I was having a right laugh commenting on the Fruitcake Muncher's YouTube channel today, until the chief Fruitcake Muncher Richard Dougall, finished work and spoilt all the fun.

"Lies, lies, all lies!"
I've never had any criminal convictions for stalking, and nor was I dishonourable discharged from the Army for drug-dealing.
That Richard Dougall is a filthy liar.

It all started with a witty comment from Dougall at 7am, publicising my latest YouTube video, before he went to work!
Thingy v Angie, Round 2 🥊🥊 🍿
I had a right laugh, enjoying banter with Nurse Sue, Prometheus, Vanguard Supreme and Jack Smith.
Nurse Sue played a right laugh on me, sprouting some bullshit about doxxing her or something!

She even reported me to Sussex Police, which was rather amusing!
Read more: Nurse Sue reports Matt Taylor to Sussex Police!

Oh how we laughed 😅
Reminding me of The Mutt, who once demanded I give him an apology, for comparing his appearance to the pop supremo, Jonathan King, at one point during the day, she even made a similar demand that I must remove a video within the hour.

I asked her on numerous occasions to clarify what video she was referring to, but alas she didn't answer me.
I could only conclude she meant this one.

I even challenged them take my 10 Minute Challenge of putting their face to camera and either educating or entertaining us for 10 minutes; but of course none of them had the balls to accept my challenge!
Mind you, Vanguard Supreme got all serious on me, and said she couldn't accept my challenge, because it would reveal herself and her family to her abuser.
Serious Shit!
And of course I would never want anyone to accept my "childish challenge," if it meant anyone, and their families, were put in the line of fire.
But other than that, I had a right laugh hanging out with the Fruitcake Munchers!
Just a shame Dougall finished work and spoilt all the fun!
It's pretty spiteful that he should make a nasty and totally untrue claim that I wee'd in my kitchen?
But hey, that's Dougall for you. A nasty piece of shit, who likes nothing better than to spread lies about you!

Click me to watch me!
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