Friday 21 July 2023

Heterophobia is on the Rise!

Heterophobia is a term used to describe prejudice or discrimination against heterosexual individuals. It is a form of reverse discrimination that can be harmful and offensive to those who experience it.

Calling a heterosexual perverted for being aroused at the sight of an attractive woman is similar to calling a homosexual a pervert for indulging in sodomy.

Both statements are derogatory and can be hurtful to individuals who identify as heterosexual or homosexual.

It is important to recognize that sexual orientation refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes.

Sexual orientation ranges along a continuum, from exclusive attraction to the other sex to exclusive attraction to the same sex.

Prejudice and discrimination against individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) have been widespread throughout history.

Internalized homophobia is a phenomenon that can occur among individuals who identify as LGBT. It refers to negative feelings and attitudes towards oneself due to societal stigma and discrimination.

Similarly, heterosexism is a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of female-male sexuality and relationships.

Both heterosexism and internalized homophobia can lead to feelings of self-disgust and self-hatred.

In conclusion, heterophobia is a form of reverse discrimination that can be harmful and offensive to individuals who identify as heterosexual.

It is important to recognize that sexual orientation ranges along a continuum and that prejudice and discrimination against individuals who identify as LGBT have been widespread throughout history.

Internalized homophobia and heterosexism can lead to negative feelings and attitudes towards oneself. It is important to promote acceptance and understanding of all sexual orientations and to work towards creating a more inclusive society.

To "review" something means to assess, evaluate, or examine it in order to form an opinion or provide feedback. Reviews can be done for various purposes, such as assessing the quality of a product, analyzing a piece of literature or artwork, evaluating someone's performance, or giving feedback on a particular experience.

As for James Hind from Brighton feeling the need to review everything I do and say, it is unclear why this individual specifically feels the need to review my actions and words.

It could be a personal preference or habit, or there may be a specific reason or context that is not mentioned in public.

Without more information, it is difficult to determine the exact reason behind James Hind's behaviour, other than to harass, intimidate and scare.

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