police reform, not only in Sussex but across the country, to prevent such tragedies from happening again. The legacy of Shana Grice must serve as a powerful reminder that the protection of vulnerable individuals should always be the highest priority for law enforcement, and that the systems in place to safeguard them must be robust, fair, and free from bias.

Friday 30 August 2024

The Joy of Being Right.

The Calm Assurance of Truth.

There’s a particular kind of satisfaction that comes from knowing you are right. It’s a quiet, steady feeling that settles deep within, a serene confidence that wraps itself around your spirit. It is more than just the thrill of winning an argument or proving a point; it’s the profound contentment of having the truth on your side. In a world where opinions often masquerade as facts, and deception can sometimes wear the guise of sincerity, holding firm to what is true offers an unshakeable peace.

When you know you are right, when you have truth on your side, the noise and clamor of dissenting voices become little more than background static. There is a saying, “like water off a duck’s back,” and it perfectly captures the ease with which falsehoods and deceit slide away from you, unable to penetrate the armour of your certainty. Others may argue, they may attempt to undermine your position with lies or misrepresentation, but when you know the truth, their words hold no weight. They are powerless to disturb your inner peace.

This is not the boisterous triumph of someone who needs to prove themselves at every turn. It is not the loud insistence on being right for the sake of ego. Instead, it is the quiet, unshakeable knowledge that truth is its own defence. There is no need for theatrics or endless debates; the truth stands tall and steady on its own. And in that knowledge lies immense power and profound tranquillity.

To have the truth on your side is to walk through life with a kind of invulnerability. It grants you the patience to weather storms, knowing that justice will eventually prevail. You don’t need to scramble or fret over the lies that others might tell. They are transient, fleeting things that cannot stand the test of time. The truth, on the other hand, is enduring. It may take time for it to be recognized, but ultimately, it will shine through, as inevitable as the dawn after the darkest night.

This assurance allows you to let go of anger and frustration. When others attempt to deceive or mislead, their actions can be frustrating, even infuriating. But when you hold fast to the truth, you can meet such attempts with a kind of serene detachment. Their deceit cannot change the reality of what is true. And so, you can face their actions with calmness, knowing that they are but temporary disruptions in a journey that is ultimately guided by truth and justice.

There is a deep and abiding peace in knowing that everything will be okay, not because you can control the actions of others, but because the truth itself is unassailable. It is a peace that comes from the understanding that, regardless of how things may look in the moment, justice has a way of making itself known. There is comfort in knowing that, even if the path is winding and the road difficult, truth will eventually lead to where it must go.

In a world often characterised by uncertainty, holding onto what is true is like anchoring yourself in a safe harbour. It keeps you steady amid the turbulence, secure in the knowledge that you do not need to fight every battle or win every argument. Truth, after all, is not something that needs to be aggressively defended. It simply is. And in that simple, powerful reality lies the deepest form of satisfaction—the joy of being right, and the unshakeable peace that comes with it.

Standing On The Rock Of Truth…

**Verse 1:**  

I’ve been down this road before,  

Where the shadows whisper lies,  

But I’ve got something in my core,  

That they can’t touch, they can’t disguise.  

The world can twist and turn its words,  

But I see right through their game,  

I hold the light, I hold the truth,  

And I’ll never be the same.


‘Cause I’m standing on the rock of truth,  

Where the winds can’t shake me down.  

Let them speak their lies, let them wear their disguise,  

But I’ll keep my steady ground.  

Oh, the peace that fills my soul,  

Knowing I’ve got the truth on my side.  

It’s a fire that keeps me whole,  

And no storm can steal my pride.

**Verse 2:**  

They can shout, they can scream,  

Try to drag me in their fight,  

But I’m living in a higher dream,  

Where the wrongs will turn to right.  

They can throw their stones of doubt,  

But they’ll never break my skin,  

I’ve got the armor of what’s real,  

And I know I’ll always win.


‘Cause I’m standing on the rock of truth,  

Where the winds can’t shake me down.  

Let them speak their lies, let them wear their disguise,  

But I’ll keep my steady ground.  

Oh, the peace that fills my soul,  

Knowing I’ve got the truth on my side.  

It’s a fire that keeps me whole,  

And no storm can steal my pride.


The night can be so long,  

But the dawn is on its way,  

Justice sings a quiet song,  

That echoes in the day.  

No matter what they say or do,  

The truth will find its way,  

And I’ll be here, still standing tall,  

In the light of a brighter day.


‘Cause I’m standing on the rock of truth,  

Where the winds can’t shake me down.  

Let them speak their lies, let them wear their disguise,  

But I’ll keep my steady ground.  

Oh, the peace that fills my soul,  

Knowing I’ve got the truth on my side.  

It’s a fire that keeps me whole,  

And no storm can steal my pride.


So let the waves crash, let the thunder roll,  

I’ve got the truth, and it’s made me whole.  

Standing firm with a heart of steel,  

In the end, the truth will heal.

King Arthur II: The True Story of Britain’s Greatest War King.

When one hears the name "King Arthur," the mind conjures images of a mythical figure shrouded in mystery, wielding the magical sword Excalibur, and surrounded by knights of the Round Table. However, beyond the realm of legend and romanticised tales lies a historical figure whose life and reign bear little resemblance to the stories of Camelot, yet who played a monumental role in shaping the history of Britain. This is the story of King Arthur II, the War King—a real king born into a long line of monarchs, a leader who united Britain against its enemies, and whose legacy endures in ways far removed from the fictionalised accounts we know today.

The Lineage of a King.

King Arthur II, born on Christmas Day in 503 AD in South Glamorgan, Wales, was not just a figure of legend, but a king from a distinguished lineage that traced its roots back to some of the most influential figures in Roman and British history. His grandfather, King Tewdrig, was a revered Paramount leader, and his father, King Meurig, continued this proud tradition. This royal line claimed descent from Magnus Maximus, a Roman usurper who ruled Britain, Gaul, and Spain in the late 4th century, and who was himself descended from Constantine the Great, the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. 

This illustrious heritage provided Arthur II with a strong claim to leadership—one that did not require the dramatic flair of pulling a sword from a stone. Instead, he was born into kingship, destined from birth to lead and defend his people. His upbringing in the Welsh courts was marked by rigorous training in the arts of war, and he was groomed from a young age to take on the responsibilities that his bloodline demanded.

The Making of a War King.

Arthur’s training was overseen by none other than Merlin—not the wizard of popular legend, but a formidable warlord and military strategist. Merlin's guidance equipped Arthur with the skills necessary to lead his people in a time when Britain was under constant threat from external forces. By the age of 15, Arthur had already proven his mettle in battle, leading his first military campaign against the Saxons—a group of Germanic tribes who were relentlessly encroaching on British soil. This early victory marked the beginning of a career characterised by martial prowess and strategic brilliance.

King Arthur II was a warrior king, clean-shaven and dark-haired, a striking figure who inspired loyalty and fear in equal measure. His reign was defined by a series of military campaigns aimed at defending and uniting the various kingdoms of Britain. Under his leadership, the fragmented British tribes were united against their common enemies, and the Saxons were driven from the lands they sought to conquer.

The Fall of Arthur’s Britain.

However, Arthur’s Britain was not destined to last. In 579 AD, catastrophe struck. According to a controversial theory proposed by historians Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett, and Ross Broadstock, Britain was devastated by debris from an asteroid impact, which turned the land into a toxic wasteland. This event, they argue, led to what we now know as the "Dark Ages"—a period of chaos and decline that lasted for nearly a decade.

This apocalyptic event, if true, would have had a profound impact on Arthur’s kingdom, forcing him and his people to seek a new home across the sea. In a bold and unprecedented move, Arthur II is said to have led his army on a fleet of 700 ships to America, where they settled in what is now Kentucky. This journey, which predates the voyages of Columbus by nearly a millennium, stands as one of the most extraordinary episodes in the history of exploration and conquest.

The Final Battle and Enduring Legacy.

Even in the New World, Arthur’s life was marked by conflict. The War King, who had spent his life defending Britain from foreign invaders, now found himself in battle once more—this time against the Native American tribes. In this distant land, far from the home he had fought so fiercely to protect, King Arthur II met his end. His death, however, was not the end of his story.

The legacy of King Arthur II has endured, passed down through centuries of oral tradition and preserved by groups like Britain’s Hidden History. These modern historians argue that the true story of Arthur II is far more compelling than the legends that have been woven around his name. They present a vision of Arthur not as a mythical hero, but as a real and powerful king whose deeds shaped the course of history in ways we are only beginning to understand.

Long Live the King.

The tale of King Arthur II is one of a warrior king who led his people through some of the darkest times in British history. His life and legacy challenge the conventional narratives of British history, offering a glimpse into a past where myth and reality intertwine. As we continue to uncover the truths behind the legends, the figure of King Arthur II emerges not just as a character from folklore, but as a real and enduring symbol of strength, leadership, and resilience.

Long live the King—long live King Arthur II, the War King.

**Verse 1**  

Born on a winter’s night, Christmas 503,  

A son of kings, destined to be free,  

No need for a sword or a stone,  

Arthur was born to claim the throne.  

From the blood of kings, his lineage runs deep,  

From Constantine’s line, a legacy to keep,  

A warrior’s heart, in a land so wild,  

Arthur II, Britain’s brave child.


Long live the King, Arthur the true,  

The War King who led, with a heart so blue,  

He fought for his land, united and strong,  

In the echoes of history, his name lives on.

**Verse 2**  

Merlin the warlord, not a wizard in the night,  

Taught him the ways of battle, the art of the fight,  

At fifteen years old, he led the charge,  

Against Saxon hordes, his legacy large.  

Clean-shaven, black hair, a king’s fierce glare,  

He drove the invaders out, with a warrior’s prayer,  

The tribes stood as one, under Arthur’s hand,  

He was the sword that defended the land.


Long live the King, Arthur the true,  

The War King who led, with a heart so blue,  

He fought for his land, united and strong,  

In the echoes of history, his name lives on.


But darkness fell, from the skies above,  

An asteroid’s wrath, the land he loved,  

Britain in ruins, a wasteland’s gloom,  

Yet Arthur sailed west, to escape the doom.  

To America’s shores, with seven hundred ships,  

He led his people on, through the ocean’s grips,  

In Kentucky’s hills, his final stand,  

Against new foes, in a distant land.


Long live the King, Arthur the true,  

The War King who led, with a heart so blue,  

He fought for his land, united and strong,  

In the echoes of history, his name lives on.


Now his story lives, not in legend's tales,  

But in the blood of Wales, where his spirit sails,  

Long live the King, Arthur’s line runs through,  

The heart of a nation, forever true.  

Long live the King, Arthur II,  

The War King of Britain, to whom honor is due.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Immigration - The Silent Surge.

Unveiling the True Extent of Immigration Accommodation in the UK.

In recent months, independent observers and whistleblowers have brought to light a significant yet underreported issue in the United Kingdom: the extensive use of hotel rooms to accommodate immigrants. These claims suggest that the scale of this operation is much larger than officially acknowledged by the government, raising serious questions about transparency, public accountability, and the potential reasons for withholding this information from the public.

The Scope of the Accommodation Issue.

Reports from various independent sources indicate that a substantial number of hotel rooms across the UK are being rented out by the Home Office to house immigrants. While the government has confirmed that hotels are being used as a temporary solution due to the pressures on the asylum system, the scale of this operation appears to be much more extensive than what is officially reported.

Observers on the ground have suggested that entire hotels, particularly in smaller towns and rural areas, have been effectively taken over to house immigrants. In some cases, these accommodations are being provided for months on end, funded by the taxpayer. The costs associated with this have not been fully disclosed, and the extent of the taxpayer burden remains unclear. What is evident, however, is that the number of immigrants being accommodated far exceeds the figures commonly cited in government statements.

The Question of Transparency.

The secrecy surrounding this issue is alarming. Official figures on the number of immigrants arriving in the UK and those being accommodated in hotels appear to be significantly understated. Critics argue that this lack of transparency is intentional, designed to downplay the true scale of the situation and to avoid sparking public concern or backlash.

Several factors could be contributing to this lack of openness. First, the UK government is likely wary of fueling public discontent, particularly at a time when immigration is a highly polarizing issue. By underreporting the number of immigrants being housed at taxpayers' expense, officials may be attempting to mitigate the risk of stoking anti-immigrant sentiment.

Moreover, the government may also be concerned about the logistical and security implications of revealing the full scale of the immigration accommodation efforts. Disclosing the true numbers could potentially overwhelm local services, lead to protests, or even result in security threats against the immigrants being housed.

Why the Silence?

There are several reasons why the government might be reluctant to fully disclose the extent of the immigration accommodation program. First and foremost, public opinion on immigration is deeply divided. A significant portion of the population is concerned about the impact of immigration on public services, housing, and jobs. Revealing the full extent of the accommodation efforts could exacerbate these concerns and lead to political instability.

Additionally, the government may fear that transparency could undermine its broader immigration strategy. The UK has been grappling with how to balance its international obligations to asylum seekers with domestic concerns about immigration levels. By keeping the public in the dark about the true scale of the accommodation efforts, the government might be attempting to buy time as it tries to find a more permanent solution to the pressures on the asylum system.

Finally, there is the issue of financial accountability. The costs associated with housing immigrants in hotels are significant, and there is likely concern within the government about how this expenditure will be received by the public, especially in the context of broader economic challenges facing the country.

The Need for Accountability and Public Debate.

The lack of transparency on this issue is problematic. The public has a right to know how their money is being spent and to what extent their communities are being affected by immigration policies. Without full disclosure, it is impossible to have an informed public debate about the best way to handle the pressures on the UK’s immigration system.

Furthermore, the current approach of underreporting and withholding information only serves to erode public trust in government institutions. In an era where misinformation and distrust are rampant, the government's strategy of secrecy may backfire, leading to greater skepticism and anger among the populace.

In Conclusion.

The revelations about the extensive use of hotel rooms to house immigrants in the UK raise serious questions about government transparency and accountability. While the challenges facing the UK’s immigration system are undeniable, the public deserves to be fully informed about the scale of the situation and the implications for their communities and their tax dollars. It is time for the government to come clean, provide accurate data, and engage in an honest conversation with the public about the best way forward. Only through transparency and accountability can trust be restored and effective, sustainable solutions be found.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Exploring the Dark Side of Online Identity: The Case of "Brighton's Beast".

In the digital age, where social media platforms offer a stage to anyone with a camera and a creative spark, the rise of YouTubers has become a cultural phenomenon. People from all walks of life have found success, fame, and fulfillment through YouTube, turning what was once a hobby into a viable career. However, with the allure of YouTube stardom comes a darker side—jealousy, sabotage, and identity theft. This blog delves into a particularly disturbing incident involving Matt Taylor, also known as "Brighton’s Beast" on YouTube, who was targeted by a comment stating, "You're finished as a YouTuber," a comment made more insidious by the fact that it came from a cloned version of Taylor’s own account.

The Psychology Behind Cloning Matt Taylor's Account.

First, let’s explore the motivation behind cloning Matt Taylor’s account. Identity theft on social media, especially on platforms like YouTube, isn’t just about stealing a name or profile picture. It’s about undermining the credibility and reputation of the person being impersonated. In this case, cloning Taylor’s account to leave a threatening comment was likely an attempt to rattle his confidence and sow doubt among his followers. By using his username "Brighton’s Beast" and his profile picture, the impersonator aimed to create confusion, making it seem like Taylor was discrediting himself.

This kind of psychological warfare is a form of digital gaslighting. The impersonator isn’t just trying to damage Taylor’s online presence; they’re attempting to make him doubt his worth as a creator and question the loyalty of his audience. In the hyper-competitive world of YouTube, where views, likes, and subscriber counts are the currency, such attacks can be deeply unsettling. The impersonator might be motivated by envy, personal vendetta, or simply the desire to watch someone else’s downfall.

Why Being a YouTuber is Such a Big Deal.

So, what makes being a YouTuber so significant that someone would go to such lengths to sabotage another’s career? For many, YouTube represents more than just a platform for sharing videos; it’s a gateway to fame, financial independence, and personal fulfillment. Successful YouTubers can earn substantial income through ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Beyond the monetary rewards, YouTube offers creators the opportunity to build a community, influence culture, and express themselves in ways that traditional media might not allow.

The public nature of YouTube means that creators are constantly under scrutiny. Success on the platform requires not just talent, but resilience in the face of criticism and adversity. The visibility of YouTubers, combined with the relatively low barrier to entry, creates an environment where jealousy and competition can thrive. For every creator who makes it big, there are countless others who struggle to gain traction, which can breed resentment among peers and viewers alike.

The Sabotage of Potential YouTubers.

The comment left on Matt Taylor’s channel highlights a broader issue— the deliberate sabotage of up-and-coming YouTubers. The promise of YouTube stardom can be a powerful motivator, but it also makes some people targets for sabotage. For those who feel threatened by the success or potential success of others, cloning accounts and leaving damaging comments can seem like an easy way to take down the competition.

This sabotage is often driven by the fear that someone else’s success will come at their own expense. The idea that there’s only so much success to go around— a zero-sum mentality— fuels this destructive behaviour. In reality, the success of one YouTuber doesn’t negate the potential success of another. However, the perception that YouTube is a cutthroat environment where only the strongest survive can lead to toxic behaviour.

What’s So Great About Being a YouTuber?

For many, the appeal of being a YouTuber lies in the ability to connect with an audience on a personal level, share passions, and have a voice in a world that’s increasingly dominated by corporate interests. YouTube allows individuals to bypass traditional gatekeepers of media— TV networks, film studios, publishers— and reach an audience directly. This democratization of content creation is empowering, but it also means that success on the platform is hard-won and fiercely protected.

The idea of being “finished as a YouTuber,” as the comment threatened, is particularly harrowing because for many creators, YouTube isn’t just a job; it’s their identity. Losing their platform could mean losing a part of themselves. That’s why the threat to Taylor, coming from what appeared to be his own account, was so chilling. It wasn’t just an attack on his channel; it was an attack on his very sense of self.

In Conclusion.

The incident involving Matt Taylor and the ominous comment left by a cloned version of his own account underscores the darker side of YouTube culture. As much as the platform can offer incredible opportunities for creators, it also exposes them to unique vulnerabilities. The motivations behind such sabotage are complex, rooted in envy, competition, and the fear of being overshadowed. In the end, what makes being a YouTuber so desirable— the autonomy, the connection with an audience, and the potential for success— is also what makes it so fraught with challenges. For those willing to put themselves out there, the rewards can be great, but so too are the risks.

Friday 23 August 2024

MattTaylorTV! Late Night Chat and Music... 22 Aug 2024 with ONA Guest Fallen Angel.

The Order of Nine Angles.

The Order of Nine Angles (ONA or O9A) is an esoteric and controversial organisation that has garnered attention due to its extreme ideology and practices, which have been described as a blend of Satanism, the occult, and far-right extremism. Here's an overview of what the O9A is about:

1. Origins and Background.

  • Founding: The Order of Nine Angles was founded in the 1970s in the United Kingdom by David Myatt, a British occultist who has also been associated with neo-Nazi movements. Myatt used the pseudonym "Anton Long" to author many of the O9A's texts.

  • Structure: Unlike traditional organisations, the O9A is more of a decentralised network of individuals and small groups (called "nexions"), making it difficult to pin down specific membership numbers or a hierarchical structure.

2. Philosophy and Beliefs.

  • Satanism and the Occult: The O9A espouses a form of Satanism that is distinctly different from other Satanic organisations like the Church of Satan. It emphasises practical, real-world acts of evil and disruption as a way of achieving personal and societal transformation.

  • Antinomianism: Central to O9A's belief system is antinomianism, which is the rejection of conventional moral laws and norms. The O9A encourages its adherents to break societal taboos and engage in transgressive behaviours as a means of personal empowerment and spiritual evolution.

  • The Seven-Fold Way: This is the O9A’s path of initiation, a rigorous process that is said to lead the practitioner from novice to an advanced state of personal and spiritual development. This path includes physical challenges, esoteric practices, and real-world acts that often involve criminal or violent behaviour.

  • Racial and Nationalist Ideologies: The O9A has been linked to far-right and neo-Nazi ideologies. The group promotes a form of racialism that aligns with the idea of a societal collapse and the emergence of a new, stronger human race. This connection has led to the O9A being classified as a terrorist entity in some countries.

3. Practices and Controversies.

  • Criminal Activities: The O9A encourages its followers to engage in illegal activities as part of their initiation and personal development. These activities may include violence, sexual abuse, and other forms of criminality, which are seen as a means to break down societal norms and personal inhibitions.

  • Rituals: The O9A is known for its extreme and often violent rituals, which can include human sacrifices (though it is debated whether these are meant to be taken literally or symbolically). These rituals are part of their "Sinister Tradition" and are intended to invoke dark forces and entities.

  • Influence on Extremist Groups: The O9A has been influential in the radicaliSation of certain far-right groups and individuals. Some of its literature has been found among extremists involved in acts of terrorism and violence. This has led to increased scrutiny and calls for the group to be banned in various countries.

4. Public Perception and Law Enforcement.

  • Classifications and Bans: Due to its promotion of violence and extremist ideologies, the O9A has been classified as a hate group and a terrorist organisation by various governments and watchdog groups. Several countries have considered or implemented bans on O9A materials and activities.

  • Controversy: The O9A's combination of esoteric occultism and violent, far-right ideology makes it a uniquely disturbing group. It has attracted a mix of occultists, extremists, and fringe thinkers, leading to a diverse and often fragmented following. Its blend of mysticism and extremism continues to attract concern from law enforcement and counter-terrorism agencies.

5. Criticism and Counter-Movements.

  • Criticism from Other Occultists: Many within the broader occult and Satanist communities reject the O9A, criticising it for its emphasis on violence and its associations with far-right extremism. These critics argue that the O9A's focus on transgression and destruction undermines the more philosophical or spiritual aspects of Satanism and occultism.

  • Media and Academic Scrutiny: The O9A has been the subject of media investigations, academic research, and reports by extremism watchdogs. These analyses often highlight the group’s dangerous ideologies and potential to inspire violent acts.


The Order of Nine Angles is a highly secretive and controversial group that combines elements of Satanism, the occult, and far-right extremism. Its practices and beliefs are geared towards breaking down societal norms through acts of transgression, often encouraging illegal and violent behaviour. Due to its connections with extremist groups and the potential for inspiring acts of terrorism, the O9A has attracted significant attention from law enforcement, academics, and counter-extremism organisations.

MattTaylorTV! I Can't Talk About It... 21 August 2024.

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