A parody, with serious undertones, of the Daily Mail news article written by Rebecca English, published on 31 January 2014, about Prince Charles labelling climate change deniers as ‘Headless Chicken Brigade.’
- Matt Taylor hits out at Queen paedophile deniers... labelling them the 'headless chicken brigade'
- Matt Taylor spoke out over 'blind loyalty' of pro-monarchy groups
- The Queen is named in an international paedophile ring
- The Queen’s arrest for Crimes against Humanity is imminent
By Matt Taylor, Getting Ready for 2015

‘Queen Paedophile deniers are headless chickens,’ Matt Taylor has claimed.
In an inflammatory speech, the next King of Great Britain spoke out against ‘the barrage of blind loyalty’ from what he described as ‘people with their heads stuck in the sand’.
With his articles going viral at www.sosparty.co.uk, he said skeptics were prolonging the murder and abuse of children around the world.
He said: ‘It is baffling that in our modern world we have such blind trust in the Queen and her family that we all accept what they tells us about everything – until, that is, it comes to her connections with paedophiles. All of a sudden, and with a barrage of blind loyalty, we are told by uneducated and uninformed deniers that the Queen would never be involved with such horrors and must abandon the rule of law with so much overwhelming evidence against her.
‘Remember this, we are not the criminals, they are. We don’t kill children, they do. We don’t perform at satanic rituals, they do. ’
Matt Taylor has announced his claim to British Throne as a direct descendent of King Arthur II, born 503AD and died 579AD.
The Rothschild Royal Family or The Taylor Royal Family? You Decide? http://gettingreadyfor2015.wordpress.com/2014/02/02/introducing-the-taylor-royal-family/
The Queen’s Arrest is Imminent.http://gettingreadyfor2015.wordpress.com/2014/01/31/the-queens-arrest-is-imminent/
Matt Taylor orders the immediate arrest of the Queen and David Cameron. http://gettingreadyfor2015.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/matt-taylor-orders-the-immediate-arrest-of-david-cameron-the-queen/
He wrote on his Getting Ready for 2015 blog on Sunday: ‘I, Matt Taylor, ex-Royal Military Policeman, Man of the People, a Father, Brother and Son, do hereby declare I’ve found Excalibur claim my rightful place as King of Great Britain.
I am a direct descendant from King Arthur II and King Arthur I, son of Magnus Maximus and British Emperor Constantine the Great, all the way back to Aunt Anne of the Holy Family.
Until such time this claim is disproved genetically, I hereby stake my claim to the BRITISH ROYAL THRONE.”

Inspection: Matt Taylor viewed an eighteenth-century building which has been restored after 12 years of work
With Matt Taylor’s counter-claim as the true descendant of King Arthur II, and Aunt Anne of the Holy Family. The Rothschild’s “Cunning Plan” to steal the British Crown has been thwarted.
King Arthur II is back.
Matt Taylor has long led the public charge against the Establishment – despite repeated warnings about his ‘arrest’ on contentious royal issues. His ‘headless chickens’ jibe ranks among his strongest comments yet.

‘I fucking hate what this cuntry has become, and despise the spineless, pathetic vast majority of the population for not lifting a finger to put things right,’ he said.
Concerned: Matt Taylor has shown his enthusiasm for Great Britain before, and can be seen here taking a turn at the weather forecast in Scotland
Committed: Matt Taylor is a passionate about war, poverty and child-abuse issues - he is pictured here addressing world leaders at the United Nations HQ.

Dismissed by many as a self-publicising, ranting loon that hijacks the terrible crime of paedophilia to further his own agenda by posting nonsense about our Queen and PM, has Matt Taylor gone too fa?
“Who does Matt Taylor think he is that he can “Order the arrest” of anyone, is he a magistrate or judge? No, he is not, he is, as he states “an ex-Royal Military Police, the authority to order the immediate arrest of David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK and Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of England and the Common Wealth. He has no right to order the arrest of anyone. let alone the Monarch of the realm and the Common Wealth!”

An arrest warrant was served on Ratzinger, who immediately resigned from office.
Read more: The Queen, it’s a funny thing. http://guerrillademocracy.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/the-queen-its-funny-thing.html
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