special report by Matt Taylor.
Five die at Camber Sands on hottest day
of the year!
Isn't it incredible that five fit and
health young men, could all die along the same stretch of beach at
Camber Sands?
Camber Sands has been visited by sun
seekers for a hundred years and then all of a sudden, six fit
and healthy young men die with-in a few weeks of each other.
Five friends from London and a 19 year
old Brazilian man...
19-year-old Gustavo Silva Da Cruz |
Sussex Police were quick to blame the deaths on
dangerous rip-tides and lethal quick sands, but then again, dangerous
rip-tides and lethal quick sands have never claimed a life before,
along the miles of soft golden sandy Camber beaches visited by
hundreds of thousands people every year.
Something fishy is going on and I don't
believe the official story one bit.
But I just can't work it out?
There are many absolute truths in life.
Truths like:
Light will always follow dark
A smile will always precede a
Water freezes at 0 degrees
Water boils at 100 degrees
Boys are made of snips, snails and
puppy-dog's tails
Girls are made of sugar, spice and
everything nice
Its also an absolute truth that fit
young men DO NOT die at Camber Sands because of strong rip tides and
dangerous quick sand.
Its an insult to my intelligence that
the likes of Sussex Police and Katy Bourne are telling us
But for the first time ever I'm
flummoxed! - Someone has got to be lying, somewhere along the supply
Hundreds of mourners attended the
funeral of the five young friends who died during a day trip to
Camber Sands; Are they lying?
A Hindu funeral for Kenugen
Saththiyanathan, 18, the youngest of the group and his 22-year-old
brother Kobikanthan, of Erith, and friends Nitharsan Ravi, 22,
Inthushan Sriskantharasa, 23, and Gurushanth Srithavarajah, 27, began
at dawn on Sunday 4th September 2016.
The very fact that so many mourners,
friends and family turned up for the funeral, blows away my
contention that the lads were refugees fleeing to the British shores.
But still, I cannot see how six
fit young men could die in the safe and death free sea off Camber
The 19-year-old Brazilian man,
Gustavo Silva Da Cruz who died the week before the five
lads from South London, was the only fatality of a group of three men
who got into difficultly that day. The lucky two men who survived had
no links with the Brazilian man.
We know Sussex Police have been known
to cover-up false flag events before because of a FOI request in
connection to the Shoreham Air-show crash, (which anniversary was
about the same as the Camber Sand tragedy a year on.)
Nationally renowned conspiracy
researcher Chris Spivey caused up-roar when he said, "The
Shoreham plane crash is without doubt the most easily pulled apart
government hoax that I have investigated to date."
Sussex Police were asked whether
they would comment and answer whether they had investigated Chris
Spivey's claim, only for them to reply:
"I (Sussex Police) can confirm
your request has now been considered and I (Sussex Police) am not
obliged to supply the information you have requested."
Why on Earth would Sussex Police not
want to quash claims that the Shoreham Air-show crash was a false-flag
Sussex Police continue, "Confirmation
that information is held would prejudice how investigations are
carried out in the future by revealing details of investigative
When ufo researchers Richard Lennie and
John Walson notified Sussex Police that a ufo caused the Shoreham
airshow crash, Sussex Police were said to be "very
grateful" for the information.
But it would appear they aren't so
forth-coming in discussing anything to do with allegations of
covering up a false flag event, of which Chris Spivey is so renowned
for uncovering.
For a moment I toyed with the crazy
idea that the five Tamil loving loyalists from South East London,
travelled down to Camber Sand's to commit a terrorist atrocity.
Just imagine the carnage and publicity?
On the hottest day of the year, with thousands of jam packed
sun-seekers on the beaches, five bombs explode killing hundreds and
injuring many more... In today's political/terrorist climate it could
so easily happen.
My first thought was that the bombing
mission had gone terribly wrong and that the five friends had either
committed suicide together in a suicide pack, or died in the process
of planting the bombs, which evidently never exploded.
It just goes to prove what an
over-active mind I've got....
I now think the more likely answer is
that the six men were refugees, coming to England for a better life,
just as we've watched thousands fleeing to the Mediterranean
from war torn Syria over the Summer.
BRITAIN is at risk of having a massive
migrant crisis like the Mediterranean, experts have warned after a
boat of migrants was rescued from the English Channel.
Already this summer the UK's Border
Force rescued 19 people in the English Channel. A group of 18
Albanian migrants were among 20 people rescued from the English
Channel just yards from Kent after their inflatable boat started
sinking. The group, which included two children and a woman, was
within striking distance of British shores when a call for help was
made to the UK Coastguard.
Along the same stretch of coast between
Dungeness, Dymchurch and Littlestone, rigid inflatable boats (RIB)
have been found laden with refugees.
Considering no-one has died from
quick-sand or rip-tides off Camber Sand's in recent history, the more
likely reason for six fit and healthy young men to be washed up to
shore, is that they drowned out at sea, having fallen off a RIB's
coming into shore.
Let's not forget that the English
Channel is just 20.6 miles at its shortest distance between France
and the Kent coast. The kind of migrant boat tragedies seen in the
Mediterranean Sea could happen in the Channel, and may well have
already happened but is being covered up by a government used to
covering up bad news.
The last thing PM Theresa May wants
splashed across the newspaper headlines, is that desperate refugees
are being washed up dead on our British shores.
With security at the Channel Tunnel and
on board ferries and lorries beefed up, its only logical
that the people smugglers are resorting to RIB's to ferry
their cargo into Britain.
The President of the French coastguard,
Bernard Barron, said: "It's starting to become a very similar
situation to that seen in the Mediterranean and my biggest fear is
that the same kind of tragedies we see in Greece or Italy will start
to repeat in the Channel."
It would appear that the Camber Sand's
tragedy is the first sign of the above warning coming true.
Perhaps Mak knows something about it.
(An extract from a POF conversation)
Mak |
01/09, 08:27 - Mak: Ooo what are you writing about?
01/09, 08:33 - Matt: I'm researching the 5 dead at Camber Sands. There must be more
to the story. 5 friends don't all tragically die at the same time.
12 hours later.....
2 weeks later.....
1 day later.....
16/09, 16:33 - Matt: My research seems to suggest that the dead bodies washed up on
Camber Sands could be immigrants fleeing to the UK. Do you know
something about this, which is why you've stopped communicating or
it is just because you think I'm a loony?
30 minutes later....