Read more: Buckingham Palace butler ‘ran paedophile sex ring while working for the Royal Family’.
In 1976 Paul Kidd aged 23 at the time, was appointed butler to the Queen at Buckingham Palace and served there for six years until being transferred to Clarence House where he served the Queen Mother.
Bachelor Paul Kidd, groomed at least one of his teenage victims for sex by taking him for tea with the Queen Mother at Clarence House, it has emerged.
To the public, he had been the perfect gent who waited on the Royals for nine years – first the Queen at the Palace and then her mother, but behind the mask, Paul Kidd was leading a secret double life as a serial child abuser who molested a string of boys over a 30 year period.
He admitted 29 sex charges involving three boys and was finally exposed after one of his victims read a newspaper article in which he boasted about his links to the Royals and talked fondly of Princess Diana and her musical tastes.
Police raided his two bedroom home in St Johns Street, Stalybridge, where they found almost 19,000 pornographic pictures and videos of children.
It is only speculation at this time whether pornographic pictures and videos of children being abused were passed onto either the Queen Mother or the Queen, but the probability is high that they were.
A police source said: ‘Kidd was a very accomplished groomer of children.
‘These offences are probably just the tip of the iceberg.’
Kidd had honed his skills as a silver service waiter when he joined the Royal Navy after leaving school – looking after the captain and officers.
During his naval service he visited 22 countries around the world. During his years in Royal service, he was said to have met and looked after three American Presidents including Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan plus many other Heads of State from around the world.
In 1979 he was awarded the Most Noble Order of Merit by then West German president while on a state visit with the Queen to that country. He is one of only 32 people in the world to hold the award.
He was also said to have worked closely with Princess Diana at Buckingham Palace in the six months prior to her wedding to Prince Charles.
A paedophile loose in the royal household and it isn’t Princes Philip, Andrew or Charles.
In 1985 he gave up Royal Service due to a cancer scare but then started charging up to £4,000 a time as an after dinner speaker talking about his work with the Royal Family.
Kidd also starred on numerous TV chat shows in the UK and USA including the Caroline Rhea show in New York.
He also appeared on stage with Hollywood actor Robin Williams at the Nemacolin Spa & Resort Centre in the USA.
He joined Robert Kilroy Silk’s UK Independence party standing unsuccessfully as a candidate in local council elections.
In one interview Kidd said of the Queen: “She deals with people in a genuinely caring manner. Her children are the future of the country, they cannot be brought up in a namby-pamby manner. But in private, as a mother and grandmother, she dotes on the children.”
Police began investigating Kidd earlier this year after a victim, now 47 read a newspaper article about Kidd in which he talked about Princess Diana on the 10th anniversary of her death.
The victim was thought to be so disgusted by his bragging, he went to police and told officers how he was 14 when he was abused by Paul Kidd after meeting him through a CB radio group.
Kidd introduced the lad to the royal household and took him for tea with the Queen Mother in the late 70s.
Paul Kidd will be released from prison in 2014, that’s to say if he hasn’t been already.

With time of the essence, the Queen has broken royal protocol and met David Cameron in Chequers to plan their next more.
Read more: The Queen and David Camerson’s Arrest Ordered by Ex-RMP.
Faced with increasing calls for their arrest, having been found guilty of Crimes against Humanity by an International Common Law court in Brussels last year, the Queen and her husband enjoyed an intimate, private lunch where they were served a starter of Scottish smoked salmon and a main course of lamb with potatoes and vegetables followed by bread and butter pudding with ice cream and cheese and biscuits.
Eating from the pig’s trough while they can.
Other guests included:
- Ex-head of MI5 Baroness Manningham-Buller.
- Lord Guthrie, the former head of the armed forces.
- Writer William Shawcross, the Queen Mother’s official biographer.
- Mrs Shawcross.
- The designer and hotelier Olga Polizzi.
Mr. Cameron decided to extend the invitation to the Queen at his grace and favour home after stumbling upon some photographs of the Queen’s previous visits to Chequers over the years including pictures of the Queen and Richard Nixon in the gardens of the country house in 1970.
One wonders whether the photographs in question were off a similar nature found by two bank robbers in 1971.
As Greg Hallett exposes:
“Princess Margaret, had a sexual liaison with two West Indian men at the same time, and that was photographed and it was kept in a Lloyds Bank vault, and that bank vault was raided on the 11th of September 1971, when a gang robbed the Lloyds Bank in London, and they actually produced photos of Princess Margaret having sex with two West Indian men, and then it was Lord Louis Mountbatten who was asked to come forward, and he brought the bank robbers new identities, new passports, and they were allowed to keep the money, and they were allowed to escape out of England without harassment.”
Read more: Greg Hallett calls the Queen a fake!

According to Buckingham Palace, the Queen has visited Chequers just twice during her reign so far.
Her first visit was in October 1970 when she joined the then, PM Edward Heath and US president Richard Nixon.
One Hell of a threesome, a gay murdering paedophile, a swindler and a Queen! Perhaps these were the photographs which David Cameron found, which brought the royal party scampering.
It has since been confirmed from the testimony of Michael Shrimpton, an establishment whistle blower and barrister, that Edward Heath was a serial paedophile and murderer, who killed his victims and threw their bodies overboard his yacht.
Read more: Matt Taylor calls on the Queen to hand herself into the nearest Police station.
The meeting appears to be so serious, the Queen was forced to take the unprecedented decision to break short her holiday at Balmoral to attend this make or break lunch.
A visit by the Queen to the Prime Minister’s official country residence Chequers is a rare occasion. She has not been to the house near Ellesborough in Buckinghamshire for 18 years.
There were no trips under Gordon Brown, Tony Blair or Margaret Thatcher, but the Queen paid a visit when Sir John Major was Prime Minister in 1996.

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