Thursday 25 April 2024

Watch Out, Watch Out, There's a Satanist About...

In today's society, the topic of Satanism is often misunderstood and sensationalized. While the idea of a "Satanist" lurking about may seem frightening or shocking to some, the reality is that modern Satanism is quite different from the popular depictions. In this essay, we will explore what Satanism actually entails and why the fear of Satanists is often overblown.

What is Satanism?

Satanism is a religious and philosophical movement that revolves around the figure of Satan. However, in Satanism, Satan is not seen as an evil being, but rather as a symbol of individualism, indulgence, and vital existence. The two main schools of Satanism are theistic Satanism, which views Satan as a real entity, and atheistic Satanism, which sees Satan as a metaphor for certain human traits and principles.

The most well-known form of Satanism is LaVeyan Satanism, founded by Anton LaVey in 1966. LaVeyan Satanism is an atheistic form that emphasizes the importance of the self, personal responsibility, and indulgence in natural desires. It rejects the concepts of God and the afterlife, and instead focuses on making the most of one's life on Earth.

The Satanic Panic.

In the 1980s and 1990s, there was a widespread moral panic known as the "Satanic Panic." During this time, there were numerous false accusations of Satanic ritual abuse, particularly in daycare centres. These accusations were fuelled by a combination of overzealous law enforcement, suggestive questioning of children, and the spread of urban legends and conspiracy theories.

Despite the lack of credible evidence, the Satanic Panic led to many innocent people being falsely accused and even imprisoned. It also contributed to a general fear and distrust of anything associated with Satanism or the occult.

The Reality of Modern Satanism.

Today, most Satanists are not actually worshipping the devil or engaging in any illegal activities. Instead, they are simply practicing a religion or philosophy that emphasizes individualism, self-improvement, and the pursuit of pleasure and knowledge.

Many Satanists are also involved in activism and charitable work, such as supporting LGBTQ+ rights, fighting against censorship, and promoting science and rational thinking. They often see themselves as outsiders and rebels against societal norms and religious dogma.


While the idea of a "Satanist" lurking about may seem frightening or shocking to some, the reality is that modern Satanism is quite different from the popular depictions. Most Satanists are simply practicing a religion or philosophy that emphasizes individualism, self-improvement, and the pursuit of pleasure and knowledge. They are not worshipping the devil or engaging in any illegal activities.

It is important to remember that fear and distrust of Satanism are often fuelled by misinformation and sensationalism. By educating ourselves and being open-minded, we can overcome these fears and embrace the diversity of religious and philosophical beliefs in our society.

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