Saturday 24 December 2016

Christmas is a Time of Mischief.

Guerrilla Democracy News loses all credibility due to misinformation attacks.

With Christmas generally accepted as the most rowdiest time of the year, when even Church and State endorse a licence to misbehave and lie to the kids; to act in a way you couldn't get away with the rest of the year; it isn't surprising that Guerrilla Democracy News should find itself victims of Christmas 'Misinformation' Mischief.

Taking information at face value and accepting no responsibility over the information received, (due to time and resource restraints) I am unable to verify with third parties the news I publish.

Dogman denies posting the comment below.

Which then invalids, the comment below, believed to be from Danielle La Verite.

Of-course my suspicions were confirmed after getting a message from Stacey Spivey (Chris Spivey's daughter) offering me a BJ for £3.

By then it was too late. I had released the news and it was being shared across Facebook.
I was left with no other choice but to publish a 'Disclaimer,' justifying publishing 'Fake News'.


Guerrilla Democracy News processes news hot of the press. Due to the lack of resources news cannot always be verified through third parties, confirming the authenticity of the information.
All news is processed at face value.
Guerrilla Democracy News has published 'Fake News,' but has never done so intentionally.
For example:

Guerrilla Democracy News accepts no responsible for 'mis-information agents' assuming on-line identities of others, to deceive Guerrilla Democracy News, it's readers and supporters.

Since then the Christmas Mischief has become Ridiculous.

Thank you for reading... and please share...


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