Friday 7 June 2024

The Case Against Sussex Police: Aiding and Abetting Through Inaction.

In democratic societies, the police are entrusted with the crucial role of protecting citizens and upholding the law impartially. However, when law enforcement fails to act against evident wrongdoing, it risks becoming complicit in the very crimes it is meant to prevent. 

This essay contends that Sussex Police are, through their inaction, effectively aiding and abetting James Hind, a self-proclaimed Satanist involved in Project Night Watch, in his ongoing campaign of stalking and harassment against Matt Taylor.

The Allegations Against James Hind…

James Hind has engaged in a sustained and prolific campaign of harassment against Matt Taylor, a former ex Royal Military Policeman and activist. Hind has published hundreds of tweets and dozens of blog posts branding Taylor as a predator and a danger to men, women, and children. These accusations are not only unfounded but are also designed to tarnish Taylor's reputation, cause him emotional distress, and disrupt his life.

The nature of Hind's online activities includes anonymous referrals to social services and the police, defamatory statements, persistent harassment, and cyberstalking. These actions meet the legal definitions of harassment and stalking, which typically encompass repeated, unwanted behaviour that causes distress or fear in the victim. The digital age has only amplified the reach and impact of such harassment, making the role of law enforcement in addressing these issues more critical than ever.

Reports to Sussex Police…

Matt Taylor has repeatedly reported James Hind's activities to Sussex Police, providing them with ample evidence of the harassment. This evidence includes:

1. Screenshots of Tweets: Documenting the defamatory and harassing content posted by Hind.

2. Links to Blog Posts: Showcasing the relentless and malicious nature of Hind's online publications about Taylor.

3. Personal Testimonies: Describing the emotional and psychological toll this harassment has taken on Taylor.

Despite these reports, Sussex Police have failed to take substantive action against Hind. This inaction is not only a failure to protect a citizen but can be interpreted as tacit approval or support of Hind's activities.

Sussex Police’s Response: A Pattern of Inaction…

The core issue lies in Sussex Police’s apparent unwillingness to investigate Hind’s behaviour thoroughly. This inaction can be seen in several ways:

1. Lack of Investigation: There has been no significant investigation into the allegations against Hind, despite the clear evidence provided. A proper investigation would include interviewing Hind, collecting digital evidence, and possibly seeking legal actions like restraining orders.

2. Dismissal of Complaints: Taylor’s complaints have been repeatedly dismissed or downplayed, indicating a lack of seriousness in addressing his concerns.

3. Inconsistency with Other Cases: When compared to other similar cases where the police have acted swiftly, the discrepancy in response is stark. This inconsistency raises questions about the motives behind the police’s inaction in Taylor’s case.

Legal and Ethical Implications…

Sussex Police have a legal and ethical duty to protect individuals from harassment and stalking. Their failure to act on Matt Taylor’s reports constitutes a neglect of this duty. By ignoring Taylor’s plight, Sussex Police are indirectly supporting Hind’s campaign of harassment. This can be seen as aiding and abetting, defined as assisting or facilitating the commission of a crime. 

1. Duty of Care: Police are mandated to act on credible threats and harassment reports. Failing to do so undermines public trust and leaves victims vulnerable.

2. Implicated Support: Inaction in the face of clear evidence can be perceived as implicit support for Hind’s actions, emboldening him and others to continue such behaviour without fear of consequences.

3. Bias and Accountability: There must be an investigation into whether biases or conflicts of interest are influencing Sussex Police’s inaction. An independent body should review the handling of Taylor’s complaints to ensure accountability.


In conclusion, the failure of Sussex Police to investigate and act upon the repeated harassment and stalking of Matt Taylor by James Hind is a serious dereliction of duty. This inaction effectively aids and abets Hind by allowing him to continue his campaign of harassment unchallenged. The implications of this failure extend beyond Taylor’s case, setting a dangerous precedent for how similar cases might be handled in the future. It is imperative that Sussex Police address these allegations with the seriousness they deserve and take immediate action to investigate and curb James Hind’s activities. Only through such measures can they restore public trust and ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals under their protection.

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