Wednesday 15 February 2023

This is a public statement on behalf of Matt Taylor, Leader of the King Arthur Political Party and independent parliamentary candidate for Brighton Kemptown 2024.

On 18 November 2022 I was brutally arrested for a crime I did not commit.

Today those bail conditions preventing me from telling anymore have been lifted. I am now able to tell you my situation without fear of arrest and reprisals. Jamie Lofthouse, aka Reece Leverick, aka Muttley, made an allegation against me, that he was in fear of his life, that I would travel to his home and punch him and his husband. I was arrested for Stalking with Violence, to which I vehemently deny. I understand Jamie Lofthouse has made similar false and vexatious allegations and complaints against other people. If this is the case, may I urge you to ring Sussex Police on 101 and explain the situation. We all have an obligation to make YouTube a safe space for all of us, not just the bullies.


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