Sunday 16 June 2024

Chris Spivey is Back and Doing what he does Best...

A Bionic Man – Or Just Another Corrupt Little Man? raises suspicions about the circumstances surrounding the reported sepsis illness and quadruple amputation of British MP Craig Mackinlay. 

Renowned conspiracy writer Christopher D Spivey questions the timeline of events, the lack of media coverage until weeks after the alleged amputations, and perceived inconsistencies in the accounts provided by Mackinlay, his wife, and others, implying that the entire situation may have been fabricated or exaggerated, potentially as a government "psyop" (psychological operation). 

Spivey raises several suspicions and questions regarding the reported sepsis illness and quadruple amputation of British MP Craig Mackinlay:

  1. He questions the timeline of events, noting that there was a lack of media coverage about Mackinlay's condition until weeks after the alleged amputations occurred.

  2. He implies there are inconsistencies in the accounts provided by Mackinlay, his wife, and others regarding the circumstances surrounding his illness and treatment.

  3. Spivey suggests the entire situation may have been fabricated or exaggerated, potentially as part of a government "psyop" (psychological operation).

  4. He expresses scepticism towards the official narrative and implies there could be a coverup or deception involved.

The article by Christopher Spivey on his website presents a sceptical view of the circumstances surrounding British MP Craig Mackinlay's reported battle with sepsis that led to the amputation of both his hands and feet. Spivey expresses doubts about the official narrative and implies there could be a coverup or deception involved regarding Mackinlay's condition.

Timeline Inconsistencies

One of the main points raised by Spivey is the lack of media coverage about Mackinlay's illness and amputations until weeks after the alleged events occurred. He finds it suspicious that such a significant health crisis for a sitting MP did not receive immediate attention from the press. This perceived delay in reporting fuels Spivey's scepticism towards the official timeline provided.

Conflicting Accounts

Spivey also highlights what he views as inconsistencies in the accounts given by Mackinlay, his wife Kati, and others regarding the details of his illness, treatment, and recovery process. He implies that these differing narratives cast doubt on the veracity of the overall story being presented to the public.

Allegations of Fabrication or Exaggeration

Perhaps Spivey's most provocative claim is the suggestion that Mackinlay's entire medical situation may have been fabricated or grossly exaggerated, potentially as part of a government "psyop" (psychological operation). He does not provide concrete evidence for this allegation, but his tone conveys deep scepticism towards accepting the official version of events at face value.

Lack of Definitive Proof

It is important to note that while Spivey raises numerous questions and expresses suspicion, he does not offer definitive proof to substantiate claims of wrongdoing or deception by Mackinlay or others. The article relies heavily on speculation and a generally sceptical perspective towards the reported circumstances.

Mackinlay's Background and Career

To provide context, the other search results offer factual information about Mackinlay's background and political career. He was initially involved with the UK Independence Party (UKIP) before joining the Conservatives and being elected as an MP for South Thanet in 2015, defeating UKIP leader Nigel Farage. Mackinlay was later acquitted of charges related to allegedly falsifying election expenses during that campaign.

READ MORE - South Thanet Tory Craig Mackinlay charged over alleged 2015 election fraud

Before politics, Mackinlay had careers in chartered accountancy and as a magistrate, and also did volunteer work. These details shed light on his professional history and community involvement, though they do not directly address the controversies raised by Spivey.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

Some of the other search results highlight potential conflicts of interest involving Mackinlay and his staff's ties to organisations sceptical of climate change policies, such as the Global Warming Policy Forum and Net Zero Watch. While not directly related to the sepsis allegations, these findings raise broader questions about transparency and the influence of lobbying groups on MPs and their staff.

Lack of Corroboration

Crucially, none of the other search results directly corroborate or refute Spivey's specific claims about alleged controversies surrounding Mackinlay's reported illness and amputations. The information provided focuses more on his background, career, and potential conflicts of interest, but does not substantively address the central allegations made in Spivey's article.


In summary, Christopher Spivey's article raises numerous suspicions and questions about the circumstances of Craig Mackinlay's reported sepsis battle and quadruple amputation. However, Spivey does not provide definitive proof to back up his most serious allegations of fabrication or cover-up.

Ultimately, Spivey's article presents a sceptical perspective that casts doubt on the official narrative, but lacks concrete evidence to conclusively prove wrongdoing. Further investigation and transparency from official sources may be needed to fully address the concerns raised. As with any such allegations, it is important to maintain objectivity and rely on verifiable facts rather than unsubstantiated claims or speculation.

But to be fair! There is a Part Two coming…

As Spivey ends his article:

"Please Note:

Due to the huge size of this article in it’s entirety, I have now been forced to split it into two parts for fear that it will not load for many of you. Therefore, Part 2 – still quite not completed but coming very soon – and entitled: A Harsh Sense Of History (so as not to be confused with this first part), will continue on at the very same point as I have ended this one. And as such both parts should be treated as one, with the Mackinlay saga forming its conclusion... I will also tell you that the carry on will blow your mind."

Chris Spivey

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