Wednesday 5 June 2024

VOTE FOR KALEY! Umbrella Grape Solutions is more than just a Political Party...

As we are thrust from one collective traumatic experience to another, it is becoming clearer and clearer that the world has plummeted into what many would naturally call the 'end times'.


Even if you don't believe in the bible it is hard to ignore the natural disasters and levels of violence that we are witnessing across the globe.

I didn't originally intend on getting DIRECTLY involved with politics for a plethora of reasons. As a musician and performance artist, I prefer to engage my skills in a mental health support and teaching capacity.

Although I am extremely comfortable, well-experienced and confident in live debating, I choose not to be the centre of attention unless it is necessary.

I was however already working on my party manifesto to present publicly later in June.

This was before I knew that there would be a snap election.

We haven't even officially registered our 'party' yet, as we very recently committed to taking our enterprise in that direction as the next logical step.

Umbrella Grape Solutions is much more than just a political party. It has become one primarily in order to defend its existence after a lifetime of organised sabotage.

It is an entire lifestyle programme adaptable to all involved and inclusive to all who want to be part of it.

The principles of permaculture and community are at the core of our vision.

The stress and chaos of our daily experience as we know it is absolutely unnecessary, and so myself and my partner have developed many programmes and strategies focused on healing and gently restoring balance to all aspects of life.

The solutions are ALL already there - we have simply had some utterly questionable characters pulling the strings for a very, very long time and much of our innate knowledge has been lost along the way.

Most politicians are unfortunately caught up in a very messy situation and can't actually address the underlying issues which combine to create this perpetual mayhem and no 'sense of belonging', a sad state that has become so normal to many of us.

It is ALL unnecessary and EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU DESERVE better.

I don't make promises I can't keep, and I don't make claims that I can't back up with evidence and facts.

I am a natural negotiator and peace maker, so when I present to the public the evidence of what I have endured just to be here today, you will see why becoming a politician wouldn't phase me in the slightest!

I was targeted by a very large organised criminal network many years ago, and I have documented everything they deleted and caught them out on many occasions.

I have spent years defending myself against this unknown entity and had to reverse engineer what was going on in order to understand it and strategise my counter 'attack'.

I can prove everything I say.

I am no victim and now I am that bit older and wiser and self assured, it is very clear why so many of these people have been trying to get rid of me all this time.

I speak with pure conviction because I know what I am saying is TRUE and extremely important to every single one of us.

What I have documented and exposed is far too shocking for most people to take in.

I don't wish to make a public sob story about my personal situation, but the reality is that the entire planet has been subjected to an horrific ordeal - and my personal story clearly demonstrates how and why this has happened. It didn't need to - and we all need to process this fact if we are able to heal the damage done on a global scale.

The loss of life and the suffering that has occurred is unthinkable.

Over the years the police have watched me go from a traumatised mess, to a grounded and calm mental health support for others.

I have used the time in 'isolation' to study and practice many things myself before blending and adapting variations suited for all lifestyles, abilities and preferences. I have helped many others who have found themselves trapped in the same psychological battlefield.

Without going into too much detail here in this space, we have reached the end of a period of utter deception and global crime on an unimaginable scale.

Bluntly put - COVID was a HOAX.


I exposed it at the beginning whilst trying to protect my own three children.

Many others did. We were all targeted.

So many people were duped via various different methods, and the RAW truth has been readily available in many places all along for those who were brave enough to see it.

However, as I said before - it is literally too much for most people to take in.

But it IS all coming out - as truth inevitably does.

In my humble opinion, it is far better to approach these issues with an open mind, rather than try to digest it when it hits you like a tonne of bricks whilst you are still in denial.

You can see it in the news almost daily - scandals galore being exposed and infrastructure being put in place for mass compensation pay-outs, in line with the resigning of many parliamentarians and company executives.

I believe this is all in anticipation of the truth coming out in full, and the compensation being available immediately to ALL OF US.

If I am elected I will never be serving another master other than God, and only representing myself and acting on behalf of the people I work for.

We are supposed to be a Christian, Common Law country, but all I see everywhere I look is outrageous blasphemy and a system largely devoid of true justice.

I will re-establish law as it is written, not as it is MISREPRESENTED all too often by corruptible men and women.

My solicitor wrote a book on the rise of the 'e-police' before I even knew that he (or suicide trolling) existed.

If you listen to Mo Gawdat (who worked for Google) he expertly explains that the fears I myself had regarding Artificial Intelligence right at the beginning of learning about it, is exactly what we are on the cusp of now.

I created #Betaverse a long time ago to focus on AI and how me may use it in a alternative way in order to ENHANCE our real world experience, not replace or confuse it.

The entire education system and our approach to it needs a complete overhaul for many reasons. Many I feel are very obvious and am still somewhat dismayed that things have got to the stage they have.

I have a solid track record of scrutinising EVERYTHING regarding the safety of our children ESPECIALLY when in the care of the state, and I will always ask the awkward questions and take a stand if necessary, even if I stand alone. I am yet to be proven wrong.

My education model is completely different and will be centred around the MENTAL HEALTH and SAFETY of our young ones before ANYTHING else.

The toxic and depressing concrete buildings will be replaced with polytunnels and a student led 'school in the cloud' inspired system will be gently introduced with no pressure on any child to come out of their comfort zone until they are ready.

Animals and the elderly will also be present, included, respected and CARED FOR in these spaces and the mental health of ALL will be significantly improved, I GUARANTEE it.

I don't waste time on meaningless publicity stunts or frivolous activity. I am clear about my intentions and have been consistently driven from the beginning, in the face of unimaginable non-stop psychological abuse, leading me to find GOD and recognise my purpose.

As the people of Gaza and many other populations around the world are being mercilessly tortured and murdered, I have run out of patience for small talk.

My father was Jewish and my Grandmother was the only survivor of her family during the holocaust

I have been targeted and abused by Zionists, non stop, for having sympathy with Palestine. There are many like me, who they refer to as 'self-hating' Jews, simply because we are not OK with the murder of innocent people, mainly women and children at this point.

I will not be wasting time and money on gimmick campaigns, I will be working around the clock as I always do until the fundamental problems are dealt with.

If I make the ballot, during the election period I will move around and work from various locations so that I am available to talk directly to the public in a neutral space without all the nonsense that comes with the press.

I had already planned to embark on a trip with my partner to my friends orphanage in Uganda, hopefully passing through the Middle East, starting at Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) to highlight the situation and how people all over the world have been seduced by the same force that is distracting us from dealing with the ugly truth that is keeping so many in 'hell on Earth'.

If I were elected, I could obviously deal with this situation head on and not waste time on that trip.

If I were elected there would be an ABSOLUTE restructuring and repurposing of our Army and Defence strategies and budget.

The nonsensical conscription proposals would be unnecessary as we naturally shift into peace keeping and restorative community projects in our own land, and also extend that further afield where we have arguably had a huge part to play in so many of the problems now effecting the entire planet.

The Arms trade is CRIMINAL - full stop.

The hypocrisy we exhibit is nothing short of shameful. It is OUR responsibility to take accountability for our OWN actions that have allowed such atrocities to be taking place at all.

We can use the exact same manpower and infrastructure for peace keeping and rebuilding operations.

The reality is that LONDON created ISRAEL through the plotting and scheming of men. A trend I intend to out a STOP to.

It is no good to sit by and virtue signal as though we are righteous and blameless in this travesty.

There is no such thing as a 'war crime'.

War IS a crime. FULL STOP.


The medical industry and various animal slaughter industries are just more examples of how we condone abhorrent suffering and abuse for our own fears and personal desires - allowing it simply because we do not witness the suffering ourselves.

Everything around pregnancy and childbirth has become barbaric in my opinion. I would ensure that various other options are just as readily available as a hospital birth, with heavy emphasis on education OUTSIDE of our western methods.

All subsidies to torture industries would be halted unless the companies agree to commit to a transition process which will be determined with their inclusion and input.

I would encourage everybody to sign up to and know the truth about what you are consuming and turning a blond eye to. Where does all that pain go?? The ugly truth DOES have an effect on us all - whether we see it first hand or not.

As a vegan of just over 5 months - every issue I've ever had around food has disappeared, I have never been happier or healthier in my mind and physical well being. I am so passionate about it now that I would encourage everybody to start thinking about these topics NOW, as the ball is already well in motion thanks to the hard work and dedication of many activists who have been fighting tirelessly for the animals all along.

If you haven't read ANASTASIA, I would implore you to read that book or even watch one of the film adaptations with your children - and imagine if a world like that really is so impossible? What if it was actually SUPPOSED to be like that and we just got it wrong and became addicted to flesh needlessly in many cases??

Although I would never outlaw somebodies choice to eat meat - I would aim toward a more realistic and humane approach to rearing animals for food.

I would encourage it be a moral obligation that you are part of the slaughter process of the animal you wish to consume.

None of this would be enforced, especially not overnight, but heavily encouraged.

All long term suffering is unnecessary in this day and age. We have many God given ways to manage physical and emotional pain responsibly and with true care of loved ones around us. Not clinicians.


I already have a petition in place to have all hospital patients and school students given grounding mats IMMEDIATELY.

The science behind Earthing/grounding is SO BASIC, I cannot help feel this has been intentionally hidden from us so that we might not understand our full potential is LITERALLY already underneath our feet.

I am CONVINCED that Jesus washing feet had three main components; to be humble, to remind us that we are all connected by selfless physical touch that IS NOT SEXUAL (think how much we have lost over the years and then through LOCK DOWN), and that any footwear worn would have been natural fibre, so whether barefoot or in a shoe, the water residue would act as a conductor so that the person would definitely be grounded.

This would make sense because Jesus told us that the reason for washing feet would not make sense until later - and as they didn't have science in the way that we do now - they probably couldn't have understood it in the way that we can now.

I feel like it was a clear message for us in the future (a time of non-conductive rubber soled shoes, and living totally ungrounded toxic lives) to remind us JUST how important grounding and connection is, to be at healthy and at peace as a society.

The triggers which keep so many people in a perpetual state of psychological stress are there constantly because we never stop trying to live in an unnatural state and at an unnatural pace according to unnatural rhythms and cycles.



Living on top of each other when so much of our land is being bastardised for a failing toxic farming industry, is insane.

Scarcity is orchestrated in the name of GREED. Focussing on existing projects such as reconnecting the forests and adopting PERMACULTURE instead of monoculture would transform our country into an abundant food forest where nobody ever need go hungry or without fresh nutritious FREE food,

Hemp would be unregulated immediately and encouraged to be grown again (as in the war) to help restore the soil and ecosystem very quickly and provide the raw materials for an organic version of many of our most used products from concrete, to plastic and paper. Medicine, nutrition and fuel - this plant really is a gift from GOD (as per GENESIS in the BIBLE) and making it illegal was a CRIME itself, in my humble opinion.

Beginning each day under stress, trying to get children awake and dressed often in the dark and cold, only to battle an unnecessary rat race, to hand them over to strangers in an ungrounded indoctrination centre to make them sick and cruel and angry - makes no sense to me at all.

There is PLENTY of research to link so many mental health issues directly to so much of what occurs in and for school as we know it.

There are endless options to explore of alternative ways to do practically everything, often demonstrated successfully elsewhere already.

We need a REAL CHANGE, now. There is no good reason why not. How bad does it all have to get before we start addressing the elephants in the room and get off the circus merry-go-round?

If I were elected all taxes would be immediately scrapped and a standard 10% universal tithe as per the bible's instruction.

What we would give to 'Caesar' would be the sanctions that CAESAR gave to Syria.

ALL basic needs for ALL would be met REGARDLESS of anything. FOR FREE. All covered by the tithe.

A surplus meritocracy economy could develop beyond that, governed by the international code of commerce and the amount of energy anybody wants to invest in their own creations to trade/gift/share.

The fiat currency system would be scrapped and replaced with basic trade, and tangible currency financial promissory instruments - backed by precious metals once again.

Work as we know it would be completely different, and very quickly.

Our PRIMARY labour should be the care of our elderly, children, disabled, animals and the Earth.

We now have AI to take care of the more mundane tasks - this 'dog eat dog world' saying is very damaging.

I've never seen a dog eat another dog. I'm not saying it never happens - but we say it like it makes sense as the standard, and condones this negative, competitive atmosphere, often in pursuit of unGodly things.

There are plenty of resources and there is plenty of time for EVERY sentient being on this planet to be cared for, loved, considered, respected, and to feel and BE safe and secure.

The fact that loneliness even exists is a sure sign that we are failing miserably as a society.

I would make it so that every older person was buddied with a younger person and they would have a mutually comfortable 'check-in' system that suits both their abilities and needs.

These can (and arguably SHOULD) be members of their own family first - but NOBODY in ANY community would be left without a buddy - should they not have access to their own Grandparent or Grandchild.

I would encourage that they regularly write PHYSICAL letters to each other, and we organically restore the lost art and pleasure of having an actual pen pal.

Actively and mindfully EXPRESSING your words is SO IMPORTANT for overall mental health.

We can do this through letters, creative writing, poetry, song, art etc etc.

As part of Umbrella Grape Solutions I will be offering children and adults of all ages the old fashioned 'dear agony aunty' style advice system.

Writing physical letters and posting them is so cathartic and we can get so much off of our chest by penning it and posting it somewhere OTHER than the cause of the anxiety.

We have such an epidemic of mental health issues and violent attacks, I feel it is so vital that we teach our youngsters how to express themselves in non-harmful (to self or to others) ways.

I use a lot of musician's work to help people see past the glitz and glamour of the 'industry' and how real the mental health problem is, and how despite apparent 'success' - it is in fact often way worse in many of those circles.

We have already had a lockdown.

We have already proved that we can take all the measures required to PAUSE and reconvene.

We can do this completely mindfully and wit HEALING as the core focus.

HEALING needs to be at the TOP of our priority list for the foreseeable future.

ALL dentistry, holistic and restorative cosmetic therapies and procedures would be available to all FREE OF CHARGE. All paid for by the government. These highly skilled jobs would be revised with holistic physical and mental health at the core - so all the torture industries would have to transition straight to these new restorative and preventive and non-invasive models (with full practical and financial support from government.

The ridiculous plastic surgery trends would be banned. Only RESTORATIVE procedures would be supported by government, and so in line with personal healthy new habits and grounding, we can all be the best versions of OURSELVES and feel good and well and AUTHENTIC and individual.

I have established an interim court system that can be used to assist the police initially, as the corruption within our own police force and judiciary has been so astronomical for so long, unfortunately there is little faith or credibility left in currently. Especially whilst the MET remains a law unto itself.

I am very encouraged by my more recent interactions with the police and hope that there will be a fairly organic process of it cleaning itself out with support from the wider community - not hostility. They are only human after all.

We need to HELP them re-establish the CORE values that underpin the purpose and function of PUBLIC SERVANTS - but we need to take the responsibility to understand the law fully ourselves so there are no misunderstandings and we can all restore mutual respect and take our own personal decisions seriously, in pursuit of KEEPING THE PEACE - which is ALL we are supposed to expect from the police. But ONLY if we can't manage it OURSELVES.

Accountability is one of the Nolan Principles for very good reason.

Accountability is crucial for social cohesion. Especially for those who have no relationship with, or fear of GOD.

We cannot however, hold anybody to account if we haven't learned the basic rules ourselves.

If I were elected this would change practically overnight.

The WHO/WEF/RED CROSS/BBC and various organisations would be under investigation immediately.

The first full case to be covered by UGS and KKKK will the Hampstead investigation that never happened, and the cover up effort that has come off the back of the children's original disclosures so many years ago.

All oaths and pledges would be revised or restored to make serving the people its CLEAR directive - NOT the state, nefarious criminals or FOREIGN masters.

ALL drugs would be immediately decriminalised and ALL prisoners incarcerated over non violent substance related incidents will be immediately transferred to 'Butlins style' camp to begin a gentle and compassion respectful rehabilitation programme to prepare them for freedom with the full ongoing support of government practically, financially and emotionally.

My 'tried and tested' new approach to addiction and recovery, named 'a spoon full of sugar' will be available to all - for free.

It is a fallacy to me that children spend all of their formative years in 'education' only to leave having never been introduced to the Nolan Principles , the maxims of international commerce, or the fundamental principles of common law - the law of our land.

We do not need a common God to restore order with the LAW. I would however, promote Christian values in a non-forceful and playful way.

I want to bring a message of hope because it is very real and I speak with conviction supported with evidence.

We have all been through something TRULY HORRIFIC, and we are all owed compensation for being guinea pigs without our informed consent.

We just have to assert ourselves now and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH to the circus.

Vote for Kaley Einav and poverty will cease to exist.

There is NO excuse for suffering in this day and age,

We have plenty of resources and its time to redistribute the wealth FOR REAL.

We can all enjoy dedicated care. We all deserve dedicated care.

Taking care of one another and the planet is what we are supposed to focus on.

We do not need to live like robot sardines.

We do not need to live like hobbits.

We have AI now and we can create practically anything we put our mind and will to.

As long as we stick to the LAW and allow the right people to do the job based on their ability, not what they're prepared to do for a perk.

We can live like we are on holiday EVERY day. ALL of us.

After what we've been through - we deserve it.

Nobody ever left behind again. FOR REAL. No lip service.




God already provided everything we need and the instruction on how to behave.

Our law comes from the BIBLE.

Without Law we have chaos.

Vote for me and let us restore some order.


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