If you haven’t heard of Christopher D Spivey, well I don’t blame you. He’s the up and coming voice of the alternative media.
Chris Spivey [pronounced Spy-Vee] first hit the head lines as a feature writer for the Sovereign Independent Newspaper. He's a tattoo artist and body piercer, a single father [whose 18 year old daughter has recently given birth to a healthy baby boy] and the man most likely to trigger a British revolution.
I first heard of him via Facebook in 2012, after the Jimmy Savile scandal broke. As far as I can gather he’s just a normal guy from Rochford in Essex . He’s got two Rottweiler dogs and he’s built like a brick-shit-house. He raised his daughter alone since she was 6 months old, and by all accounts he’s a loving father who cares about the world around him.
Like the vast majority of the population, I got my news from such places as BBC, Sky, Channel Four and ITV news programmes. I used to pride myself on having a comprehensive understanding of the world around me by investing in the 45 minutes of Newsnight and the hour of Channel Four news everyday. It was only when I got a Sky box that I discovered other news channels such as Press TV, RT and the news channels from India , France and China . Slowly but surely I found myself watching these channels in favour of the old, finding them more informative and balanced. Surprisingly, I got really upset when Press TV [the Iranian news channel] was taken off the airwaves by Ofcom.
I soon came to realise there was a choice in the type of news you could get. Either the mainstream [MSM] namely BBC, Sky, ITV or the alternative [AV] which is made up of a diverse set of blogs, newspapers, websites and programmes screened on obscure TV channels such as Showcase TV, Edge Media TV and Paradigm Shift TV.
Chris Spivey's articles stuck out as a high-light and my view of the world has been changed irreversibly ever since.
I was once a Royal Military Policeman who pledged an oath of allegiance to the Queen of England. I joined the Army ready to kill and be killed for my country. Kill and be killed on behalf of who I thought then was a great and illustrious Queen.
But reading Monsters Inc by Chris Spivey [the first article which I read of his] I now consider our great and illustrious Queen Elizabeth II to be a monster, a charlatan and an immoral person. Chris Spivey would describe her differently, maybe as a ‘cunt and a slut’ but that’s just how he talks, ‘Don’t cha know’.
Now, I have been called naive before but I’ve never really agreed with that description. I like to think of myself as an intelligence free thinking individual who takes people at face value and who is willing to listen to what anyone says with an open mind.
If someone tells me they’ve seen a UFO, I’ll believe them until such time it’s proven that they’ve lied. If someone says they’ve seen a sex video of the London Mayor Boris Johnson having rampant sex with Samantha Cameron, the Prime Minister’s wife, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt until such time I’ve seen the tape myself or when they’ve been exposed as a liar. I like people and take people at face value until such time they have been exposed as frauds or liars.
I’ve read books recommended by Chris Spivey such as The Falsification of History by John Hamer which totally threw me of kilter and which I’m still recovering from. But I’ve also read other books which he doesn’t recommend about the subjects he covers, to get a balanced view. Many personalities in the alternative media ask the reader never to take them at face value and to do their own research on the subjects they cover.

Make no mistake, Chris Spivey is writing and circulating articles with libellous accusations. Quite frankly I am shocked with everything he comes out with. And that is only because I believed the MSM to be the authority on news and that if it wasn’t reported by the BBC then it wasn’t true. The AV has changed all that.
Okay, let’s get down to the nitty gritty…. WHO THE FUCK IS SPIVEY?
This man writes well crafted and researched articles which tell, amongst many things:
- Tony Blair tried to rape his daughter. [See here for article]
- The Royal family are Satanists. [See here for article]
- Prince Philip is a paedophile. [See here for article]
- That all the Parliamentarians and Lords in the House of Commons are paedophiles. [See here for article]
- That Gordon Brown is a paedophile. [See here for article]
- That the Woolwich hacking murder was a fake and an acted scenario. [See here for article]
- An ex South African terrorist worked for the NSPCC. [See here for article]
- That David Cameron may have sacrificed his first born to the Devil. [See here for article]
- That Lord Mc Alpine is a nonce [as he likes to call paedophiles]. [See here for article]
- and that Madeline McCann is buried under the drive way of Robert Murat. [See here for article]
'Unbelievable' wouldn’t you say? How can someone circulate such disgusting accusations and get away with it? Surely this man should be arrested for libel and slander and thrown into a dark dungeon for the next one hundred years…
But no…. Chris Spivey backs up every accusation with well researched and verified public evidence. The proof is there right under the surface and all you have to do is scratch and see for yourself that he’s onto something. He’s got a point… What he says rings true… And the blaring FACT that he hasn’t been thrown in prison says a lot about what he says; namely that the accused daren’t take him to court for libel because what he says is true.
After all, Sally Bercow, the wife of the House of Common’s speaker John Bercow, recently lost her libel case in the High Court for sending a tweet which didn’t specifically accuse Lord Mc Alpine of being a nonce but yet Chris Spivey specifically calls Lord Mc Alpine a nonce in dozens of his articles but yet no lawyer has got in touch.
Giving credit where credit is due he covers a wide spectrum of subject matters. Exclusives are common-place. If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have known about former ANC/MK terrorist Heinrich Grosskopt holding and abusing an important position within the NSPCC. If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t know the true nature of the renowned MP Tom Watson. If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have known where Madeline McCann’s body maybe buried. If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t known a lot of things. Most importantly, if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have known that the British Establishment and Royal family is invested with perverts, murderers and Satanists.
He writes about subjects which are important and relevant. He comments on the news of the day and wipes away the cloak of mediocrity to unveil the stark truth and reality of the subject matter. He doesn’t hold punches and lays the facts on the line. He’s fearless of bullies and doesn’t give a hoot about threats from Lords, Kings or Queens . The man is a brick wall of opinion and righteous stance. He fights passionately for the rights of children, the downtrodden and abused. If ever you were in a war, Chris Spivey is the type of guy you’ll want standing next to you.
Chris Spivey seems untouchable… And as a consequence very likely to be the one who triggers a British revolution which will see every MP in the country and Royal family member put in jail for either sex crimes or treason… [Don’t think it hasn’t happened before!]
He seems even more determined than ever to bring the House of Cards crashing to the ground after the birth of his Grandson.
“Young Clay makes me more determined than ever to see the downfall of these wholly corrupt, nonce infested, so called democratic governments. I will not rest till there is real change for the better in this country.
My new little man deserves better. Your children and grandchildren deserve better… Let’s go to war.”
You might think that he hasn’t been pulled up because he’s simply irrelevant. A lone voice in the throng of bloggers and alternative journalists who are epidemic across the internet…
You’ll be wrong. Firstly, I’ve heard of him, and I’m your average Joe-the-public type of guy. I visit his website [www.chrisspivey.co.uk] once a day for any new articles and I’m not alone because 30,000 to 40,000 others do the same everyday too. He’s a prolific blogger who checks the newspapers so we don’t have too. If there is any news worth mentioning, Chris Spivey will bring it to our attention. His following is increasing everyday and it’ll only increase further with his appearances on the radio and up coming festivals.
Chris Spivey is a clear and present danger to the British Establishment and I amongst many, welcome it.
After all I agree totally with his sentiment:
The elites raping our kids and getting away with it. And why?
The quicker the blind cunts who think the likes of us are mad realize that fact, the sooner we can protect our children. Until that time comes, the sick cunts with money and power will keep on and on.
I am so fucking angry at the moment, I would fucking hang the Monsters myself.
Suffice to say Chris Spivey is not going away. I am positive that once EVERYONE embraces the alternative media and switches of the mainstream news, then a British revolution is inevitable.
Chris Spivey has demonstrated through public record and research that our politicians are criminals, paedophiles and murderers. He has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that the British Royal Family are Satanists, murderers and frauds.
Chris Spivey has proven beyond reasonable doubt that EVERYTHING we are told by the MSM is a lie and that there is an alternative point of view…
Read Chris Spivey at your own risk. Your opinion of the world will never be the same again…
The reason no-one goes after him is because that's exactly the sort of reaction he wants. When someone makes unfounded ludicrous accusations, often the best thing is not to give them the oxygen of publicity.
ReplyDeleteChris Spivey is just an abusive, ranting, homophobic, paranoid egotist who loves having his followers fawning over him telling him how clever he is to be so in-the-know about what's really going on in the world. Whilst he may occasionally come up with something approaching reality, he mostly peddles fear and paranoia on many subjects which really don't stand up to scrutiny.
He should spend less of his time rubbishing the Daily Mail (not something any sane person would waste their time doing; it's a fascist rag not worthy of the term "newspaper") and more time considering how hare-brained his theories about Boston, Woolwich, "chemtrails" etc really are.
Anyone remotely taken in by him should try doing a search for whatever his latest conspiracy is and putting "debunked" on the end of it. You might find that however convincing his arguments are; the evidence he sites is very selectively chosen and everything to the contrary is omitted.
Alternative media are just as guilty of misleading the public for their own ends as the mainstream media are.
I'm not religious but there's a quote which bears repeating; "Beware of false prophets".
Go back to sheep, yes SHEEP, Mr Alexander, you fucking lamb!
DeleteWhen the secret police come to break your door down, don't say nobody told you about it, ay.
Thanks for putting me right Thayer!
ReplyDeleteI love the way you conspiracy theorists take criticism so well. I thought you stood for democracy and freedom of speech, or does that only apply to people who're saying what you want to hear?
No secret police will be coming to break my door down but there are plenty of other countries in the world where they will do that; be grateful you're not living in one of them.
I think what you and Mr Spivey actually want is merely a different kind of sheep.