Thursday 23 May 2024

The Relationship Between James Hind and Matt Taylor…

The relationship between James Hind and Matt Taylor is complex and fraught with controversy, characterised by mutual antagonism and opposing ideologies. Hind, a self-identified Satanist, leads "Project Night Watch," an initiative aimed at monitoring and challenging individuals he labels as "Satan Hunters." These are people who, according to Hind, falsely accuse others of participating in satanic rituals and related criminal activities.

James Hind and Project Night Watch…

James Hind, who operates under a pseudonym, is known for his active online presence and his efforts to counteract what he sees as baseless accusations against individuals involved in Satanism. His project, "Project Night Watch," includes a network of researchers, reporters, and intelligence operatives who gather information on and publicly challenge those they believe are perpetuating harmful myths about Satanism. Hind's group communicates with law enforcement, courts, and media to address and refute claims made by "Satan Hunters."

Matt Taylor's Perspective…

On the other side of the conflict is Matt Taylor, a former Royal Military Policeman and a political figure who has campaigned to ban what he describes as "satanic extremism" from the internet. Taylor perceives Hind and his associates as dangerous radicals who exploit vulnerable individuals. He argues that groups like "Project Night Watch" engage in harmful activities under the guise of protecting Satanists. Taylor has vowed to introduce legislation that would categorise such groups as extremist and seek to eliminate their influence online.

Points of Contention…

1. **Accusations of Extremism**: Taylor accuses Hind of leading a radical group that endangers vulnerable individuals by promoting satanic beliefs and practices. Hind counters that Taylor's efforts are based on unfounded accusations and moral panic, which harm innocent people involved in alternative religious practices.


2. **Public Safety and Legislation**: Taylor's political platform includes specific measures to combat what he views as online satanic radicalisation. He aims to introduce laws that would criminalise the activities of groups like Hind's. Hind, however, views these efforts as censorship and an attack on religious freedom.

3. **Public Discourse and Media**: Both Hind and Taylor use media and public discourse to further their agendas. Hind leverages social media, Twitter and blogs to disseminate his viewpoints and challenge his opponents. Taylor, similarly, uses his political campaigns and public statements to rally support against what he sees as dangerous satanic influences.


The dynamic between James Hind and Matt Taylor underscores a broader conflict between freedom of religious expression and concerns over extremism. Hind's "Project Night Watch" seeks to protect and legitimise Satanism against what it sees as defamatory and dangerous accusations. Meanwhile, Taylor's crusade is rooted in a desire to protect the public from what he perceives as radical and harmful ideologies. Their ongoing conflict reflects deep divisions in how society views unconventional religious practices and the balance between protection from extremism and the preservation of religious liberties.

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