Following the news that conspiracy theorists are now in the majority, and those who believe the government’s line have been exposed to be
the cranks and lunatics, here is a new theory of evolution which you may never
have heard off before.
Homo sapiens are a
hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee.
Yes, I’ll repeat that as you clean yourself up after chocking
on your tea, “Homo sapiens are a hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female
chimpanzee” says one of the worlds leading authority on hybridization in animals.
Eugene McCarthy: World’s
leading authority on hybridization in animals
A new theory is being propounded by Eugene McCarthy, of the University of Georgia , who theorizes that the human
species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee.
He said, “During my years at the genetics department, I
became increasingly dissatisfied with the standard explanation of evolution.
The more I read about fossils, the more convinced I became that Darwin 's account of the
evolutionary process was fundamentally flawed. Moreover, in my study of hybrids
I became aware that an alternative way of thinking about evolution, what I now
call "stabilization theory," could do a better job of explaining the
available data.”
A Paradigm Shift in Evolutionary Biology.
As you would expect with a theory like this, many objections
have been raised. Unable to specifically fault the data, they claim his theory
is inconsistent with one tenet or another of accepted theory. For those who shy
away from anything that rocks the establishment's boat, such objections can
never be satisfactorily addressed. And yet, for someone like Eugene McCarthy,
who is trying to critique and improve upon standard theory, they are not even
valid. “Obviously, a new theory that contradicts an existing theory will
be inconsistent with the tenets of that theory!” as any scientist would point
Entitled the Hybrid Hypothesis, Eugene
McCarthy argues that humans are probably of hybrid origin and of-course
raises the question of what higher intelligence, facilitated the hybridization
of pigs and apes?
The Death of Lloyd Pye
and his legacy.
Remember the new paradigm of conspiracy theorists being in
the majority, and those who believe the government’s line exposed to be the
cranks and lunatics; Well, its time to address the big taboo.
Lloyd’s Pye’s legacy
is that aliens are real.
Lloyd Pye was well known for his promotion of the
controversial Starchild skull, an artifact he obtained and proved to indicate
the existence of alien-human hybrid beings. The skull has gone through numerous
tests and the results are conclusive. For more information, just search the
Everything is Out
What do you get if
you cross a pig and a chimpanzee?
A Politician.

Politicians act like chimpanzees in the House of Common’s,
evident by the recent ape behaviour of both sides during the Chancellor’s
Autumn Statement, featuring a blustered Ed balls. It’s always worth a second
Pigs in the trough of
an 11% pay rise while the nation starves.
Politicians are the
pigs of Animal Farm.
Shame on anyone who
votes for anyone other than an independent candidate.
I always thought that Chimps were more intelligent than politicians. And saying politicians are exactly like chimps or pigs is disrespectful to all animals. Animals are so much more intelligent than useless politicians.