Whomever it may be, if someone is making a false and defamatory statement about me, I will respond publicly to correct the record and protect my reputation.
In response to the hideous and untrue general public statements, being made about me by Brighton based satanist, historian and comedian James Hind:

Ai depiction of James Hind
"Matthew Taylor is no longer allowed to have his children stay with him due to safeguarding concerns."
The statement made by James Hind regarding my ability to have my children stay with me is completely untrue and without merit. I have not been subject to any safeguarding concerns that would restrict my access to my children. I take any false and damaging statements made about me very seriously, and I am exploring all legal avenues available to address this matter.
I ask that any information or comments about my personal life be made with care and respect for the truth.
"Taylor has published a letter on social media where it shows he had a category B indecent image of a child on a device taken by the police for examination, for which he was arrested for."
Let me be clear: I have never been convicted of any sexual crimes against children. In fact, I have been the subject of a number of false allegations over the years, none of which have resulted in any criminal convictions or charges.
The incident in question was from seven years ago, during which time my electronic devices were seized by police for examination. While a letter discussing the matter was released on a private blog intended only for the eyes of my solicitor, it was not meant for public consumption, and I had no intention of making the details of the case widely known.
I am deeply concerned by James Hind's malicious attempt to destroy my reputation and the impact it may have on my personal and professional life. I will take all necessary legal steps to protect my reputation and to ensure that any false and damaging statements about me are corrected.
I ask that any further comments or allegations be made with care and respect for the truth.
"Taylor has also been arrested for alleged approach to boys in a woodland, of showing them videos of babies being beheaded, and of engaging in a sexual manner with those males."
I am deeply troubled by the false and defamatory statement made by James Hind regarding my alleged arrest for approaching boys in a woodland, showing them videos of babies being beheaded, and engaging in sexual activity with them. Let me be clear: these allegations are completely false and without merit. I have never been arrested or charged with any such crimes.
Moreover, I have reason to believe that James Hind may be responsible for encouraging and spreading these false allegations. In light of his admission that he pretends to be a 12-year-old online with the intention of finding like-minded friends, it is not hard to see how he might be involved in such activities.
I want to make it absolutely clear that I have never engaged in any illegal or immoral activities with anyone, let alone minors. I have been the victim of false accusations in the past, and I will take all necessary legal steps to ensure that any further false and damaging statements about me are corrected.
I ask that any information or comments about my personal life be made with care and respect for the truth. This kind of unfounded speculation and defamation has no place on YouTube, online or wider society.
"Taylor is on video as going about Brighton with another man approaching young boys and making sexual remarks about them."
I want to address the completely false and defamatory statement made by James Hind regarding my alleged involvement in approaching young boys in Brighton and making sexual remarks about them. This is categorically untrue, and there is absolutely no evidence to support such a malicious claim.
I have never engaged in any kind of illegal or immoral activities, let alone activities involving minors. James Hind's statement is baseless and unfounded, and I am deeply troubled by his continued attempts to damage my reputation.
I want to make it clear that I will take all necessary legal steps to ensure that any false and damaging statements about me are corrected. I ask that anyone who may have information or comments about me do so with care and respect for the truth. This kind of defamation has no place in a civil society.
The truth is plain to see on video, and I am 100% exonerated from these stupid, ridiculous, and criminal false allegations. I have never engaged in any kind of illegal or immoral activities, let alone activities involving minors. James Hind's statement is baseless and unfounded, and I am deeply troubled by his continued attempts to damage my reputation.
I want to make it clear that I will take all necessary legal steps to ensure that any false and damaging statements about me are corrected. Defamation of character has no place in a modern society, and I am confident that the truth will prevail.
I urge anyone who may have information or comments about me to do so with care and respect for the truth. It is important that we work together to ensure that unfounded accusations do not cause harm to innocent people.
In conclusion, I want to reiterate that I am 100% exonerated from these false accusations, and I will continue to fight to clear my name and reputation, and make YouTube a safer place for ALL OF US!

Further Reading:
Is James Hind a paedophile? https://exposingjameshind.wordpress.com/2022/02/19/is-james-hind-a-paedophile/
Analysing James Hind's response to being called a paedophile! https://exposingjameshind.wordpress.com/2022/02/19/analysing-hinds-response/
My Feeling of Injustice by James Hind... https://exposingjameshind.wordpress.com/2022/04/11/my-fight-with-the-satan-hunters-is-driven-by-a-feeling-of-injustice-by-james-hind/
Who Am I, asks James Hind... https://exposingjameshind.wordpress.com/2022/04/11/who-i-am-asks-james-hind/
James Hind is D.I.D.... https://exposingjameshind.wordpress.com/2022/04/11/james-hind-is-a-did/
James Hind Encouraging Paris Barrington to Make a Complaint Against Me.
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