Lame James, the satanic cretin, The Larper Hind, pillock, fool, tool and idiot, has the nerve to threaten me with Sussex Police.
How predictable! How predictably predictable from James the tool Hind, to threaten me with police action in response to me beating him hands down in the Good verses Evil stakes.

You can imagine the conversation!
Hello Sussex Police, I'd like to report a crime.
Yes Sir, what's your name?
James Hind, but that's not my real name.
That's fine Sir, we don't require the name or address of complainants. What is the nature of your complaint?
Matthew Taylor from Brighton is the maker of the YouTube channel Yanto. Yanto publishes videos which take the piss out of me and my mates and I don't like it. I want Matt Taylor arrested, all his equipment taken, and for him to be handcuffed, thrown in the back of a police van, and slung in a police cell for 20 hours.
Okay Mr Hind, that should be fine to arrange. What evidence can you provide that links the Yanto YouTube channel to Matt Taylor?
My ace researcher at Project Night Watch says so, so it must be true. Even if it isn't him, which I doubt it is actually, considering my reporter at Project Night Watch has already pointed out their IP addresses are different; it would still deprive him of his computer equipment for a year.
Yes okay Mr Hind, which we know isn't your real name; on behalf of Sussex Police I'd like to thank you for reporting Matt Taylor and giving us the excuse to kidnap him and steal his property again. We look forward to your next complaint, to which we can assure you will receive our fullest action and resource response.
Thanks Sussex Police, you really are the most satanic police force in the UK.

If that isn't intended as a trigger, I don't know what is!
Worthy of the cretin label, he thinks so highly of himself, that he can ring Sussex Police, feed them a bucket of bullshit, and expect them to jump to his bidding.
But then again, he does believe he's his own god. His own authority above all else.

Actually; its been confirmed by my newly formed Project Light Watch strike team, made up of researchers, reporters and other professionals, formed to monitor and challenge the criminal activity of Project Night Watch, formed by Brighton based satanic leader James Hind (not his real name,) to monitor and challenge my political Brighton Kemptown 2024 election campaign.
Confirmed by Project Light Watch, Gary Woolgar, a professional engineer, has been jailed for multiple sexual offences against a young boy.

Confirmed by Project Light Watch, Paul Kerr, had his jail sentence increased, due to the severity of his stalking and harassment.

Trust me; James Hind is a larper. That's been 100% confirmed by Project Light Watch.
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