Wednesday 10 April 2024

Watch Out, Watch Out, There's a YouTube Thief About... Wednesday 10 April 2024...

The Thieving YouTube Mouse

Watch out, watch out, there's a YouTube thief about,

A mischievous mouse, with no shame or doubt.

She scurries through the web, with her whiskers oh so bold,

Stealing videos and content, her antics never told.

This YouTube mouse, she's a real rascal, you see,

Pilfering and pilfering, as happy as can be.

She'll sneak and she'll snatch, with a twinkle in her eye,

Leaving chaos in her wake, as she darts on by.

She'll climb up the channels, with nimble little feet,

Snatching up the videos, that she thinks are such a treat.

Se'll copy and she'll paste, without a single care,

Leaving views and subscribers, without a warning there.

This YouTube mouse, she's a real rascal, you see,

Pilfering and pilfering, as happy as can be.

She'll sneak and she'll snatch, with a twinkle in her eye,

Leaving chaos in her wake, as she darts on by.

But don't you fret, my friend, for this mouse has a plan,

She's got a taste for views, and she's quite the clever granny.

She'll outsmart the copyright claims, and the strikes that lurk around,

Continuing her thieving ways, without a single sound.

This YouTube mouse, she's a real rascal, you see,

Pilfering and pilfering, as happy as can be.

She'll sneak and she'll snatch, with a twinkle in her eye,

Leaving chaos in his wake, as she darts on by.

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