Even before the blood had congealed in
the veins of the Paris fallen, the French President was calling for
all out war against ISIL and the conspiracy theorists were calling
In an age of instant communication and
opinion without barriers, it was inevitable differing sides of the
story were to come to the surface so soon.
What to believe? To be a conspiracy
theorist or not to be; seems to be the seminal question of the 21st
Call it what you want? The Truth
Movement, the Alternative View, the Independent View or simply the
Tin-hat Parade, conspiracy theorists are growing in popularity as
fast as Christians are converting to Islam.
With 9/11 as the catalyst, popular
videos such as September Clues, 7/7 Ripple Effect and The Straw-man
have done more to convert people's mind to what many people would
think worthy of being committed to a mental asylum.
After all, if anyone seriously believes
the very people we vote into power to look after our safety and
interest and the one's who are actively plan these events which
destroy our safety and which go against our best interest, must be
mad. To seriously believe our elected leaders, business leaders,
religious leaders and Royalty are secret members of satanic cults
which sacrifice and even eat babies is more than mad, its totally
deranged. To seriously believe a secretive club of men, women and
aliens run the world from the shadows; really! Lets just call the men
in white suits to take you away.
As crazy and absurd the conspiracy
theorist sounds; their belief in the crazy and absurd is rock solid
and believed with a passion equal to a devoted nun who believes her
virginity will please a bearded man in the sky.
Our society is literally fracturing
before our eyes. Its no longer a matter of the haves and have nots,
its a matter of who believe that our world is run by evil or who not.
Within hours of the Paris attack
conspiracy theorists were doubting the official narrative due to the
lack of evidence relating to the hundreds alleged dead.
Paraphrasing what many were saying, 'In
a world of mobile phones and cameras, where is the footage of the
attackers, the explosions and the dead?'
I said the same thing to my partner
while watching the 10 O'Clock News. “I haven't seen one dead body
French carnage following air strikes against ISIS |
Ironically the very next piece of news
was the release of a picture of the dead from within the Bataclan
concert hall minutes after the Paris terror attacks.
My partner looked at me with pure pity
in her eyes. Pity I'm a conspiracy theorists who disbelieves anything
the 10 O'Clock news tells me.
(Mind you she's adamant Lady C from
this year's I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here is a man!)
But still, my resolve remained strong
because the 10 O'Clock news editor deemed the picture too distressing
for me to see and blurred the image.
“Its after the 9pm threshold and I'm
an adult,” I complained to her, “Why does the 10 O'Clock news
treat me like a child and decide what's acceptable and whats
unacceptable for me to see?”
With my tin-hat on, I now realise they
didn't show the picture in detail because the picture revealed
smeared blood all over the hall's floor. The first question anyone
would ask is why were the dead bodies dragged all across the floor
minutes after being shot dead?
That question still hasn't been
answered by the main stream news but answered by the alternative
media, with the evil theory that the Paris authorities killed people
outside the venue and dragged them in to be left dead on the floor
for their photo-shoot.
Perhaps that's why people are joining
the Truth Movement in their droves. At least the Truth Movement gives
you answers.
Take for example what 21st
Century Wire editor Patrick Henningsen said on Ian R Crane's Humanity
v's Insanity Show No' 57:
“Its like a parallel, two tracks
of reality. One is consensus reality- thats for the mainstream media
and the political minions and bagmen and then you have the truth.
Most people are now choosing to go on the truth track because it
actually makes sense, there's come logical and critical analyst that
seems to make sense. The problem with Paris and Syria, it doesn't
make any sense, they're tripping over their shoe laces right now
because they've weaved such an extravagant web of lies for the last
few years that it doesn't even match up.
They can't even decide what to call
ISIS. One day its ISIL, the other day its ISI, the other day its
Islamic State, they can't even decide what to name it. That shows you
how bogus the whole bogey man agenda is.”
Its fair to surmise that just beneath
the surface is a totally different narrative as to what is being
broadcast on the news and written in our national and international
One's good and one's evil; and the evil
don't want you to know how evil it really is.
Here is what the Independent newspaper
said about conspiracy theorists in it's article 'Paris terror: 10
internet hoaxes about the attacks debunked.'
“People are frightened and seeking
information as quickly as they can; in other cases, Internet trolls
and pranksters exploit these high-profile, high-coverage events for
their own malicious ends.”
Having written a lot about the
Alternative Movement (of which I like the term 'Independent Movement'
much better), I can categorically state that the people who
participate in the movement have no malicious ends, other than to
lead a wholesome and crime free life.
This is why the mainstream news are so
quick to counter-act the conspiracy theorises as soon as they arise.
They dismiss conspiracy theory with the
argument that the average man on the street simply cannot come to
terms with the randomness of the world; thus clutching to conspiracy
theories in a vain attempt to explain their own misfortune and lack
of success is due to a master plan of Illuminati families intent on
keeping the down trodden down and the meek meek.
Take for example the Guardian article
'When conspiracy theories lead to tied-up thinking.'
“And here lies a real problem.
Conspiracism can appeal to the disenfranchised and idealistic as an
explanation of why the world isn't how you'd like it to be. But it
can become dangerous when one starts to believe that the big "They"
are intent on keeping you from reaching your full potential, possibly
out of malice, possibly out of fear of your unleashed abilities.”
Though absurdly on their part they go
on to admit conspiracy is real but not real enough.
As the article continues:
“None of this is to suggest
conspiracies don't happen, that men do not gather in secret and plot
to orchestrate events, that governments will not do unspeakable
things to citizens without them knowing.
There is little doubt now, for
example, that the UK secret services conspired to overthrow the
democratic Mossadegh government in Iran, mendacious meddling from
which the Iranian people are still feeling the repercussions to this
day, in the form of the Islamic Republic. Or indeed that generals
have subjected soldiers to drug tests and dangerously high levels of
radiation, without alerting the men to the full dangers.
It is absolutely correct to be
sceptical of those in power. But conspiracism does not offer
scepticism, merely an all-encompassing mush that preys on the
idealistic and the gullible and turns them to paranoid cranks.”
So here we have it in black and white.
Men do gather in secret and plot to orchestrate events, but they
didn't for the Paris attack, London's 7/7 attack and America's 9/11.
Why? Just trust us on this one!
This is the seminal question everybody
in the Independent Movement has asked themselves. What to think? What
to believe?
As Patrick Henningsen said earlier:
“There are two tracks of reality. One is consensus reality-
thats for the mainstream media and the political minions and bagmen
and then you have the truth.”
Anyone with half a brain would choose
the truth; but you'd be surprised. As the cartoon depicts, its human
nature to steer to 'a reassuring lie' rather than 'an inconvenient
an Inconvenient Truth v's a Reassuring Lie |
This is the argument the Independent
Movement uses against the mainstream view, in much the same way the
mainstream uses the argument of feeling helpless and small against
the Independent Movement.
People will always steer to 'a reassuring lie' because addressing the 'inconvenient truth' means
they must acknowledge the full and unadulterated horror in their
midst. It means acknowledging that the people they've put their faith
in are satanic cult members who eat and sacrifice babies.
On a more personal note, read for
yourself the opening paragraph of an email sent to me today:
“Hello Mr. Matt Taylor
I am called Florence Machares. I am
French. I am contacting you by chance because I need to find a soul
charitable and pure which will help us to disclose this matter of
corruption in French justice. This fudging of children in organized
band in the highest spheres of the French state with the compliance
of malicious judges perverse sadistic psychopaths blasphemers without
souls without shadows nor compassion diabolical followers of Satan
the Devil.”
How much longer can the mainstream
media carry on dismissing the numerous claims that world terror
attacks are staged events and the whistle blower testimonies that our
world leaders are satanic cult members?
Remember it took TV personality Phillip
Schofield only three minutes of internet searching to compile a list
of alleged Parliamentary paedophiles which he famously handed over to
David Cameron.
Its takes quicker to find the many
conspiracy sites which tell a different story to what is being sold
on TV.
Below are just my top five of many
thousands more.
We in the Independent Movement reside
here-in at our own expense and risk. Regardless of what the
Independent newspaper likes to tell you, we don't do what we do for
our own “malicious ends.”
Like any law abiding citizen around the
world, we work hard and put ourselves at risk to build a better
future for ourselves and our children.
The personal stories of many in the
Independent Movement would surely make everyone sit up in surprise.
How social services are intent on
taking Chris Spivey's grandson into care for exposing the Woolwich
false flag and much more...
How MI5 set out to poison, murder
and discredit Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett because of their
historical research into ancient British history.
How ATVOD tried to shut down UK
Column news under the pretext that their Youtube channel was deemed
a “video on demand service”.
How Illuminati whistleblower Greg
Hallett narrowly survived 13 assassination attempts on his life for
exposing the illegitimacy of the Windsor Royal family.
And on a personal note:
How local Freemason's closed down
my election campaign and how the local press excluded me from the
Perhaps we are barking up the wrong
tree... Perhaps the Independent Movement is right to suspect
conspiracy is real but in fact it doesn't go as far and deep as we
are lead to believe...
Take for example the comment a
scientist called Sam Murray sent me via Youtube:
“To me, you are an object of
extreme curiosity. What motivates a man to commit his life to such
self-absorbed, pointless pastimes as yourself? And without ever
conceding a moment to consider that what you deliverer to the world
is childish, meaningless and futile? Look, it's quite simple. If you
want to be the leader of a political party, if you want to be the
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner (instead of some made upshadow bollocks), if you want people to buy your book about a magicRubik's cube, if you want people to sit up, to listen, and to take
you seriously, then stop obsessively and compulsively making shit
trailers on iMovie. Stop sitting in front of a camera and shouting at
people using quite literally nonsense words. In essence, stop being
such a pointless dickhead and actually do something with your life.
Alternatively, keep doing what you do and suffer me turning up every
now and again to remind you how much of a fucking moron you are.”
Harsh words indeed, and words which
make one re-evaluate what the Independent Movement is all about.
Having already written over 2000 words,
the stark question arises, what is it all for? And is it worth it?
To me the answer is yes. What if the
mainstream media are wrong? What if the whistleblowers are right?
The prospect of the answer being yes is
too important to dismiss without second thought.
Let's just remember, a few hundred
years ago scientists thought the world was flat and the Sun revolved
around the Earth.