In this – the third and final part of my articles about the moon – we are going to take a look at some of those people who have made the deception possible.
So let’s start with what the author and historian, John Hamer has to say on the matter:
On 27th January 1967, the astronaut Gus Grissom along with two fellow astronauts, perished in a fire in what was to be Apollo 1 at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Even in death, Grissom is still tormented by those who would believe that he did not live up to his country’s expectations, not to mention his own expectations.
On 13th April 1959, Air Force Captain Gus Grissom received official word from the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson air-force base that he had been selected as one of the seven Project Mercury astronauts. Six others received the same notification; Lieutenant Malcolm Scott Carpenter, US Navy Captain, Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (33rd Degree Mason,) US Air Force
Lieutenant-Colonel John Herschel Glenn, Jr. (33rd Degree Mason,) US Marine Corps Lieutenant Commander Walter Marty Schirra, Jr. (33rd Degree Mason,) US Navy Lieutenant Commander Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr., and US Navy Captain Donald Kent (Deke) Slayton.
The Mercury programme was the United States’ first manned space venture and the first step in the country’s quest to reach the moon. Being a Mercury Astronaut meant being constantly subjected to scrutiny both by the public and by the media. Hailed as heroes when the missions went well, they could equally expect to be chastised for any problems which might occur along the way. Indeed, Grissom’s first space flight, aboard the Mercury Redstone ‘Liberty Bell 7,’ was somewhat less than a complete success.
Although take-off and re-entry went as expected, upon splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean, the 70 explosive bolts which held the hatch in place unexplainably exploded prematurely, forcing Grissom to evacuate the capsule and swim for his life while the rescue helicopter frantically tried to save the capsule from sinking. It was unsuccessful, and Grissom nearly drowned whilst the Liberty Bell sank to the bottom of the ocean, never to be recovered.
This was only the beginning of Grissom’s media woes. The press hounded him mercilessly, and he underwent an inquiry by NASA into the loss of the spacecraft. Although his fellow astronauts strongly supported him, and the inquiry led to the eventual conclusion that the explosive hatch blew of its own accord, Grissom never recovered his previous reputation with the public or the media. Much to his dismay, the exhaustive testing done on similar spacecraft with the same explosive bolts yielded no explanations for the explosions, as the bolts, never again exploded prematurely in any of the tests.
“I didn’t do anything. I was just lying there and it just blew,” he protested. However, the media painted him as a failure, a coward who panicked and blew the hatch in an attack of claustrophobia. Even after his death, perhaps because he was an easy target and could not defend himself, the public opinion of Grissom was still questionable. In the book and the movie, ‘The Right Stuff,’ Tom Wolfe portrayed Gus as… “…the goat among the astronauts, a hard-drinking, hard-living type who courts the favours of barmaids with gewgaws he promises to carry into space. He is also held up to the world as a man who screwed up, who panicked, blew the explosive hatch off his capsule and allowed it to sink to the ocean floor after re-entry.”
Grissom’s luck was better on his second space flight, however. Selected to command the Gemini 3 mission shortly after his completion of the Mercury 7 flight, he became the first man ever to fly twice in space. But he had yet to live down his reputation with the loss of his Liberty Bell capsule.
After his second, successful flight, he was notified confidentially by NASA that he had been chosen to be the first man to set foot on the moon. Project Apollo was now underway, and Grissom with Edward H. White and Roger Chaffee, were selected for the first mission.
The Apollo I mission was undertaking a simulated launch in preparation for an actual lunar flight, when a fire stated to be caused by an arc of electricity in the pure oxygen atmosphere of the sealed capsule of Apollo 1, destroyed the capsule and incinerated all three astronauts. A tragic end to the career of Gus Grissom, who even in death, was pilloried by both the media and Congress.
Dr. John McCarthy, the director of research, engineering, and testing for North American Aviation, the aerospace company primarily responsible for building the Apollo capsule, laid the blame literally at Grissom’s feet. His hypothesis was that the command pilot may have kicked or scuffed a wire lead connected to an air-sampling instrument.
The ignition source was never determined, but there were over a dozen fire hazards in the module, and the module’s design was grossly flawed in terms of safety. Most notable of these hazards was the inward-opening exit hatch. There was very little room inside, and in the panic of fire, the crew would have been severely hampered in exiting had they opened it. This is a moot point however, as the hatch would not even open with a crowbar after the module was pressurised. The interior was supplied with 100% medical-grade oxygen during the pre-launch, and thus, the air itself instantly burst into flame once the fire started, blowing out one of the cabin’s walls within 15 seconds. The three men did not die from smoke inhalation, since they were fully suited with their helmets on, but were killed by the fire itself.
As unfair as McCarthy’s observation obviously was, it was rescinded almost immediately when he could not find proof to support his hypothesis. Grissom would have had to have been a contortionist to have reached that particular wire and create enough force to move it.
NASA eventually concluded that the Apollo I deaths of Grissom, White and Chafee, were the result of an explosive fire that burst from the pure oxygen atmosphere of the space capsule. NASA investigators could not identify what caused the spark, but wrote-off the catastrophe as an accident.
“My father’s death was no accident. He was murdered,” Scott Grissom, son.
In February 1999, Scott Grissom, went public with the family’s long-held belief that their father was purposely killed by fire aboard Apollo I. They believed that the numerous safety flaws were so grossly negligent that NASA could not possibly have overlooked them all, but instead deliberately provided them, and then sabotaged the equipment in some way as to ensure an electrical spark once the cabin was sealed and pressurised.
Scott Grissom strongly suspected that his father had somehow irritated the NASA hierarchy in the past, possibly due to the embarrassment of the Liberty Bell 7 incident, and his general outspoken-ness. Scott claims that in 1990, he was able to inspect the Apollo 1 command module, and found a “fabricated metal plate” behind a switch on one of the instrument panels. The switch controlled the capsules’ electrical power from an outside source to the ship’s batteries and he argued that it was the placement of this metal plate that was an act of sabotage. He claimed that when one of the astronauts toggled the switch to transfer power to the ship’s batteries, a spark was created that ignited a fireball.
NASA denounced the younger Grissom’s conclusion as “…the ravings of an understandably angry child,” but has never bothered to refute it. Whether such a metal plate existed in the cabin is not publicly known, but in another stunning development, a leading NASA investigator charged that the agency engaged in a cover-up of the true cause of the catastrophe that killed Grissom and the two other astronauts.
Clark MacDonald, a McDonnell-Douglas engineer hired by NASA to investigate the fire, offered corroborating evidence. Breaking more than three decades of silence, MacDonald said that he determined that an electrical short caused by the changeover to battery power had sparked the fire. He also claimed that NASA destroyed his report and interview tapes in an effort to stem public criticism of the space programme. “I have agonised for 31 years about revealing the truth, but I didn’t want to hurt NASA’s image or cause trouble, but I can’t let one more day go by without the truth being known.” He said.
Grissom’s widow, Betty agreed with her son’s claim that her husband had been murdered… “I believe Scott has found the key piece of evidence to prove NASA knew all along what really happened but covered up to protect funding for the race to the moon.”
There was also evidence that the explosive device on the hatch could accidentally blow without being pulled — a fact that led NASA to remove the devices from future spacecraft designs. Also, had Grissom pulled the explosive release on the hatch, his hand or arm should have had powder and bruise marks, but neither were ever found.
Grissom, was the senior astronaut and also maybe significantly, the most critical of the problem-plagued Apollo programme, and the main Apollo contractor, North American Aviation. With billions of dollars at stake, Grissom had become a problem for NASA.
On one occasion, shortly before the tragic fire that claimed their lives, Grissom hung a lemon on a wire coat hanger on the Apollo 1 rocket during a publicity photo-shoot and in addition made an unauthorised statement to the press in early January 1967 to the effect that he believed that the ‘Moon landings’ were at least ‘a decade away,’ for which he was severely reprimanded.
That was probably his death sentence signed and sealed right there and then. Indeed, less than a month later all three ‘rebels’ were dead. Shortly before his untimely death Gus Grissom had also said to his wife… “If there is ever a serious accident in the space programme, it’s likely to be me.” And among his last words before he died, when there was a communications failure with the capsule just prior to the fire, were, “How are we going to get to the moon when we can’t communicate between two buildings?”
Even before Apollo I, Grissom had received death threats which his family believed emanated from within the space programme. The threats were serious enough that he was put under Secret Service protection and had been moved from his own home to a secure safe-house.
The Apollo I disaster led to a series of congressional hearings into the incident and NASA. During the hearings, one launch pad inspector, Thomas Ronald Baron, sharply criticised NASA’s handling of the incident and testified that the astronauts attempted to escape the capsule earlier than officially claimed. Baron was a safety inspector on the Apollo project who after the fire, testified before Congress that the Apollo programme was in such disarray that the United States would never make it to the moon. He also claimed that his opinions made him a target, and on 21st April 1967, reported on-camera to news reporters that he and his wife had been harassed at home. As part of his testimony, Baron also submitted a 500 page report detailing his findings. Then exactly one week after he testified, Baron’s car was struck by a train and he, his wife and his stepdaughter were all killed instantly. His report mysteriously disappeared, and to this day it has never been found.
In fact, no less than eleven Apollo astronauts were mysteriously killed before undertaking their missions, three had oxygen pumped into their test capsule until it exploded, seven died in six separate (yes, six separate) plane crashes, and one died in a car crash. Overall, a highly unlikely series of coincidences that I will allow the reader to make-up his or her own mind upon.
Paul Jacobs, a private investigator from San Francisco, at the request of Bill Kaysing, interviewed the head of the US Department of Geology in Washington about the so-called ‘moon rocks.’ “Did you examine the ‘moon rocks,’ did they really come from the Moon?” Jacobs asked and the geologist’s only response was to laugh. Both Paul Jacobs and his wife died from ‘cancer’ within 90 days of this incident. Yes both, within 90 days!
Astronaut and ahem, ‘first man to walk on the Moon,’ Neil Armstrong, could have made millions through endorsements and personal appearances. Courted by kings, praised by politicians, he could have signed a myriad of book and film deals telling his amazing story. But instead, he became a virtual recluse who used a fake name to receive his mail and refused to talk about his incredible feat. He also suffered with mental illness in his later years, some say maybe as a direct result of his name being used as the ‘foundation stone’ for the biggest lie in history. Or maybe it was that he became paranoid by the overwhelming number of sources exposing him as a liar?
In fact none of the astronauts give public interviews or took questions at speaking events and as already stated were all very unconvincing, nervous and shifty in their first press conference upon their return from the Moon. This press conference in its entirety is actually very enlightening and is well worth a watch if you can get hold of a copy. It was certainly still available as a mail-order DVD at the time of publication of this book.
Rumour also has it, that Apollo 12 astronaut Charles (Pete) Conrad Jr., was intending to ‘go public’ about the fake Moon landings on their 30th anniversary back in July 1999. He was however unfortunately ‘killed in a motorcycle accident’ one week before the anniversary. Another sad ‘coincidence.’
President Lyndon Johnson made certain Apollo files classified, with a declassification date of 2026. This is so that those involved in the Apollo scam would be long dead and gone, but we need not wait until then for the truth behind Apollo, as the truth is now already well known.
“It is commonly believed that man will fly directly from the Earth to the moon, but to do this, we would require a vehicle of such gigantic proportions that it would prove an economic impossibility. It would have to develop sufficient speed to penetrate the atmosphere and overcome the Earth’s gravity and, having travelled all the way to the Moon, it must still have enough fuel to land safely and make the return trip to Earth. Furthermore, in order to give the expedition a margin of safety, we would not use one ship alone, but a minimum of three… each rocket ship would be taller than New York’s Empire State Building [almost ¼ mile high] and weigh about ten times the tonnage of the Queen Mary, or some 800,000 tons.” ‘Conquest of the Moon,’ Wernher von Braun, 1953, Viking Press.
Of course, Wernher von Braun obviously quickly forgot this opinion completely, when his ‘sponsors,’ the CIA, had put him in overall charge of the ‘team,’ in the race to outdo the Soviets in space and weapons research, not to mention make a whole boatload of money for the banksters and their greedy friends.
Ironically, it was an American, Dr. Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945,) the rocketry genius, who was the father of the space programme. A man of great vision and humanity, he was ignored by the US government, only to see his revolutionary research and patents put to another use by Wernher von Braun and his crew…
And then there is the ‘Challenger’ Space Shuttle disaster.
You see, the Challenger Space Shuttle was supposedly blown to smithereens in 1986 just 73 seconds after launch from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven astronauts on board.
Course, the ‘tragedy’ led to that much repeated joke; “what does NASA stand for“, to which the answer is: Need Another Seven Astronauts… But that is besides the point.
Yet whilst that might sound like a sick joke, the real sick joke is that at least six of the seven Challenger crew members are still alive – and four of them still retain the same name . So lets start with Challenger Flight Commander; Francis Richard Scobee.
Scobee, born in May 1939 allegedly resurfaced (using the same name), 30 years after the disaster in the guise of the CEO of ‘Cows In Trees ltd’ – a Chicago marketing agency.
PHOTO: Richard Scobee – then & now… Notice the same drooping eyes.
The Agency’s website opens with a cartoon showing a rocket strapped to a cow’s back.
The cow then blasts off on a mission.
Before appearing to get into trouble (see photo below)
That swirl then forms a number 6, before the cow carries on with it’s journey (see photo below).
And that swirl is very reminiscent of the Challenger when it blew up (see photo below).
Well I suppose it could be but then you have the Challenger’s pilot, Michael J Smith:
Born in April 1945, Michael John Smith resurfaced 30 years after the fact as… wait for it, wait for it… Michael John Smith – a Professor of System Engineering at the University of Wisconsin.
PHOTO: Smith – then & now.
Third up and we have the Challenger’s, Ronald McNair.
Born in November 1950, McNair was 36 when he allegedly died. Yet he looks exactly like his brother Carl McNair.
PHOTO: Ron McNair and his brother Carl (photo taken in 2016).
However, when confronted about their likeness, Carl – an author – claimed that him and Ron were identical twins. Yet despite extensive research there is no record of the fact or even a record of Carl McNair ever being born for that matter.
Course, those of you familiar with my work will know that ‘twins’ are very common in hoax events… Just sayin’.
Next up is ‘Mission Specialist’, Ellison Onizuka – an American born to Japanese immigrants.
And just like Ronald McNair, Ellison also turned out to have an identical looking brother, although brother Claude is supposedly younger than Ellison.
PHOTO: Ellison and his ‘brother’ Claude.
Course, just like Ron McNair, Ellison’s birth is recorded in official records but there is nothing in regard to Claude Onizuka… Claude apparently now resides in Hawaii.
And then there is Judith Resnik:
Mission Specialist Resnik is exactly the same age as Yale University’s Professor of Law, Judith Resnik… Surprise, surprise:
In 2016, research into voice comparisons between the Astronaut and Professor were undertaken and the results came back as a positive match.
Now the second woman to allegedly kick the bucket on the Challenger was Payload Specialist, Sharon Christa McAuliffe.
Sharon shares the same name and age with another Professor of Law. This Sharon McAuliffe is a lecturer at Syracuse University and is the cousin of the 72nd Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe – a close ally of Bill & Hillary Clinton and a staunch supporter of NASA.
And while I am at it, it has to be said that Terry McAuliffe must surely be related to Michael John Smith:
PHOTO: Smith & McAuliffe
Would you not agree?
Indeed, even the Challenger wreckage appears fake and the photos staged.
Just sayin’.
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