Thursday 3 October 2024

The Convenient Whitewash: James Hind’s Troubling Revisionist Narrative.

James Hind, the enigmatic figure at the heart of Project Night Watch (PNW), has recently gone to great lengths to insist that the identity known as "James Hind" was nothing more than a manufactured persona—a fictional construct, invented for dramatic effect. According to his latest declaration, this "brand" was supposedly a team effort, comprised of over a dozen individuals, spanning a decade. Every element of the James Hind persona, he claims, was meticulously fabricated: the bio, the backstory, and every statement made under that name. Now, as he insists that the "James Hind brand" has been retired since December 2023, we are all expected to simply accept this new narrative without question.

However, it raises several critical questions. If James Hind was indeed a façade, a creation of a collective, then who were these people? What exactly was the aim of this manufactured identity, and more importantly, how are we to believe that a figure who has supposedly lied to his audience for the last ten years is now telling the truth? Conveniently, this “team narrative” acts as a whitewash, allowing him to absolve himself of every claim, every slander, and every contentious statement made during that period.

An Elaborate Myth or a Convenient Cover?

According to Hind, this elaborate backstory was constructed by a team of anonymous individuals, all collaborating on the same character. Yet, he offers no evidence or insight into who these people were, or why such a complex ruse was necessary. Why would a supposed team go to such lengths to craft this persona, only to have it dismantled now when accountability starts knocking at their door? The timing is conspicuous and raises the possibility that this sudden revelation is nothing more than a strategy to distance himself from the controversial and potentially incriminating content tied to the Hind identity.

Hind is trying to convince us that the same audience he manipulated and deceived for a decade should now believe his new version of events. This is more than a simple rebranding; it’s a complete erasure of the James Hind persona and all the statements attached to it. For those who have been following his actions over the years, this abrupt shift feels disingenuous and contrived. After all, if everything about James Hind was a lie, why should we believe the latest story he’s selling?

A Frustrated Attempt at Reinvention.

James Hind has not been subtle about his frustration that the public isn’t buying into this new narrative. He has repeatedly expressed irritation that his harshest critics, including Matthew Taylor, continue to refer to him as “James Hind” rather than by the newer label of “Project Night Watch.” His statements read more like desperate pleas for validation than the definitive closure of an era.

“The obsession of Taylor with James Hind is such that he is unable to move on despite repeated statements from PNW that the James Hind brand was a team of people, more than a dozen over ten years, who worked with an invented character, an invented bio and invented storylines, that had no relation to anyone living or dead. PNW also stated many times that the James Hind brand was retired and inactive since December 2023,” he says.

But the problem is, this so-called team and its intricate backstory never existed until he decided it needed to. Up until very recently, James Hind was always presented as a singular voice—someone with opinions, beliefs, and a personal stake in the issues he discussed. The sudden introduction of a “team” is not just suspicious; it’s illogical. The claim that he was only ever playing a character allows him to retroactively dismiss any backlash or criticism he received during that period, portraying it all as part of an elaborate fiction that we are supposed to forget now.

Damage Control or Admission of Guilt?

What James Hind is offering here is a kind of reverse alchemy: taking everything that was once solid and turning it into mist. But for those who have watched him operate, this latest stunt feels less like a fresh start and more like a desperate move to rewrite history. He wants us to ignore the substance of his past and believe that all along, he was just a puppet master pulling strings on a fictional character.

It’s a cunning trick if you think about it. Because if he convinces enough people that the James Hind persona was just a “brand,” then every defamatory comment, every instance of harassment, and every slanderous article can be brushed aside as part of an “invented storyline” for which no one person can be held responsible.

But here’s the catch: in his attempt to dissolve the identity of James Hind, he is simultaneously admitting to years of deceit. He’s telling us, in no uncertain terms, that he and his supposed team have lied to the public for a decade, while simultaneously asking us to trust him now.

The Real Danger.

Beyond the lies and confusion, there’s a darker undertone to this narrative shift. If Hind can so easily dismiss years of inflammatory rhetoric and harmful accusations as a “brand exercise,” then what is to stop him from creating a new persona to carry on the same behaviour under a different name? The core issue here isn’t the name “James Hind” or “Project Night Watch.” The issue is the person behind the facade—whoever that might be.

By hiding behind the anonymity of a collective or an “invented character,” he dodges responsibility, making it all the more dangerous for those he targets. It’s a way of escaping the consequences while maintaining the same modus operandi. If this is allowed to stand, it sets a precedent: that anyone can adopt a fictitious identity, wreak havoc on real people’s lives, and then wipe the slate clean simply by declaring it all a fabrication.

Final Thoughts.

James Hind’s latest attempt to distance himself from his own actions is a hollow one. The fact that he grows increasingly frustrated when people continue to call him out by his former name only underscores the weakness of his argument. If the real person behind the “James Hind brand” believed he was justified in his past actions, he wouldn’t be trying so hard to erase them. And if his new story is to be believed, then we are left with a single, uncomfortable truth: that for ten years, everything he said and did was a lie.

Yet now, he wants us to take his word for it.

Calling on James Hind to Reveal His Interactions with Children Online.

James Hind, an online figure often embroiled in contentious discussions, has admitted to speaking with children as young as 11 and 12 years old, while pretending to be a 12-year-old boy himself. In his own words, Hind stated, “I know there are 11 and 12-year-olds running around in the site, as I have spoken with them.” This admission raises significant concerns about child safety and the nature of his interactions.

Extract from James Hind's Satanic Views blog dated November 2018

The core issue here is safeguarding. When adults, particularly those engaged in controversial online behaviour, communicate with minors under a false identity, it poses serious questions about intent and transparency. Hind must provide a full account of what was said during these conversations.

Why Transparency Matters?

When dealing with minors online, transparency is key to ensuring a safe and secure environment. By pretending to be a child, Hind deliberately blurred the line between adult and child, creating a potential risk scenario. Safeguarding practices exist to protect vulnerable young people from exactly these kinds of ambiguous interactions.

Hind’s admission raises the need for clarity. What was the context of these discussions? What kind of messages were exchanged, and why did he feel the need to masquerade as a young boy? For any parent or guardian, these are urgent questions that demand answers.

Public Accountability.

Given Hind’s public presence and the fact that he has been vocal on matters of child protection, he should be held to the same standards of accountability. If his actions were purely innocent, then transparency should be no issue. However, if there is any reluctance to disclose the content of these conversations, it suggests a deeper concern that needs to be addressed.

In light of his own statements, it is reasonable to call on James Hind to release the full details of his interactions with these children. His audience, particularly those who have followed his commentary on child safety issues, are entitled to know what was said.

The safety and protection of children must always come first, and Hind should lead by example by demonstrating that his conduct was beyond reproach. If he truly stands for the values he claims to champion, there should be no hesitation in revealing the nature of these exchanges.

This is a matter of public interest and safeguarding that cannot be overlooked or brushed aside. James Hind, it’s time to come forward and clarify what was said.

When Does It Become Personal?

James Hind recently took to Twitter, asserting that it "becomes more personal" for him and his team when they believe I’ve targeted their investors, families, and children, and made so-called “serious false allegations.” The irony is that Hind seems to forget that it became personal for me a long time ago. Let’s dive into why.

James Hind's claim that I’ve made this personal is laughable, considering his history of using manipulative tactics and questionable means to attack those who challenge him. It became personal for me when Hind filed numerous anonymous complaints to social services in a bid to undermine my credibility. It became personal when he reportedly offered cash incentives to vulnerable adults and even children, encouraging them to make malicious and false reports about me to the police.

But it didn’t stop there.

Hind also took it upon himself to file direct complaints to law enforcement, accusing me of breaching various court orders. All of this was done under the guise of “protecting the public” while in reality, it was about weaponising the system against a critic and personal rival. These repeated attempts to damage my reputation and disrupt my life go beyond mere online sparring — they’re targeted, malicious actions meant to cause real-world harm.

So, James Hind, if you’re wondering when this became personal for me, it was when you decided to go beyond words and use underhanded means to attack me and those close to me. The line was crossed not by me, but by your consistent and intentional efforts to drag my name through the mud.

Setting the Record Straight.

As for targeting investors, families, and children — I reject these accusations outright. Unlike Hind’s reported behaviour, I don’t stoop to tactics that involve targeting those outside the primary parties. I call out behaviour where I see it and I respond to actions taken against me. The narrative that I’ve somehow waged a campaign against innocent third parties is not only misleading but deliberately crafted to paint me as a villain.

Let’s not forget that when it comes to making things "personal," Hind is not only a willing participant, but has been a major instigator. He’s used his platform to push narratives, make unfounded claims, and stir up trouble wherever possible. If anything, his tweet is yet another attempt to manipulate public perception and deflect from his own underhanded actions.

So yes, it’s personal — not because of some alleged targeting of people in his circle, but because of his ongoing and relentless attempts to target me. Hind crossed that line, and now he’s attempting to paint himself as the victim. If anyone’s made this situation personal, it’s James Hind himself.


The Freedom Not to Believe.

Calling on James Hind to Reveal His Interactions with Children Online.

Response to James Hind’s Diatribe.

Concern for the Welfare of James Hind and His Family.

Unveiling the Accusation: Why I Believed Grobnob the Troll Had a Role in Setting Me Up in the Boys in the Wood Hoax.

The Overreach of James Hind: Involving Himself in Matters That Don’t Concern Him.

Clarifying My Position on James Hind: Allegations and Concerns.

“The Nutjob Named Jimmy Hind.”

“PNW need Matthew Taylor of Brighton.”

Rebuttal to James Hind/Project Night Watch.

Matthew Taylor’s Position on Project Night Watch.

The Never-Ending Smear Campaign Against Matthew Taylor: A Case Study in Character Assassination.

The Madness of James Hind.

Why Laughter is Truly the Best Medicine.

The Dangers of YouTube Rumour Mills: A Case Study in Defamation and Hypocrisy.

Why Run, Matt?

Are James Hind and Mouse the Same Person? Exploring the Claim by ‘Tomato Punch.’

The Toxic Language of YouTube Trolls: A Case Study in Malicious Defamation.

“Danny is a straight laced person and a very credible and believable source Matt.”

YouTube Drama Heats Up: J Blackman Caught in the Crossfire Between Matt Taylor and Trolls.

Matt Taylor’s Position on James Hind: A Dangerous Criminal Hiding Behind Anonymity.

Exploring the Comment Left by Jahfar Blackman – Unravelling the Web of Misinformation.

Silence Behind Bars: When Speaking Your Truth Can Lead to Jail.

The Disappointment of Realising Someone Isn’t as Nice as You Thought.

The Emerging Trend of Younger Women Seeking Middle-Aged Men for Casual Hookups: A Case Study.

The Sting Operation: A Younger Woman's Attempt to Frame Matt Taylor as a Sexual Predator.

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