Under right of reply, I respond to certain claims made by the Satan Hunter Matt Taylor of Brighton made against me in various videos, blogs and tweets. I will focus on a blog post entitled “James Hind Uncovered” posted today (28th Dec 2022) by Taylor.
Matt Taylor makes false allegations against me about an alleged “fake” Facebook account
“New information has been forthcoming suggesting the infamous Brighton based satanist James Hind, is using a sock puppet account called Blakewood, to terrorise, intimidate and committ a number of imprisonment crimes across the internet.”
Matt Taylor “James Hind Uncovered” 28th Dec 2022
The source of the information is speculation by a fantasist and attention seeker called Kathleen Boyle, a mentally ill follower of Matt Taylor. The claims of Boyle, who links my name to many different people, and who falsely claims I and others are involved in a conspiracy against her, of false allegations that I am Blakewood or am connected to any sock puppet account is without evidence.
For the record, I only use one account per social media platform to post anything related to Satan Hunters. These accounts use my distinctive banner and logo, and have been in use for many years. I do not use sock accounts to post anything outside of my clearly known accounts, and they all identify me as James Hind.
It is claimed that a Matt Taylor Facebook account that has aroused two disreputable people known as Kelly Rusling and a Willim (Billy) Bennell to make threats of harm and to dox the address of Matt Taylor in various social media posts is a fake account. It is pure speculation that Blakewood is behind the alleged Matt Taylor “fake” Facebook profile, and also speculation that it is a fake account. It is well known that Matt Taylor runs multiple sock accounts and social media accounts, which takes me a lot of time to monitor them all.
Matt Taylor claims to have reported the matter of the alleged “fake” Facebook account to the police. It will be for the police to decide who the Facebook profile belongs to, and if indeed the shit stirring by that account has resulted in any criminal conduct. It was however Rusling and Bennell who made the threats and doxed Matt Taylor, which could be considered harassment / stalking and malicious communication by them.
Matt Taylor has prejudiced his own legal position as an alleged victim by throwing around false allegation such as I am connected to Blakewood and the alleged “fake” Facebook profile without evidence. It is also unhelpful for him to allege that the investigating police officer from West Sussex is involved in a homosexual relationship with himself and that Taylor wants to “tickle his balls”.
Matt Taylor and his arrest for improper conduct with children
“In the run-up to Christmas 2020 I was arrested for taking three teenage boys in the woods to have sex with, after showing them videos of babies being beheaded.
The absurdity of the allegation is something out of a James Hind Guide Book, on how to set up Matt Taylor!“
Matt Taylor “James Hind Uncovered 28th Dec 2022
In December 2022 Matt Taylor was arrested and his devices taken by the police for examination due to allegations made by young boys and their parents against him. The police investigation evidently ended in “no further action”.
Taylor makes the absurd false allegtion that I was behind this incident: an alleged conspiracy to set Taylor up. The claims by Matt Taylor are without evidence and I deny them.
Matt Taylor has a portfolio of victims; challenging him comes under prevention and investigation of crime
“James Hind has publicly offered a donation of £300 to anyone who starts civil proceedings against me.”James Hind has publicly offered a donation of £300 to anyone who starts civil proceedings against me.
James Hind has offered money to Shellie Mote to start proceedings against me.
James Hind considers me a ‘Satan Hunter,’ which in his own definition means I abuse children.
James Hind is on record, encouraging others to make complaints against me to the police and social media platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.”
Matt Taylor “James Hind Uncovered 28th Dec 2022
Matt Taylor is a serial abuser, harasser and stalker of a portfolio of victims over many years; this is a matter of public record such as the case of Katy Bourne, the West Sussex Police Commisioner. My actions in challenging Matt Taylor and his criminal activities falls under the prevention and investigation of crime, and are proportionate to the threat Taylor poses to his victims.
Civil court injunctions is a legitimate but expensive strategy to deal with the stalking activities of Satan Hunters such as Matt Taylor. I offer to part underwrite such legal actions, and a victim of Matt Taylor at the time known as Shellie Mote was offered this support.
Matt Taylor pursued an abusive form of conduct against the children and their families in the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse Hoax, being one of the leading promoters of the false narrative that they were raping, torturing, eating and killing babies in Satanic rituals at schools, churches and various businesses in the Hampstead area. The abusive conduct by Matt Taylor towards those children earned him the tag “Satan Hunter” and a focus of monitoring and challenging by anti-Satan Hunter activists such as myself.
Another legitimate strategy to deal with Satan Hunters is for their victims to record and report abusive, harassing and stalking conduct against them by those such as Matt Taylor. Victims often do not know what to do and suffer in silence at the hands of those such as Matt Taylor, for years and even decades; and I encourage them to report the abuse to the police so that the police and courts can help them put to an end an endless cycle of abuse by Satan Hunters.
Matt Taylor is the agent of his own misfortune
Matt Taylor is the agent of his own misfortune. Taylor for instance is on video record for admitting he had indecent images of children on his devices, and that he does not know how such images got onto his devices. Taylor has posted to the internet a letter from West Sussex Police that records that he was found with a Category B image of a child in a sexual (non-penetrative) act; such possession would minimum earn a 26 week jail term. The only reason that police and CPS stopped a criminal court action for this category B image was for financial reasons, that it was only one of two images found, and that there was uncertainty about proving that Taylor knew these images was on his devices. Taylor had at least one indecent image of a child on his devices, however, CPS decided not proceed with a trial for that image.
As to the allegations that boys made against him about his conduct in a woodland, Matt Taylor goes around posting about the incident in various videos, tweets and blog posts in a way that encourages people to believe he is a paedophile who has been abusing children. I have seen a video of Taylor standing up in a public bar and announcing he was arrested for taking children into a wood in order to show them videos of babies being beheaded and to have sex with them. The people in the bar were horrified and became hostile, because Taylor had said these things and in a way that was going to trigger hostile responses. It is therefore of no suprise that Taylor has got the negative responses he did from Rusling and Bennell. Matt Taylor may want to review how he conducts himeself with children in the future so he does not leave himself open to allegations and arrest.
James Hind Blantantly Lies...

James Hind is blatantly lying when he states "For the record, I only use one account per social media platform."
He would have had to create a number of sock puppet accounts, to engage with children and teenagers, as he admits below.
It is because of this, James Hind cannot believed with anything he says.