Wednesday 3 May 2023

Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis has been jailed for 12 months at RCJ.

Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, sentenced to prison for helping people with corruption cases.

Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis Jailed Today

Edward Ellis, an Equity Lawyer, has been sentenced to 12 months at Pentonville Prison for helping people, free of charge, in their corruption cases. 

The shocking news was announced outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London today by close friends, including Neelu Berry, who fear he will die in prison because the judges did not take into consideration his kidney dialysis treatment, which they claim he isn't receiving because he hadn't provided evidence to prove he's on kidney dialysis.

“Edward Ellis is going to die…”

Edward Ellis is an Equity Lawyer who has been publicising a Mass Corruption Remedy Process that he has been working on for 20 years with the Equity Monarchy Trusts. He was suspended indefinitely from practice in 2006 and was struck off the roll of solicitors in 2013. Despite this, he continued to help people free of charge in their corruption cases.

The sentencing of Edward Ellis has sparked outrage among his supporters, who believe that he has been unfairly targeted for his work in exposing corruption. They are calling for his immediate release and for justice to be served.

Calling for the complete demolition of the Royal Courts of Justice, whistle-blower chemist Neelu Berry calls the Judges who sentenced him, assassins and traitors, warning that Mr Ellis is going to die in only a few days.

“They’ve got blood in their hands.”

Neelu Berry, accused both Lord Justice's Coulson and Lewison of having blood on their hands. Outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, Neelu said via a livestream on Facebook, "We are outside the Royal Courts of Justice, and they've just sent Edward Ellis to prison by Lord Justice Coulson and Lord Justice Lewison, for helping people with their corruption cases, free of charge for the last 20 years, for their own satisfaction of their criminal cover-up in the civil courts, where they are money laundering, human trafficking, and fraudulently trading cases, in predetermination, where they've already made up their minds as to what is going to happen. They've sentenced him knowing he is on dialysis and he's going to die."

Whistle-blower Neelu Berry

Equity lawyer refers to a legal professional who specialises in equity law. Equity law is a set of remedies and associated procedures involved with civil law that are distinguished from legal ones. While legal remedies typically involve monetary damages, equitable relief typically refers to injunctions, specific performance, and other non-monetary remedies. The distinction between legal and equitable remedies arose in England where there were separate courts of law and courts of equity. Today, the same court that may fashion a legal remedy has the power to prescribe an equitable one.

Equity Governance UK is a website that provides an introduction to the Common Law and Equity Governance. The website publishes Case Papers used for the Equity Governance Recovery Process, which is a work in progress. The Remedy Process Cases have priority.

The Equity Lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in equity law and is knowledgeable about the equitable doctrines and procedures involved with civil law.

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