Friday 24 May 2024

James Hind/Project Night Watch v's Samantha Baldwin

Satanist James Hind, founder of Project Night Watch, has called the mother of two, Samantha Baldwin, a “vile mother,” accusing her of “building a brand and a business upon the lives of her children she drugged and abused.”

Samantha Baldwin

Having recently published her second book, “Pretended Justice,” following her first, “Everything Will Be Okay,” telling her agonising story of losing her two children via the Family Courts after her children disclosed serious sexual abuse by their father; James Hind claims she “is pulling a scam at the expense of her own children”, who goes onto claim she “sent dozens of demented men to stalk and burn their home down.”

Renowned for protecting paedophiles, James Hind is continuing the reign of abusive terror, by now targeting Samantha Baldwin.

In a desperate attempt to justify his abuse, he referred to a comment by Angela Knight who claims Samantha Baldwin is obsessed with Satanic Ritual Abuse.

With a choice to believe a mother who has written two books based on her experience, as opposed to a Satanist who hides behind anonymity, it's hard to believe in anything James Hind or his minions have to say.

Citing investigative journalist Richard Carvath, in his Twitter account, Samantha Baldwin’s story becomes even more intriguing, when revealed Richard Carvath was found Not Guilty of stalking the Baldwin’s ex husband, whom he (Carvath) claimed to have witnessed abusing his two boys, while peering through the living room window.

“In early January 2019 he sneaked into the man’s garden in the early hours, looked through a window and claimed to see the semi-naked man molesting his son.”

Reported in the Swindon Advertiser on 26 December 2019

“AN “INVESTIGATIVE journalist” who likened himself to Sherlock Holmes accused a dad of abusing his own children in a satanic ritual.

But the blogger, who claimed to have links to a shadowy world of secret agents and military contractors, was cleared of stalking the man.

Prosecutors claimed Royal Wootton Bassett blogger Richard Carvath had stalked the dad-of-two for more than a year, writing defamatory posts about him online, secretly photographing him and his family, going to his house and penning a highly-inflammatory letter to police setting out what he claimed was evidence of the man’s wrongdoing.”

With two sides to every story, the official narrative records that the husband of Samantha Baldwin, (whose name is protected), was arrested in 2014 and 2015, following accusations of sexual abuse made against him by his two young boys.

A subsequent investigation found that the children were coached by their mother, Samantha Baldwin, into making the false claims. A finding which Baldwin strenuously denies.

As a result, the father launched family court proceedings to win custody of his two children, which forced Baldwin to abscond with her boys in March 2017, resulting in a well-publicised 10-day manhunt.

As it stands today, the father won custody of his children, and Samatha Baldwin has been left estranged and devastated that she would be arrested and imprisoned if she were to go within 200 metres of her sons.

In an emotional TikTok, Samantha Baldwin describes in her own words:

“Did you know that if your child disclosed sexual abuse by their father, you have over a 70% chance of losing custody?

My sons disclosed horrific abuse back in 2014. They described multiple abusers. Their dad was in a cult. They described being injected.

Hair samples were collected from my sons by a doctor. The police wouldn’t test them. 16 months later they were finally tested via the IICSA. They contained a number of DATE RAPE DRUGS.

CPS said not enough evidence to charge the father. The father applied for custody through the FAMILY COURT. The case began in December 2015.

I took the drugs evidence to the family court, along with my son's police interviews where my eldest described how his father would inject him, how it felt, and that he kept the injection in the loft. Both my sons described being sexually abused.

The case ended in March 2019. He won custody of my sons. I was accused of having a false belief system. Worst of all I was accused of drugging my sons to set the father up.

I took and passed a lie detector test to prove my innocence. The judge ignored it.

I haven’t seen my sons for 6.5 years. They are now aged 16 and 13.

The family court use the police to enforce their orders. If I go within 200 metres of my sons I will be arrested and imprisoned.

This is happening to innocent parents worldwide.

I have published two books to warn others about the system.”

One commentator on Twitter remarked, “Makes you wonder,” to which Angela Knight replied;

“It's bullshite Sylvia, she lost contact with her “precious” kids when her new boyfriend burnt their house down. She refused to help the police investigation, leaving FC [Family Court] no choice but to safeguard the kids from her for THEIR safety.”

Having argued her case on her own YouTube channel, and appeared as a guest on many others, Samantha Baldwin accepts no responsibility for the actions of others, and denies she was in any relationship, with anyone who was alleged to have burnt down the house of her ex-husband.

Samantha Baldwin, "My Story"

Approaching these stories with an open mind, it is mindful to be aware that James Hind and his Project Night Watch, represent Satanists, and that Baldwin accuses her ex-husband of being a member of a satanic paedophile ring.

With this in mind, it makes sense that only Satanists defend Baldwin’s ex-husband, and other fathers accused of the same, namely the father in the Wilfred Wong child kidnap case.

Here at Guerrilla Democracy News, we strive to report the facts and let you, the reader, choose the Truth…

Who do you believe?

A mother willing to put her face to camera, take a lie detector test, and tell her story, or a faceless father, who hides in the shadows, using the Family Courts to serve as his protection and champion?


Blogger Richard Carvath cleared of stalking man he claimed was a paedophile…

Samantha Baldwin 'gave children drugs'...

Samantha Baldwin: Detective issues 'mother to mother' plea for missing mum to return with two boys…

Mother who disappeared with her sons during court hearing drugged them and falsely accused their father of sexually abusing them, judge reveals…

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