Sunday 4 February 2024

James Hind the Tiresome Satanic Pest/Paedo Scum...

The constant, obsessed, fixated, relentless and merciless sniping of James Hind can become so tiresome, so quickly.

For some context before I carry on, I am reactionary on YouTube. I react to what is said about me, and am only proactive in promoting subjects which don't alarm, distress or harm other users. Namely the promotion of King Arthur II and Guerrilla Democracy News.

It's with this is mind, that I find myself, once again, having to react to the slander and misinformation being put out by the Satanic pest on a daily basis.

Here is his latest, released at approximately 06:01am today.

Firstly I am not a predator and take offence to being called one.

A predator is an animal that preys on other creatures for meat, to survive. Typically, a predator is a member of a higher trophic level in the food chain, who eats the animals from the levels beneath it. Predators have specialized characteristics, such as teeth and claws, that make them effective hunters.

In a recent tweet he said he'll start using the term "Predators," to refer to "QAnon extremists," having previously used the term"Satan Hunters."

It reminds me of a 2 year old, let loose on a computer with a dictionary.

Mind you, I'm not much better, because in response I've stopped calling him a "Project Paedo Watch Extremist", and started using the terms "Satanic Pest," and "Paedo Scum" instead.

But I've been distracted, back to the point!

The Satanic Pest, and Paedo Scum James Hind continues to peddle the myth that I was found with child sexual abuse images in my possession. This is a false statement and misinformation.

Whatever Surrey Police claimed they found, evidently turned out not to be.

Let's get this straight for the final time.

It was alleged that a Category C picture was found in my possession, on a disc, alongside a Simpson style cartoon picture depicting an orgy.

I was charged with making and possessing child pornography.

I endured three years of the case going through the court system.

On at least three occasions I turned up at court, believing I would be attending a trial during which 12 of my peers would determine, (based on the evidence,) whether I was guilty or not.

Guilty of the worst crime any man, or father, could ever be accused of.

On each occasion I was representing myself, without any legal representation.

After three years of kicking the can down the road, the Judge asked whether I wanted legal representation, to which I finally conceded, and said yes.

Once a third party looked at the evidence Surrey Police were presenting, their case fell apart, and it was thrown out of court, based on the lack of evidence.

Thus the facts of the case remain, no evidence was presented in court proving I was in possession of a single Category C picture.

I have never seen the pictures which I have been alleged to have had in my possession.

It was and always has been an allegation made by Surrey Police which has never been proven in a Court of Law.

So, when the Stanic Pest/Paedo Scum James Hind makes a public statement such as, "child sexual abuse images in his possession," is a clear lie, and a pathetic attempt at discrediting me, souring my reputation and twisting the narrative.

Which leads me onto the next point of contention.

Being accused of "stalking his Twitter account with multiple troll accounts."

It remined when the Editor of Brighton and Hove News Jo Wadsworth, tweeted something, to which the Satanic pest immediately jumped in implying it was me.

For the record, no! It wasn't me, and it's not me now!

What James Hind, the Satanic pest and paedo scum needs to realise, is that there are alot of people out to expose him.

Which brings me onto the last point of contention.

"Matthew Taylor who is also a convicted stalker of women."

Again, this is another factually incorrect statement, in the same vein as claiming child abuse images were found in my possession.

I have no convictions for stalking women. Fact!

A newspaper article may claim I was charged for stalking, but again, that is factually incorrect, and a mistake made by the journalist.

Other mistakes by journalists include I received a four year sentence for harassment, when it was four months, and another one was stating that I was charged for claiming a particular individual was a "satanic cult leader," when the court documents showed I said an "alleged satanic cult leader."

This proves that James Hind, (the Satanic pest and Paedo Scum, who claims to live in Brighton), is nothing more than a deluded fantasist.

All he can do is to lie, lie and lie some more.

James Hind Protects Paedophiles.

James Hind won't help anyone expose real paedophiles.

He only targets people who he knows for a fact who aren't paedophiles.

"We deal with a specific type of predator so would not be able to help in more general predator cases."

James Hind will do nothing to ruin the life of a real paedophile, because he doesn't like that on his mind; but will do anything in his power to ruin the life of an innocent man.

You have to ask yourself, why is James Hind obsessed with paedophilia?

The answer is staring you in the face, when you see the imagery he publishes.


The Satanic Predator James Hind who claims to be from Brighton, is a paedophile in my opinion: dangerous, because he is unable to admit he has a problem and take responsibility for addressing his sexual interest in children, and paedophilia in general. Hind poses a seriously high child protection risk to the safety of children, teenagers and adults alike.

Read more:

Ten Reasons why I believe James Hind is a paedophile...

Nobody knows exactly what James Hind says or shares with children, while pretending to be a 12 year old boy online.

It's all a big film for James Hind.

The Prevention and Investigation of Crime by Satanist James Hind.

AI depiction of Satanic Predator James Hind

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