Hats off to the Scum.
The Sun
You gotta love Britain’s biggest selling newspaper.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Apparently, the following is on todays page 19 of Mad Murdoch’s shit rag:
Hate of web nut
A CRACKPOT web troll is waging a warped hate campaign against Lee Rigby’s family.
Chris Spivey claims the Government staged the murder to incite hatred against Muslims.
Tattooist Spivey, 51, of Rochford, Essex, dismisses TV evidence of the savage hacking to death as “amateur dramatics” and callously mocks the Rigby family’s anguish.
He posted online: “Was Lee Rigby really in the Army?” A family spokesman called the rants “vile nonsense”.
Journalism at its b… Well it isn’t journalism really is it.
I mean, how the fuck can I be a troll?
And why am I a crackpot for producing evidence of a fraud?
I guess that is a measure of how broken this cuntry really is.
Never the less, if anyone is warped it is the daft cunt who wrote this nonsense.
I mean, it isn’t the rigby’s that I’m waging a hate campaign against… Exposing their criminal activities, yes? … Criticising them, ohhh yes… But a hate campaign?
Most definitely not.
I’m aiming much higher than those no marks.
Chris Spivey claims the Government staged the murder to incite hatred against Muslims.
Well, yes I do, along with other reasons… See the useless cunts can get some things right when they try.
As for dismissing TV evidence?
What TV evidence would that be exactly?
They got my age wrong by 20 years too… Just sayin’.
He posted online: “Was Lee Rigby really in the Army?
Keep up for fucks sake… I posted online that Rigby wasn’t in the army.
A family spokesman called the rants “vile nonsense”.
Which family spokesman is that then?
Its not fucking Batman again is it?
Course, with no links to the site on Google now, and the site being hard to access anyway what with the ongoing attacks, anyone reading that shit will not be able to read the mass of evidence that I have documented.
I mean, you would have thought that if the Sun Scum were confident that I am a crackpot talking bollocks, they would have published a link to the website so as people could make up their own minds.
By not doing so, they have now made me a target for every nut job in the country.
Course, the cunts know that, whilst also knowing that I have my daughter and 1 year old grandson living here.
It is to be hoped that some nutter doesn’t sling a brick or a petrol bomb through his bedroom window isn’t it.
I mean, with Rochford having a population of around 6,000 people, I don’t suppose that it is too hard to find the local tattoo artist.
Snide cunts.

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