Friday 5 January 2024

Tales from the Dark Side (YouTube)

As Above, So Below!

We are all familiar with the aged old saying of as above, so below!

In many ways it reminds me of our crazy corner of YouTube, being a microcosm of the world at large.

As above so below, what happens in our crazy corner of YouTube, is a reflection of what is going on in the world around us.

With the Epstein paedophile scandal finally being exposing, we are learning that all those people who portrayed themselves as the great and good, were all paedophiles, flying to Epstein's island, to rape children.

All those people who were applauded as the best of society. The best of Hollywood, the best of Industry.

They were all flying to the infamous Epstein island to indulge in horrific acts of perversions against children.

As above so below.

What's happening in the world today, is echoed in our crazy corner of YouTube.

All those who put themselves on their own pedestals, screaming from the roof roofs, that everyone else are "pea dough files," "wrongens," and "nonces," except themselves.

Well, we now know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


Did he Really?
The Truth About Plisko!

It's incredulous that people are calling for "respect," to be shown for the prolific YouTube troll Billy Coyle, who goes under the YouTube name of Plisko.

May I remind everyone that he is a prolific YouTube porn bomber, who has lost me a number of YouTube channels, as a result of his porn bombing.

YouTube Pseudo News says, "Plisko is not a bad person."

By making a public statement saying he isn't, merely suggests that he is.

Paris Barrington says, "he is a gentleman x" Clearly not the case, having heard his misogynistic hate speech rants against various women on YouTube, including Bleeding Heart, Katie B and Kaley.

None of us have forgotten how Plisko harassed Katie B live on YouTube, incessantly ringing her, causing her visible distress and alarm.

We equally remember when he did the same to East 17 superstar Brian Harvey.

He even did it to me!

And last but not least, AJ Degenerate's ridiculous statement that "Plisko does not go after the innocent."

Total rubbish, considering the many times he's called me a "nonce."

I am not a nonce and am an innocent person, whom he has repeatedly called a "nonce," for many years.

Let's get real... Plisko is a menace to YouTube.

Plisko is a menace!

And so the year ends...

Coming into the year reeling from the malicious and fraudulent arrest on 18 November 2022, I wouldn't have believed I'd be arrested again on the 8 March 2023.

But I was!

Just as I was arrested again on the 4 October 2023, because Plisko, aka Billy Coyle, aka Uncle Paedo, spammed a certain name which appeared for a second on my screen.

2023 has been the year of the satanists and I can only pray to the good gods that the trend doesn't continue into 2024.

The person who accused me of stalking and harassing him, resulting in the arrests on 18 November 2022 and 8 March 2023, openly identified as a satanist, as does the person who fraudulently and maliciously reported me to Sussex Police for breaking a court order, which forbids me from mentioning another certain person.

So to sum 2023 in a few words; it's been shit, shit, shit.

2024 is the year the tide turns...

Grandma Mouse - Guilty of Hate Crime

Despised YouTube Troll, Grandma Mouse, is guilty of a hate crime, according to the new interpretation of the Crime and Disorder 1998 Act.

Vowing to "give the trolls hell again in 2024," is clearly a Hate Crime, in-so-far that spreading hostility includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.

Grandma Mouse is clearly starting off the year with hostility, qualifying as the first YouTube troll to be guilty of Hate Crime in 2024.

It is only a matter of time before justice prevails and Grandma's brought to justice.

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