Monday 20 May 2024

The Perversion of YouTube Trolls.

The Perversion of a Mind: Understanding the Roots of Online Depravity…

The advent of social media has fundamentally transformed the way humans communicate, providing unprecedented access to share thoughts and ideas. While this democratisation of voice has many positive aspects, it also exposes the darker sides of human nature. One of the most distressing phenomena is the posting of vile and perverse comments, such as the hypothetical scenario of a self-confessed member of a group like Legion publicly writing, "I bet you do it with a baby if you get the chance." Such a statement is not only profoundly disturbing but also indicative of significant moral and psychological decay. This essay explores the possible reasons behind why someone would write such a thing, delving into the psychological underpinnings, the impact of anonymity, and the influence of social media platforms.

The Psychological Underpinnings…

To understand why an individual would write such a perverse comment, it is essential to delve into the psychological state that might drive this behaviour. Cognitive dissonance theory provides one framework: individuals who experience a disconnect between their internal beliefs and their actions or expressed thoughts may resort to extreme statements to reconcile this dissonance. In this case, the individual might harbour deep-seated feelings of inadequacy, anger, or frustration that manifest through shocking and offensive comments.

Moreover, individuals with certain personality disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, may lack empathy and revel in the chaos they create. They might derive a sense of power or superiority from the shock and outrage their comments provoke. For these individuals, the perversion of their thoughts and actions is a way to assert control and dominate others in a space where their usual methods of influence might be limited.

The Role of Anonymity…

Anonymity on social media platforms significantly contributes to the expression of depraved thoughts. The lack of immediate consequences and the ability to hide behind a pseudonym embolden individuals to say things they might never utter in face-to-face interactions. This disinhibition effect lowers the threshold for expressing socially unacceptable or morally reprehensible thoughts.

The concept of the online disinhibition effect, introduced by psychologist John Suler, explains how the anonymity, invisibility, and lack of authority in online interactions can lead to a dissociation between one's online persona and their real-world self. This split can make it easier for individuals to engage in behaviour that they would usually suppress due to societal norms and the potential for real-world repercussions. In this context, a comment as vile as the one mentioned can be seen as a byproduct of the toxic freedom that anonymity provides.

The Influence of Social Media Platforms…

Social media platforms themselves play a crucial role in the propagation of such behaviour. The algorithms that drive these platforms often prioritize engagement over content quality, inadvertently promoting controversial and extreme viewpoints because they elicit strong emotional responses and, consequently, more interaction. This dynamic can create echo chambers where extreme ideas are normalised and even encouraged by like-minded individuals.

Furthermore, the culture of certain online communities, especially those associated with groups like Legion, can foster a competitive environment where members try to outdo each other in terms of shock value and offensiveness. This culture not only desensitises individuals to the harm their words can cause but also creates a feedback loop where the most outrageous statements gain the most attention and approval from peers.

The Consequences and Broader Implications…

The act of writing such a perverse comment has broader societal implications. It contributes to the normalisation of dehumanising language and behaviour, which can erode the moral fabric of online and offline communities. Additionally, it can have severe psychological impacts on the victims of such comments, leading to anxiety, depression, and a sense of helplessness.

The perversion of someone's mind to the extent that they would publicly express such a thought is a troubling reflection of broader issues within society. It highlights the need for greater mental health support, improved moderation and accountability mechanisms on social media platforms, and a cultural shift towards empathy and respect in online interactions.


The writing of a profoundly disgusting comment such as "I bet you do it with a baby if you get the chance" is indicative of significant psychological and moral corruption. It is fuelled by the disinhibiting effects of anonymity, the toxic cultures within certain online communities, and the engagement-driven algorithms of social media platforms. Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach, including enhanced mental health support, stricter platform moderation, and a societal emphasis on empathy and respect. Only through understanding and addressing these underlying causes can we hope to mitigate the spread of such depravity in the digital age.

Arron Owen is a stolen name used by the trolls. The real Arron Owen is a victim, and is aware his name has been stolen and is being used.

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