Monday 13 May 2024

OCTOBER 7: The Full Story...

This is the full film from Al Jazeera posted by 'If Americans Knew' here

Anyone with discernment and intellectual capacity within will be able to see what a giant farce this entire charade has been. They literally own and control the WORLD WIDE MEDIA OUTLETS (both online and otherwise, et all.) so the fact that this has all been covered in the way it has been should speak volumes. Think about it. This was absolutely planned to go down nearly the way it did but the outcome would be the same (the end result, in other words). They wanted to control the solution or action they'd take to "remedy" this incursion on their border and in the outlying Kibbutz's etc. Just like they incite violence and terror in other areas of the world using their spies, spooks, assets, sayanim, and jews all over the land they did the same with October 7th. Their entire security system didn't just fail miserably like they'd have you believe. It worked perfectly. Nothing is broken and nothing WAS broken. They simply "let it happen" at best and "made it happen" at worst. Same goes for Operation 9/11 (Sept. 11th, 2001) which ushered in this new era that even made the Oct. 7th False Flag viable and possible!

We have a common enemy, worldwide viewer. Regardless of your age, gender, location, background, religious beliefs or non-beliefs, etc. we all have a common enemy which endangers the very air that we breathe and threatens our common existence on earth. This is the age old war between Ya‛aqoḇ (Jacob) and Ěsaw (Esau) as we can read in our Scriptures.

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