Tuesday, 30 July 2019

URGENT SOS by Neelu Berry on behalf of David Noakes and Lynda Thyer.

Urgent SOS





1 Southampton Row, Holborn, London WC1B 5HA Open 24 hours Phone: 020 7404 0110


Wednesday, 24 July 2019



Surrogate King William IV John Wanoa, remains detained against his will at the Middlemore Mental Health hospital in Auckland, New Zealand.

Surrogate King William IV Moai King John Wanoa

Following on from the police assassination attempts against Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis, and Moai Tidal project energy business partners John Paterson, Neelu Berry and Lee Cant; secret service security units across the world are on high alert, tasked with suppressing an Islamic style awakening happening on the streets of Great Britain.

Denied entry into England on the 25 March 2019 and detained for 14 hours at Heathrow airport, 70 year old John Wanoa was deemed a ‘threat to Queen Elizabeth II,’ and sent back to New Zealand, via Hong Kong.

As a result of having his plans sabotaged by malicious complaints from the satanic Hoaxtead Research community, John Wanoa found himself sleeping in his car, while sending the money saved to his wife and family in the Philippines. 

Through a number of Live feeds via Facebook and Youtube, genius John Wanoa was able to keep in touch with his billion followers across the world; keeping them abreast of his plans to set up the King’s Bench Law Courts, and the launch of his world changing Moai Tidal energy project, which is set to install water turbines on the sea-bed across the world, generating a carbon zero Hydrogen based economy, and releasing £970 million trillion trillion into circulation across the globe.

Accused by the satanic Hoaxtead Research community of orchestrating a £50 billion pound financial fraud with his Moai Tidal Energy company, John Wanoa’s pension and bank accounts were closed, pending an investigation.

Cooking his favourite delicacy of fish-head soup, to a global audience tripping over his every word, it was on the 02 July 2019, when John Wanoa was live feeding on his mobile from the library, when two plain clothed policemen (one calling himself Brett Shields,) approached him offering a trip to the local hospital to have his blood pressure checked; promising to bring him back to his car later.

Instead of going through the front door of the hospital, he was taken through the back door, without registration, to a mental health ward, and has been held there against his will ever since.

“I'm witnessing an assassination attempt.”

King's Sheriff Daryl Payan

In a passionate Live Feed via his Youtube, :Andrew :Devine speaks to New Zealand police updating them that they're now injecting John Wanoa with a monthly dose of a schizophrenic drug.

Introducing himself as a partner in business, :Andrew :Devine explained how they were ready to steam full speed ahead, create the Moai Powerhouse Tidal generators that will go around the world, creating the hydrogen economy which will make this world a beautiful place again.

“Everything is in place.”

His business partner in the UK John Patterson was sectioned on the same day, under the mental health fraud. It was a joint assassination attempt on them both.

John Paterson has been released and is now hiding in a safe house.

“It was the police assassination attempt on John Patterson and it was a police assassination attempt on John Wanoa. The policeman in New Zealand which was Brett Shields doesn't even exist.”

Using all his strength to stay calm and making an impassioned plea to the police officer, :Andrew :Devine complained that nothing had been done, having called them 3 days earlier.

“You were told this three days ago and nothing has been done, I think this is not the duty of care that I expect from police. You're completely complicit in this, you are all being watched around the whole world. The whole world is watching this.”

John Wano is being held against his will in the Middlemore Hospital 35 East Ward at 35 East. His daughter Tracy,  has been pushed out on a trespass notice, because a doctor came in and forced himself in between her and John, whilst they were eating fish and chips for lunch.

“They are injecting him with a schizophrenic drug.”

:Andrew :Devine explains, “I repeat the only reason why he went to that hospital was to get his blood pressure checked, but he was never taken to the hospital, he was taken in the back door of the hospital. He was taken against his will and he was taken through without any record of going in, by a policeman that does not even exist. The doctors forced a medical examination on him for being mental, because they were given information from a policeman that doesn't exist. There is no evidence of anything that what was stated, so there's no evidence, there's no case.”

This is a complete assassination attempt just like there was with John Patterson in England at the same day on the same 02 July.

“John Patterson was released, John Wanoa doesn't have the same help as we do over there.”

Pleading for John’s life, his friend begs, “Please understand my position. My friend is being killed right in front of my eyes and I'm watching you. Please do everything to help him. Please understand my position.”

“They took him straight in through the back door of the hospital where there is no registration of him going in there to disappear him. This is a disappearance; exactly the same as what they did to John Paterson in the UK."

Five Sussex police officers arrested John Paterson outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, which is completely out of their jurisdiction 

Pleading for Wanoa’a life, :Andrew :Devine says, “They're gonna dumb him, they're gonna screw him up, they're gonna screw his mind, they're gonna kill him, they're gonna kill his mind or kill his body, one or the other. They’re going to disappear him, they're making him null and void.”

“He is a whistleblower. The fraud that he exposed is massive. The only way they can stop him is by killing him or getting him under a mental health fraud, so that they can discredit what he's saying. This is an outright assassination attempt on his credibility, of his brain, of his whole body and destroying him for what he's doing.”

“John Patterson is John Wanoa’s business partner. They've got contracts ready to sign and deals which create tens of thousands of jobs. Billions of pounds of business is being stopped right now. They're stopping him from signing these deals. We're so close to doing it now, and obviously too close, because that's why they've now sectioned them both off to disappear them.”

“You're a constable sworn on your oath to care after the public. You should have a police car down there on the way down there right now and move him from that building. They are injecting them and forcing drugs down him without his consent. They are not giving him an option and they have sectioned him with no evidence. There is zero evidence and a policeman that took him down there doesn't even exist for God's sakesI Why are you not down there already, why were you not down there three days ago when I told you this?”

Let's make some noise….

Friday, 19 July 2019

Get John Wanoa out by any means. Free John Wanoa Now

"Get me out by any means."

John Wanoa from New Zealand is being held against his will at Middlemore hospital, (a mental health secure facility) in New Zealand, accused of issuing death threats against a Jo-anne Sollis, a known internet troll, currently under investigation by Sussex Police for harassment, stalking and malicious communications.

Part of an international operation to quell an Islamic style up-rising in the UK, secret service units in London and New Zealand, have kidnapped the following high level threats to national security.

  • John Wanoa - Surrogate King William IV John Wanoa
  • Edward Ellis - Equity Lawyer 
  • John Paterson - Fraud Investigator
  • Neelu Berry - State Corruption Whistleblower
  • Lee Cant - Financial whistleblower

He must be released from jail.

Mental Health Frauds

The British deep state criminal Cabal are using Mental Health Frauds to silence any and all whistleblowers, stifling any whiff of an Islamic style awakening from happening in the UK.

  • Edward Elllis remains in hiding in urgent need of kidney treatment, too scared to visit a NHS hospital in fear of being apprehended by Sussex Police and sectioned.
  • John Paterson is currently a free man, having been sectioned initially for a month, but released after 4 days, following a public campaign by members of John Wanoa’s King Flag Party.
  • Neelu Berry and Lee Chant, both remain undercover at safe houses, continuing to release information assisting Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis’s Royal Commission into Judiciary, State and Police corruption.

Making up stories.

Involved in a beastiality scandal with her husband, Sollis is renowned in the Truth Movement for being a sexual deviant who once got out her dilbo, during a video chat with multiple men.

Surrogate King William IV John Wanoa, has been in a mental health hospital for 16 days (and counting)

New Zealand Moai King Chief John Wanoa, is being held against his will for the 16th day (and counting)

Detained against his will, John Wanoa is being further illegally detained following a malicious complaint from Jo-anne Sollis in the UK, to New Zealand Orkland Police , claiming Wanoa had threatened to kill her.

Who is Jo-anne Sollis?

Thursday, 11 July 2019


Dear Julia,

You should know that after intervention by my  colleague and Brother Mr Brian Setchfield, I finally had a meeting with the Manager and three other witnesses. or so-called "psychiatrists"  who I refer to as snake oil salesman, due to my own research with Prof George Lees, who is a Professor of Neuroscience and Drug Safety.  After I explained the Nuremberg Treaty to the manager he promptly released me and I walked out yesterday morning.  lol.

Mr Brian Setchfield in an extremely important person and has five name changes since his birth to protect his real Identity.  He set-up Crimestoppers with Lord Michael Ashcroft, I know who he really is, and you would will be shocked when you find out. I have been advised NOT to contact Sussex Police or Gillian Jones who was the disgusting woman who got me arrested. However I have a three hour interview which I am in the process of of getting from The CPS.   

I am still being attacked by The Hoaxtead Mob.

As you are aware WPC Katy Latham of The Met Police released one of their assassins after he tried to murder me at Southwark Crown Court, at  David Noakes Trial.  These people for some ungodly reason are being protected by The Free-masonic Police Network.  

Now read on, I have tons of it

Remember what I warn about in many of the 100s of Video's I have produced, backed-up with 100 percent forensic proof.  The BBC, and Freemasonic Network are the enemy within. Remember remember 5 November 2017 

Lucky for me that Barrie's wife, just happened to go to the same private girls school as one of my Ex's in the late 60's, that's how I get access to him and other whistle blowers, however, I don't think it will take the criminal fraud network very long to issue another mental health fraud on all the people in this very important video.   

Who is Hoaxtead Karen Irving Learn more about Karen Irving who is behind the Hoaxtead Operation

John Paterson

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Meghan Markle is set to bring down the Windsor Royal family

Meghan Markle is shaking the foundations of the Windsor Royal family.

The Windsor's were brought down by their own naivety. The naivety of inviting a Hollywood actress into their inner circle.

Meghan Markle is smashing etiquette, trampling over discretion and pissing on tradition.

Since marrying an unkempt and semi-bearded Prince Harry in May 2018, Meghan Markle has been at the center of many outrageous headlines, across both the Mass Media (Main Stream Media) and Alternative Media (AM).

More at

Meme Meghan - a Mr.X Comic Strip production


£400,000 Baby Shower

£ 2.5-5 million Frogmore Cottage Refurbishment

Charity Split with William and Kate

Wimbledon Photo-gate Scandal


Fake Pregnancy

Photo-shopped Pictures

Surrogate Mother

Monday, 8 July 2019

Sabotaging a Revolution - Edward Ellis, John Paterson, Lee Cant and John Wanoa

Desperate to sabotage an Islamic style Awakening happening in the UK, four leading champions of the Truth Movement have been rounded up and detained using fraudulent mental health committals.

  • Equity Lawyer, Edward Ellis
  • Peaceful Warrior and Sussex Police corruption Whistleblower, John Paterson
  • Financial Fraud Whistleblower, Lee Cant
  • Surrogate King William IV Monarch, John Wanoa

Surrogate King William IV Monarch John Wanoa

Number One threat to Queen Elizabeth II, and the emerging figure-head of an Islamic style Awakening, Moai King John Wanoa from New Zealand, has been committed to hospital, where he is clearly being drugged on a double dose of Olanzapine.

Set to attend court during which his mental sanity is called into question; Surrogate King WIlliam IV John Wanoa is clearly fighting for his life.

Read more: John Wano’s Last Writ

Financial Fraud Whistle-blower, Lee Cant

Citizen Lee Cant is a Protected Witness after he exposed Money Laundering by extortionate services charges by the Local Government in Hackney, in his capacity as a Professional Accountant .  

He was subjected to State Terrorism with Police Raids and kidnaps after he attended the Fraudulent “Witness Intimidation” Trial 11-18 July 2016, as a Journalist.  

An ex-client and thug, Stephen Seton attempted to murder Lee Cant in Hackney recently and then sent further death threats to extort money.  

Peaceful Warrior John Paterson

An attempt was made to murder Citizen and Innocent Agent, John Paterson, who came to Support at the Fraud Trials of Natural Cancer Cure David Noakes & Lynda Thyer in Court 13 on the 5th Floor of Southwark Crown Court and Trial of Sabine McNeill in Court 11.  John Paterson was violently punched in the temple from behind by a thug boasting to be from the Hoaxsted Gang, and the Sussex and Metropolitan Police failed to prosecute him.

Paterson wished to appeal the suspended sentence, conviction and fine of £19,500 in the criminal prosecution by Sussex Police for recording a hearing in which [REDACTED], alleged harassment against Corruption Claimant Citizen Mr Matthew Taylor.  

John Paterson was kidnapped from the High Court, Royal Courts of Justice Building, Strand, London by Sussex Police at 11am on 02 July 2019 in a Conflict of Justice and Jurisdiction and deposited in a Mental Health Secure Unit and sectioned within East Sussex NHS Trust and Sussex NHS Partnership NHS Trust, despite living in London, in a Power Boast.  

Paterson had received a letter from CPS/Attorney General 22 June 2019 and Defence Lawyers in which he was deemed sane enough to be prosecuted and sane enough for charges to be dropped by Sussex Police but not sane enough to file an appeal to the Costs, Conviction and Sentence.

Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis

Mr Edward Ellis was subjected to a Committal Trial in February 2018, at which he was barred by Royal Courts of Justice Manager, Kate Briden from attending his own Royal CJ Committal hearing by its “Security” using “facial recognition”, in an attempted disappearance for Framed Non-Attendance “Contempt” to stop the Mass Remedy Process.  

Whistle-blower and friend to all, Neelu Berry’s late sisters' home, (where many homeless have taken refuge, 450 IG6 3EB), was raided without warrants under threat of forced entry by Ilford Police carrying a Taser 18th June to 6th July 2019, (4).  The Officer pretended he had no knowledge of the Mental Health Fraud attempts on Mr Ellis and was looking for Mr Ellis under CAD 4638 27th June 2019, reported Missing by Queens Hospital, 8 days after he was chased out by Mental Health Sectioning Fraud Team.  

The home was raided, on 26 June 2019 with forced entry using 2 crow bars, by 11 men and women dressed as Public officers (4) the Police Officer withdrew the Taser from his left pocked, clenched tightly into his right hand behind his back, as he entered first, with intent to Taser the Occupants to make them "Appear Mentally Ill" for the  Sectioning Frauds by the Mental Health Fraud Team of 8, to discredit Mr Ellis's work. Normally the Patient is dealt with by Health Personnel and Police called if required. This was a pre-determined Assassination caught on CCTV for the first time, but has been used for centuries to dodge Professional Liability in State Executions.

13 Raids have been attempted at this address by a total of 100 Public Servants since 17th June 2019 to date, 8th July 2019, in 21 days, why?  Because Mr Ellis is the Caretaker Prime Minister, chosen by the Citizens, Corruption Claimants and Protected Witnesses of the Mass Remedy Process which ends the Protection Fraud Networks run by Sussex Police.

On 26th June 2019, Barkingside Magistrates Court issued a Warrant (to take Mr Ellis to a safe place (which is perjury proof because there was no witness evidence that he was in).

Mr Ellis continues to be on the run from MHA Sectioning + Kill Orders (5), hence the launch of "The Edward Ellis Files" in the Case of Citizen Mr John Paterson.

Redbridge Council subjected Citizen Mrs Neelu Berry to Benefit denial Frauds to pretend the theft of her £700,000 home by Sussex Police Hired Firearms Criminal Leachman, was due to arrears.  It was to persecute her for being a whistleblower Pharmacist who exposed high death rates and mutilation of babies in the NHS and Social Services.

Mr Ellis is the Caretaker Prime Minister of Citizens choice, who has the terms and Conditions for Office of No 10 in his paperwork dealing with Corruption, Corrupt Officers, Organised Criminals and Past Protection Fraud Providers in No 10.

Chronicle of Events and Evidence

(1) 20 July 2018: FULL CCTV FOOTAGE: UK State Terrorism Stealing homes of Baby Protectors in the UK

a) Neelu Home stolen by Sussex Police c/o Leachman 

b) 17th Sept 2018: Neelu Berry Assaulted and Dragged out of Auction of her Stolen Home after RCJ Court 37 refused to stay sale and auction

(2) Leachman 2002 06 26 Sussex Police Receipt 0223607 for the Stolen Firearms that identifies Mr Winston Leachman as Possessor.pdf attached

2002 06 26 Sussex Police Receipt 0223608 for the Cabinet that should contain the Stolen Firearms that identifies a Possession Agent for the True Owner.pdf attached

(3) 2019 06 24 Defence Solicitors close File in Citizen Paterson V State 4p attached

26 June 2019: Kidnap & Taser Murder Attempt on Mr Edward Ellis by Ilford Police + Redbridge NHS + Sussex Police + Sussex NHS

(5) CCTV Mental Health Nurses & Police to Kidnap, Section Equity Lawyer Mr Edward Ellis 17th June to 6th July 2019
a) 18 June 2019: CCTV NHS Mental Health Fraud Caught on  Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis

b) 19 June 2019 4pm: Kidney Specialist Caught Impersonating a Psychiatrist in Kidnap Attempt of Mr Ellis

c) 19 June 2019: NHS Mental Health Fraud Caught on CCTV on Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis

d) 27 June 2019: CCTV Kidnap + Mental Health Fraud attempt on Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

e) 28 June 2019: CCTV Mental Health Nurses to Kidnap, Section Equity Lawyer Mr Edward Ellis

f) 28 June 2019: CCTV Police Looking to Taser, Kidnap, Section Equity Lawyer Mr Edward Ellis

g) 05 July 2019: CCTV Police with Taser Looking for Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis Attempts 8 + 9

h) 6TH JULY 2019: CCTV Caught Police Looking to Taser, Kidnap, Section Equity Lawyer Mr Edward Ellis

i) 6th July 2019: 13th Police Raid Attempt to Kidnap, Taser under MHA Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

(6) Neelu Berry’s Youtube Channels with evidence of State Terrorism since 2011 by Redbridge Council after she proved Baby Rapes, Murders and Mutilations in State Care

(7) Perjured, Fake Warrant written out by Mental Health Nurse outside the address after the RAID on 26th June 2019

(8) Neelu Berry Pharmacy Expert Reports Reduced High Death Rates of babies by 30% when Maternity was shut down at King George Hospital

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