Thursday, 16 November 2017
Taylor's Political Column - Read it if you dare!
John Paterson takes on his Trolls.
John Paterson letter to DC Grimwood of Surrey Police.
Dear Mr Grimwood Please excuse my language but that's how I deal with people who try to darken my character, "these people" have no idea of the sort of people who I am connected with, and what they are capable of. If these scum bags at Hoaxted do not stop spreading lies about me and other whistleblowers, and IF the police do not respond, we will take matters into our own hands. It's called self-defence and I'm very good at what I do..... so they tell me Mr Grimwood, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
You can start by taking down thier website for "malicious broadcasting" IF I HAD TO SERVE 21 DAYS IN LEWES PRISON FORE THIS "OFFENCE" THEN WHY ARE YOU ALLOWING "THESE PEOPLE" TO GET AWAY WITH IT?????? I EXPECT A RESPONSE ASAP, my patience has just run out, and I have not had my first coffee yet, and trust me, you wouldn't like me at 04.00 before my first coffee. now read on....
Listen up you PAEDOPHILE PROTECTING BASTARDS We now know you are being funded by corrupt officers, I will be naming you all on Facebook, where I have at least 5000 followers over several accounts Why don't you fat yellow zionist bastards report me to Surrey Police and to The Crown Prosecution Service who hold my lap-top. Or better still, why don't you come aboard on Facebook, and challenge some of the whistleblowers who I work with? Did you know that George Osbourne threatened to cut Theresa May into tiny pieceas, why don't you report HIM to the Police?
And why are you all so shit scared to report me? As usual, I do not expect a response, but be warned. Lock your doors and windows, there are some very, very, nasty bastards heading your way.,. This message and your fake website is now being displayed all over Facebook, Google, Linkedin, and of course Twitter, so what are you going to do next? Why not give me a call? Why not meet up with me?
Ha ha ha ha haaar Paterson & Lees: the archive on Geopolitical, Religious Fraud, Central Banking, Fascism, Narcotics, and War Crimes. Find me on the Internet, I am everywhere. John Alexander aka Peter Green aka John Paterson aka John Alexander Paterson has dedicated his life to exposing the threats to world peace and prosperity. For years he has quietly absorbed the facts and in the last 6 weeks he has become pivotal as a breaking news vent to explain why police funding and jobs are tumbling in favour of private security companies. He understands now the masterplan that the G8-G20 governments act out. How it interlocks with warmongering the issuance of money (the violent/genocidal control of central banks globally and the vital importance of manipulating the press and the politicians by coercion). It is centuries old but now has every country in a sovereign debt crisis: debt with interest to the private owners of our beautiful "democratic" world. See my home page/Introduction. If you are worried about your job, your pension, your savings, your property, your pay freeze, your children's debt burden and the dirty tricks warmongering in innocent countries by the G20 munitions grandees then just listen to the videos below then find out your local politicians role in the money trail THEFT PROJECT that is INTERNATIONAL POLITICS & USURY for private gain.
If the title is offensive because of your deep seated beliefs then you will begin to realise how clever the tyranical, mind controling strategies are....they explain all martyrs, missions, genocides, holocausts and ECONOMIC Crises....which are cleverly engineered. So scan down till you see something that impacts on your immediate future. If you are a specialist or have a conscience about something that happened in your region which is undermining decent society then please get in touch and we can make a video that will shame your local leaders into acting on behalf of the electorate and global taxpayers. The mistake they made is teaching us to read and write and all religious worshippers/denominations (are driven by morals and adherence to the same rules that are broken by all NOBEL peace laureates, Prime Ministers and Presidents). Decency and open communication will fix it quickly....SO PLEASE GET IN TOUCH.
Find me on the Internet, I am probably one of THE WORLDS top researches with access to "above top secret" documents that Wikileaks dare not publish. What would you like to know about Julian Assange? Or, er... hmmm let me see who else do I have on my hit list...... come and challenge me if you dare, IT IS OBVIOUS THAT IF YOU WERE SUCH GOOD "RESEARCHERS" YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE DARED PUBLISH ALL THIS SHIT ABOUT ME AND MY FRIENDS. Unless of course you are being funded by corrupt officers, but don't worry there are still many, many, decent officers who are just about to kick your arses so hard, not even your rent boys will want anything to do with you. I hope you enjoy Prison food, especially over the christmas period .. Oh and just one more thing about your "anti-semitic" claims, I was married to a very intelligent JEWISH lady from Los Angeles, I also worked for Jews for over 30 years, they are some of my closest alllies. Had my wife had not been threatened, I would never had left The USA in September 2001 where I had a very well paid job, and returned to the UK.
I had to divorced Genevieve for her own safety and she is still alive and well and running an Organic Farm in NC, what have any of you fat yellow bastards ever done to help?
THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ZIONIST JEWS, AND "NORMAL JEWS" But you uneducated retards were never taught the difference in school, because "these people" also run the so-called "education" system, "they" also own our Politicians... but not for much longer. There is also a difference between light and dark, and you people are very, very dark. I am in touch with Sean at The SGT Report, watch and listen and tell me that Ella Draper and The Experienced Police Officer are lying. Ella Draper mentions Finchley Road money-laundering. FINCHLEY ROAD IS PANDORA'S BOX. And the lid is now open
😉 ask a good friend of mine, Gordon Bowden, Ex Royal Air Force Whistleblower 18 years hard forensic evidence. I have the culprits linked to Finchley Road, aka Panama Papers aka Paradise Papers, see me also on Press TV and The BBC Have A Nice Day.
😉 JP

Tuesday, 14 November 2017
John Paterson speaks out!
Now John Paterson, a London-based political commentator, believes lobbyists have a high influence on many top officials in the country. “Very senior politicians in the government are controlled because of money they are taking,” he told Press TV’s UK Desk on Sunday.
Paterson also made reference to cases of official scandals and noted that lobbyists use their clout over politicians through money and information they gain on them.
The latest report, dubbed Lifting the Lid on Lobbying, says major party donors can be offered peerages through these loopholes and that there is no requirement on lobbyists to declare spending on gifts and hospitality to public officials, etc.
A recent TI UK survey shows some three in five Britons believe the government is “entirely” or “to a large extent” run by a few big entities acting in their own best interests.
Below John makes public his latest email to Surrey Police Detective Inspector Andy Grimwood.
Dear Mr Grimwood
Please excuse my language but that's how I deal with people why try to darken my character, "these people" have no idea of the sort of people who I am connected with, and what they are capable of.
If these scum bags at Hoaxted do not stop spreading lies about me and other whistleblowers, and IF the police do not respond, we will take matters into our own hands. It's called self-defence and I'm very good at what I do..... so they tell me Mr Grimwood, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
You can start by taking down thier website for "malicious broadcasting" IF I HAD TO SERVE 21 DAYS IN LEWES PRISON FORE THIS "OFFENCE" THEN WHY ARE YOU ALLOWING "THESE PEOPLE" TO GET AWAY WITH IT??????
I EXPECT A RESPONSE ASAP, my patience has just run out, and I have not had my first coffee yet, and trust me, you wouldn't like me at 04.00 before my first coffee. now read on....
Listen up you PAEDOPHILE PROTECTING BASTARDS We now know you are being funded by corrupt officers, I will be naming you all on Facebook, where I have at least 5000 followers over several accounts Why don't you fat yellow zionist bastards report me to Surrey Police and to The Crown Prosecution Service who hold my lap-top. Or better still, why don't you come aboard on Facebook, and challenge some of the whistleblowers who I work with?
Did you know that George Osbourne threatened to cut Theresa May into tiny pieceas, why don't you report HIM to the Police? And why are you all so shit scared to report me? As usual, I do not expect a response, but be warned. Lock your doors and windows, there are some very, very, nasty bastards heading your way.,. This message and your fake website is now being displayed all over Facebook, Google, Linkedin, and of course Twitter, so what are you going to do next? Why not give me a call? Why not meet up with me? Ha ha ha ha haaar
Paterson & Lees: the archive on Geopolitical, Religious Fraud, Central Banking, Fascism, Narcotics, and War Crimes. Find me on the Internet, I am everywhere.
Did you know that George Osbourne threatened to cut Theresa May into tiny pieceas, why don't you report HIM to the Police? And why are you all so shit scared to report me? As usual, I do not expect a response, but be warned. Lock your doors and windows, there are some very, very, nasty bastards heading your way.,. This message and your fake website is now being displayed all over Facebook, Google, Linkedin, and of course Twitter, so what are you going to do next? Why not give me a call? Why not meet up with me? Ha ha ha ha haaar
Paterson & Lees: the archive on Geopolitical, Religious Fraud, Central Banking, Fascism, Narcotics, and War Crimes. Find me on the Internet, I am everywhere.
John has dedicated his life to exposing the threats to world peace and prosperity. For years he has quietly absorbed the facts and in the last 6 weeks he has become pivotal as a breaking news vent to explain why police funding and jobs are tumbling in favour of private security companies.
He understands now the masterplan that the G8-G20 governments act out. How it interlocks with warmongering the issuance of money (the violent/genocidal control of central banks globally and the vital importance of manipulating the press and the politicians by coercion). It is centuries old but now has every country in a sovereign debt crisis: debt with interest to the private owners of our beautiful "democratic" world. See my home page/Introduction.
If you are worried about your job, your pension, your savings, your property, your pay freeze, your children's debt burden and the dirty tricks warmongering in innocent countries by the G20 munitions grandees then just listen to the videos below then find out your local politicians role in the money trail THEFT PROJECT that is INTERNATIONAL POLITICS & USURY for private gain. If the title is offensive because of your deep seated beliefs then you will begin to realise how clever the tyranical, mind controling strategies are....they explain all martyrs, missions, genocides, holocausts and ECONOMIC Crises....which are cleverly engineered.
So scan down till you see something that impacts on your immediate future. If you are a specialist or have a conscience about something that happened in your region which is undermining decent society then please get in touch and we can make a video that will shame your local leaders into acting on behalf of the electorate and global taxpayers. The mistake they made is teaching us to read and write and all religious worshippers/denominations (are driven by morals and adherence to the same rules that are broken by all NOBEL peace laureates, Prime Ministers and Presidents). Decency and open communication will fix it quickly....SO PLEASE GET IN TOUCH.
Find me on the Internet, I am probably one of THE WORLDS top researches with access to "above top secret" documents that Wikileaks dare not publish. What would you like to know about Julian Assange? Or, er... hmmm let me see who else do I have on my hit list...... come and challenge me if you dare, IT IS OBVIOUS THAT IF YOU WERE SUCH GOOD "RESEARCHERS" YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE DARED PUBLISH ALL THIS SHIT ABOUT ME AND MY FRIENDS.
Unless of course you are being funded by corrupt officers, but don't worry there are still many, many, decent officers who are just about to kick your arses so hard, not even your rent boys will want anything to do with you.
I hope you enjoy Prison food, especially over the christmas period .. Oh and just one more thing about your "anti-semitic" claims, I was married to a very intelligent JEWISH lady from Los Angeles, I also worked for Jews for over 30 years, they are some of my closest alllies. Had my wife had not been threatened, I would never had left The USA in September 2001 where I had a very well paid job, and returned to the UK. I had to divorced her for her own safety and she is still alive and well and running an Organic Farm in NC, what have any of you fat yellow bastards done to help? THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ZIONIST JEWS, AND "NORMAL JEWS"
But you uneducated retards were never taught the difference in school, because "these people" also run the so-called "education" system, "they" also own our Poiticians... but not for much longer.
There is also a difference between light and dark, and you people are very, very dark.
I am in touch with Sean at The SGT Report, watch and listen and tell me that Ella Draper and The Experienced Police Officer are lying. Ella Draper mentions Finchley Road money-laundering. FINCHLEY ROAD IS PANDORA'S BOX. And the lid is now open 😉 ask a good friend of mine, Gordon Bowden, Ex Royal Air Force Whistleblower 18 years hard forensic evidence.
I have the culprits linked to Finchley Road, aka Panama Papers aka Paradise Papers, see me also on Press TV and The BBC
Have A Nice Day. 😉
Monday, 13 November 2017
The Paradise Papers reveal that the Queen is the worst parasite of them all.
Sourced from Daily Record, written by Annie Brown.
While hardworking Brits have to declare every penny HRH is forgiven for being 'unaware' of where her millions are invested, says columnist Annie Brown.
It should come as no shock that Royal cash has been invested offshore in the unscrupulous sharks of Brighthouse.
There is a fag paper of difference between the parasitical nature of the Royal institution and Brighthouse, who have made millions lending to the poor.
Through the leaked Paradise Papers, we now know the Duchy of Lancaster has invested £10million in offshore funds in the Cayman Islands.
The monarch’s private estate of the Duchy is now worth half a billion pounds and it pays more than £20million a year in private income to the Queen .
We know she has racehorses to feed but as was asked of Queen Victoria, what’s she doing with it?
The Queen pays tax on the income she gets from the Duchy but, pinch your nose for this, she doesn’t need to declare how much.
Lizzy and Prince Charles, are not legally obliged to pay tax but do so on a “voluntary” basis.
Which rather makes a misnomer of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
So while firefighters and nurses and you and I have to declare every penny or we end up in Her Majesty’s clink, the Queen can technically pay what amounts to diddly squat.
While “benefit scroungers” and immigrants are demonised, the worst parasite of all is revered. The Queen’s financial advisers have been criticised for bringing the “monarchy into disrepute” and some honourable brown nose will no doubt be brought to task.
In the meantime, the Queen is forgiven for being ”unware” of where her £10million was invested, as though it’s change one loses down the sofa.
Graham Smith of Republic said: “We should expect higher standards from our head of state.” Yes, we should but we don’t. Quite how the Queen came to get her begloved paws on the Duchy purse is a murky topic.
In the report, the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts, argued that the income was “an accident of history”, stemming from arrangements established in the 14th century which “might not be appropriate today”.
In other words, somewhere along the line, we were robbed.
The Duchy have claimed the Queen hasn’t received any tax advantage from the offshore investments.
While the majority in the UK have been forced to their knees by austerity, the wealthy have soared in their prosperity.
What makes all of this even more unpalatable is that instead of resenting the Queen, we put her on a bejewelled pedestal.
Yesterday, food banks revealed they will struggle to meet the soaring need for emergency food supplies this Christmas, from families hit by delays in payment of Universal Credit .
It really is time to wake up and smell how one truly stinks.
While hardworking Brits have to declare every penny HRH is forgiven for being 'unaware' of where her millions are invested, says columnist Annie Brown.
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£10million of the Queen's cash is said to have been invested in offshore tax haven funds (Image: AFP) |
There is a fag paper of difference between the parasitical nature of the Royal institution and Brighthouse, who have made millions lending to the poor.
The monarch’s private estate of the Duchy is now worth half a billion pounds and it pays more than £20million a year in private income to the Queen .
We know she has racehorses to feed but as was asked of Queen Victoria, what’s she doing with it?
The Queen pays tax on the income she gets from the Duchy but, pinch your nose for this, she doesn’t need to declare how much.
Lizzy and Prince Charles, are not legally obliged to pay tax but do so on a “voluntary” basis.
Which rather makes a misnomer of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
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The Queen and Prince Charles aren't legally obliged to pay tax (Image: AFP/Getty) |
While “benefit scroungers” and immigrants are demonised, the worst parasite of all is revered. The Queen’s financial advisers have been criticised for bringing the “monarchy into disrepute” and some honourable brown nose will no doubt be brought to task.
In the meantime, the Queen is forgiven for being ”unware” of where her £10million was invested, as though it’s change one loses down the sofa.
Graham Smith of Republic said: “We should expect higher standards from our head of state.” Yes, we should but we don’t. Quite how the Queen came to get her begloved paws on the Duchy purse is a murky topic.
In the report, the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts, argued that the income was “an accident of history”, stemming from arrangements established in the 14th century which “might not be appropriate today”.
In other words, somewhere along the line, we were robbed.
The Duchy have claimed the Queen hasn’t received any tax advantage from the offshore investments.
While the majority in the UK have been forced to their knees by austerity, the wealthy have soared in their prosperity.
What makes all of this even more unpalatable is that instead of resenting the Queen, we put her on a bejewelled pedestal.
Yesterday, food banks revealed they will struggle to meet the soaring need for emergency food supplies this Christmas, from families hit by delays in payment of Universal Credit .
It really is time to wake up and smell how one truly stinks.
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