Thursday 30 May 2024

The Ongoing Threats Faced by Matt Taylor from Self-Proclaimed Satanist James Hind...

In an unsettling continuation of targeted harassment, Matt Taylor, a former Royal Military policeman turned political commentator from Brighton, finds himself under persistent threat from James Hind, a self-proclaimed Satanist. Hind's latest menacing communication came via Twitter, where he issued a stark warning to Taylor regarding his public comments on the suspension of Lloyd Russell-Moyle, the former MP for Brighton Kemptown, by the Labour Party.

Hind’s tweet read: "We suggest the predator Matthew Taylor of Brighton be very careful about what he says in public against the former MP for Brighton Kemptown Mr Russell-Moyle, as we will make sure Taylor answers for any libel and malicious communications he makes against Mr Russell-Moyle."

This tweet is the latest in a series of threats aimed at silencing Taylor, who has been vocal in his critiques of various public figures and political developments. The language employed by Hind not only attempts to intimidate Taylor but also maligns his character by labeling him a "predator."

Background of the Feud…

The animosity between Taylor and Hind dates back several years, rooted in their sharply contrasting worldviews and public statements. Taylor, known for his outspoken and often controversial opinions, has not shied away from criticizing individuals and institutions he believes are corrupt or morally compromised. This has included remarks about local politicians and figures like Russell-Moyle.

Hind, on the other hand, has used his platform to support and defend individuals such as Russell-Moyle, while also promoting his own radical ideology. His identification as a Satanist and his aggressive online behaviour have only added a layer of complexity to the situation, as his threats often carry an undertone of dark, ritualistic menace.

The Impact of Hind’s Threats…

For Taylor, Hind's continuous threats have had a significant impact. Living under the shadow of potential retaliation, Taylor faces not only the stress of personal safety concerns but also the challenge of maintaining his freedom of speech in a climate of fear. The nature of Hind’s threats — promising legal action for alleged libel and malicious communication — seeks to stifle Taylor's commentary through intimidation.

Moreover, these threats have not been limited to online harassment. Taylor has reported instances of more direct confrontations, heightening the sense of danger he feels. The portrayal of Taylor as a "predator" by Hind is particularly damaging, as it aims to undermine Taylor's credibility and tarnish his reputation within the community.

Legal and Social Ramifications…

The ongoing conflict raises significant questions about the balance between freedom of speech and the protection against defamation and malicious communication. While Taylor’s critiques of public figures fall within the realm of free expression, Hind's threats could be seen as crossing into the territory of harassment and intimidation.

Legal experts suggest that Taylor could pursue action against Hind for harassment, though the complex nature of online threats and the enforcement of laws across digital platforms often complicates such proceedings. Additionally, the public nature of these exchanges exposes broader societal issues related to the management of online behaviour and the protection of individuals from targeted harassment.


The continuous threats from James Hind against Matt Taylor represent a troubling dynamic in the modern landscape of political commentary and personal safety. As Taylor navigates the perils of public discourse amidst such intimidation, the situation underscores the urgent need for clearer protections and support for individuals facing harassment online. The balance between free speech and the prevention of harmful communication remains a contentious and vital issue in ensuring a just and safe public sphere.

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