Saturday 12 October 2024

Am I Wrong to Believe Trump’s 2020 US Election was Stolen from Him?

When it comes to politics, particularly as contentious as the 2020 U.S. election, opinions are sharply divided. One topic that continually grabs attention, ignites debates, and raises eyebrows is the idea that Donald Trump’s victory was “stolen” from him. To be honest, it’s a question that has crossed my mind more than once. And I know I’m not alone. But am I wrong to believe this?

The short answer: Yes, I suspect so. And maybe that’s where my belief comes from — a sense that there are more questions than answers.

Why Do People Believe the Election Was Stolen?

When you look at the 2020 election, several factors make people question its legitimacy. There were claims of irregularities, last-minute changes in voting procedures, and accusations of manipulation, all of which fuelled the perception that something went wrong.

At the heart of this belief is the narrative that mail-in ballots, which surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, were somehow fraudulent or mishandled. Videos circulated online, showing poll workers handling ballots in ways that appeared suspicious. Court cases were filed, recounts demanded, and the famous phrase “Stop the Steal” became a rallying cry for millions of Trump supporters who, like me, felt that something didn’t sit right.

For some, it’s not even about concrete evidence; it’s about the perception of unfairness, a gut feeling that the system may have been rigged or manipulated. After all, trust in political systems worldwide has been eroding for years. Why would the U.S. be any different?

What I Saw vs. What I’m Being Told.

I watched the run-up to the 2020 election with great interest. I wasn’t just an observer — I saw with my own eyes the energy, the crowds, and the reactions Trump generated. Everywhere he went, he seemed to command the support and attention of massive audiences. The rallies were packed, the enthusiasm was palpable, and it felt like there was an undeniable groundswell of support.

Biden, on the other hand, seemed far less visible. His campaign was quieter, his crowds smaller, and the energy seemed almost non-existent by comparison. When I saw the final results, it felt like I was being gaslighted. How did Biden manage to secure over 80 million votes, when the support for him on the ground just didn’t seem to be there? It was Trump who had the visible presence, the energy, and the massive following. So when the ballots were counted and it didn’t reflect what I’d seen, it was hard not to feel like something was amiss.

Am I Wrong?

I’m aware that multiple investigations have taken place, and court cases have ruled against claims of widespread fraud. The U.S. Justice Department, under Trump’s own Attorney General William Barr, stated that they found no evidence that would change the outcome of the election. This has been echoed by various state officials, Republicans included, who have said that the election was fair.

But does that settle the matter? For many, myself included, the issue feels unresolved. Maybe it’s because we live in a time when information is overwhelming, and trust is thin. Maybe it’s because, deep down, there’s a feeling that our political institutions don’t always act in the best interests of the people, regardless of party lines.

Could it be cognitive dissonance? Could it be that, like so many others, I’ve latched onto a narrative because I find it hard to believe that Trump lost fair and square? It’s a difficult question to ask myself, but one worth reflecting on.

The Bigger Picture.

Believing Trump’s election was stolen isn’t just about the facts of the 2020 election. It’s also about the broader sense of disenfranchisement that many people feel. Whether you voted for Trump or not, there’s a growing sentiment that political elites are disconnected from the everyday concerns of people like us.

If I’m wrong to believe the election was stolen, it’s not necessarily a reflection of my gullibility or a lack of critical thinking. It’s a reflection of the wider distrust many of us have toward politics in general. The feeling that the system is working against us, not for us. Trump tapped into that sentiment, and for many, it’s hard to shake.

In Conclusion.

So, am I wrong to believe the 2020 U.S. election was stolen from Trump? Maybe. But maybe it’s also not entirely about being right or wrong. It’s about questioning the world we live in and feeling that the answers we’ve been given don’t fully explain what happened. It’s about wanting transparency, fairness, and a system we can trust — no matter who wins.

Until those feelings are addressed, I suspect that the question will continue to linger in the minds of millions of Americans, myself included.

"Gaslighted by the Crowd"

(Verse 1)

I watched the rallies, saw the signs

The voices loud, the banners high

Everywhere I turned, I saw his name

It wasn’t just a show, it wasn’t just a game

They say the numbers don’t lie

But how do I make sense of what’s in my eyes?

I saw the crowds, the hearts on fire

But the ballot told a tale that didn’t match the choir


Am I wrong to feel I’ve been gaslighted?

When what I saw don’t match what they’ve decided

How can 80 million rise from the silence?

When the ground was loud with the voice of defiance

I saw the love, I saw the fight

But somehow that’s not what showed up that night

Am I wrong, or just trying to make it right?

(Verse 2)

The streets were empty, where were they?

For him, the quiet crowds just fade away

But still they tell me it’s all real

And yet it’s hard to shake what I feel

I heard the chants, the cheers for miles

But now I wonder, was it all just a trial?

Did I get lost in what I wanted to see

Or was there more to the story than what’s been told to me?


Am I wrong to feel I’ve been gaslighted?

When what I saw don’t match what they’ve decided

How can 80 million rise from the silence?

When the ground was loud with the voice of defiance

I saw the love, I saw the fight

But somehow that’s not what showed up that night

Am I wrong, or just trying to make it right?


I’m not looking for a reason to be blind

But what’s the truth if I’m doubting what I find?

Could it be, could it be we’ve been led astray?

Or is it me who just can’t walk away?


Am I wrong to feel I’ve been gaslighted?

When what I saw don’t match what they’ve decided

How can 80 million rise from the silence?

When the ground was loud with the voice of defiance

I saw the love, I saw the fight

But somehow that’s not what showed up that night

Am I wrong, or just trying to make it right?


Gaslighted by the crowd, I wonder still

Was it real or just another hill to climb

In the shadows of this time?


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