Friday 31 May 2024

Satanic Stalker James Hind Sends Disturbing Message to Victim Matt Taylor.

Brighton, UK — In a troubling turn of events, self-proclaimed satanic stalker James Hind has sent another unsettling message to his victim, Matt Taylor. The message, which appears to offer a peculiar mix of guidance and condemnation, has left Taylor feeling harassed and seeking peace from his persistent stalker.

James Hind's message reads: 

"We have attempted to encourage predator Matthew Taylor of Brighton to positive paths such as promoting King Arthur, building a film and theme park business, and standing as MP, but he wishes none of these things and prefers to stalk and abuse victims. We must oppose his stalking."

This communication marks yet another instance in a series of unwelcome interactions from Hind, who has a history of targeting Taylor. Hind's latest message attempts to paint Taylor in a negative light while bizarrely suggesting various paths he believes Taylor should pursue, including promoting the legendary figure King Arthur, embarking on entrepreneurial ventures, and engaging in political activities.

In response, Matt Taylor has made his position clear. He does not seek or welcome any form of encouragement, advice, or interaction from Hind. Taylor has stated unequivocally that he simply wants to be left alone and for the harassment to cease.

Taylor's plea underscores the distress and frustration he has experienced due to Hind's continued harassment. The message from Hind appears to be a thinly veiled attempt to justify his stalking behaviour under the guise of offering support or guidance, a tactic that Taylor rejects outright.

As Taylor advocates for his right to live free from harassment, the situation highlights the broader issue of stalking and the psychological toll it can take on victims. Taylor's case is a stark reminder of the importance of respecting personal boundaries and the impact that unwanted attention can have on an individual's well-being.

Authorities and support organisations often stress the importance of taking stalking seriously and encourage victims to seek help. For Taylor, his primary wish remains simple: to be left in peace by James Hind and to move forward without the shadow of ongoing harassment.

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