Saturday 1 July 2023

In the Spirit of America...

Engaging with new YouTubers, making new connections and in the spirit of bridging the transatlantic ocean, I commented on a YouTube channel called EJ Colosseum, hosted by the delightful Empress Janet.

"First time watching from Brighton, be right on in Brighton."

Not soon after, a person who I've never met, or engaged with in any shape or form, called Apple Charlotte, wrote in the chat section that, "CP had been found" on my computer.

This is false and incorrect. A perfect example of Satanic extremism radicalising people on YouTube.

I have been accused of a number of despicable, hideous and atrocious crimes, which I haven't committed.

False allegations against me include:

1. Taking three teenager boys into the woods to have sex with, after showing them videos of babies being beheaded,

2. to sending thousands of emails and texts to various people on a daily basis,

3. to filming someone outside their home,

4. to stalking,

5. to making a 200 plus mile round trip to punch someone and his husband in the face.

I've been accused of hideous crimes that if found guilty, would have landed me in a prison cell for the rest of my life.

Being accused of the worst crimes any man could commit, has been a way of life for me since 2012, when I first stood in the Police and Crime Commissioner elections, on an anti-police corruption platform.

All and every allegation made against me has been proven to be false.

Apple Charlotte's claim that CP had been found on my computer is fake news, and an indication that she has been radicalised by satanic extremism on the internet.

I only ask you to take a moment and look at the handful of individuals who are spreading these false and slanderous misinformation about me.

Read more:

Each and every single one of them hasn't got an answer to one very simple question:

Why haven't they called out a Brighton based satanist for sharing very disturbing illegal content of the top level, with children as young as 11 and 12 years old?

Falsely calling anyone a paedophile on YouTube is extremely dangerous and hurtful.

Apple Charlotte has been identified as a victim of extreme satanic radalization, and has been referred to the appropriate local authority's Channel/Prevent team.

Unlike James Hind, I have never viewed, shared or made very disturbing illegal content of the top level, featuring children or adults.

Any suggestion that CP was found on my computer is extreme satanic propaganda and mustn't be trusted.

Apple Charlotte doesn't know me and nor do I know her...

I sadly unsubscribed from Empress Janet's EJ Colosseum, and am unlikely to re-subscribe in the foreseeable future...

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