Friday, 28 March 2025

Den Tarragon Spreading Misinformation.

Den Tarragon

Den Tarragon, a YouTube commentator, has once again taken an unfounded swipe at New Zealand OAP John Wanoa, dismissing him and his ambitious plan to "save the world" as nothing more than a "bullshit scam."

In a recent YouTube video, Den Tarragon stated:

"When Kaley first came away from the scam, the King’s Flag fraud, which was pushed and propagated on Wake Up UK, they were trying to con veterans into believing that if you sign this piece of bullshit paperwork, buy some bullshit shares, all of a sudden you can go and overthrow Parliament, and everything will be fucking happy days."

"Shit fucking bullshit court or whatever."

"Bullshit scam."

To put his disjointed and contextually lacking rant into perspective, the "piece of bullshit paperwork" he refers to is the Live Life Claim.

The Live Life Claim, which gained traction around 2018, was a movement encouraging individuals to create a document rejecting their so-called "Straw Man"—the legal entity assigned to them at birth. By filing this claim, people asserted that they were living, breathing human beings rather than lost entities under maritime law, which governs commerce and contracts.

The idea behind the Live Life Claim stemmed from legal theories suggesting that much of modern law operates within a framework of legalese, where reality and fiction blur. The claim, however, was never a "Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free" card but rather a symbolic declaration of autonomy and an attempt to step outside the established system.

What is Your Claim of Live-Life?

While the concept was difficult to grasp for many, some were open to understanding its implications, whereas others outright dismissed it as a scam.

Returning to Den Tarragon's remarks, his reference to "bullshit shares" pertains to the proposed sale of Moai Power House shares. This initiative sought to raise capital for an ambitious project utilising offshore tidal turbines to generate renewable energy.

With a fully costed business plan, a management team, and the necessary equipment in place, John Wanoa envisioned a £25 million project operational within five years. In a capitalist world where selling shares to raise investment is standard practice, Den Tarragon's dismissal of the venture as a "bullshit scam" exposes his own bias and ignorance regarding Wanoa’s vision.

Sadly, many people are quick to tear down the dreams and aspirations of others—not because they have proof of wrongdoing, but simply because they don't understand. Rather than engaging in thoughtful inquiry, they resort to mockery and baseless accusations, labelling those with different perspectives as fraudsters or scammers.

Why? Because understanding requires effort. It demands that people question their own beliefs, and that level of introspection is uncomfortable for most. It’s far easier to dismiss, ridicule, and destroy rather than to listen, question, and consider another viewpoint.

This is precisely what Den Tarragon is doing.

To set the record straight: The King’s Flag is an idea—a dream of one man to build a better world for himself and others. The fact that Den Tarragon and like-minded detractors have labelled it a scam does not make it one.

John Wanoa

And as for the veterans?

No one was trying to "blag" them into signing anything. Having personally attended the Veteran’s Weekend in London in late July 2019, I can attest that John Wanoa’s only message to the veterans was to remain true to their own paths and to disregard the misinformation spread by the likes of Den Tarragon, Nathan Kirkden, and Gary Clarke, who were determined to discredit and deride The King’s Bench.

People like Den Tarragon thrive on distorting reality, presenting their twisted opinions as if they were undeniable truths. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and question the motives behind those who dedicate themselves to tearing others down. Be wary of individuals who masquerade as truth-tellers while spreading misinformation and half-truths to suit their own agendas. In a world where deception is rampant, critical thinking and discernment are our best defences against those who seek to mislead and manipulate.

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Wednesday, 26 March 2025

King Arthur II Set to Save Disney: A Blockbuster Investment in Brighton.

In an era where Disney struggles to maintain its once-unshakable dominance in the film industry, a new visionary plan emerges that promises to save the entertainment giant from its self-inflicted woes. Maverick politician, controversial writer, and award-winning creative force Matt Taylor proposes an audacious solution: Disney should invest £250 million into producing a trilogy of King Arthur movies, telling the true story of Britain's legendary warrior king.

Bringing the True Story of King Arthur to the Silver Screen.

Unlike previous Hollywood renditions, this new trilogy will be based on the groundbreaking historical research of Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett, and Ross Broadstock. For the first time in over 1500 years, audiences will witness the true tale of King Arthur II, breaking free from the myths and distortions of the past.

Taylor envisions a cinematic spectacle that will not only enthral global audiences but also restore Disney's credibility as a powerhouse of storytelling.

The Trilogy: A Cinematic Epic.

  1. The Rise of the War King - The first film will chronicle the birth of King Arthur II, following his journey from a young prince to the warrior king who unites Great Britain. Audiences will witness the political intrigue, epic battles, and the forging of an empire that changed history.

  2. Kingdom in Flames - The second installment delves into the catastrophic destruction of Arthur's kingdom, following the impact of asteroid debris. A story of resilience and devastation, it will depict Arthur's struggle to preserve his people and legacy against insurmountable odds.

  3. Arthur Across the Atlantic - The final film will reveal an untold chapter in history, following Arthur and his army as they sail across the Atlantic, settling in what is now Kentucky. This bold and controversial tale will depict their legendary conflicts with Native American tribes, bringing to life an epic clash of civilizations never before seen on screen.

Taylor insists this trilogy has the potential to generate billions at the global box office, securing Disney's financial future while reshaping historical narratives for generations to come.

Brighton: The New Hollywood.

More than just a film project, the King Arthur trilogy is the foundation for a massive industry revival in Brighton. Taylor’s ambitious Brighton 2222 Project proposes the construction of the King Arthur II Film and TV Studios, a cutting-edge production facility designed to put Brighton back on the global cinematic map.

Built using environmentally sustainable Earthship principles, the studio will provide thousands of jobs and attract filmmakers from around the world. With vast studio spaces, workshops, accommodations, and on-site production capabilities, it aims to rival Hollywood and Bollywood in cinematic output.

Accompanying this revitalization is Moulsecoomb Moon Base One, a revolutionary theme park that simulates space travel, drawing millions of tourists to Brighton annually. This synergy between film production and tourism will reinvigorate the local economy and transform Brighton into a premier entertainment hub.

Brighton 2222 Project - Bringing Hollywood to Brighton

A Golden Opportunity for Disney.

With box office failures stacking up and public trust in decline, Disney finds itself at a crossroads. By embracing Matt Taylor’s vision, the corporation has the chance to reclaim its former glory, investing in a project that blends historical authenticity, breathtaking spectacle, and untapped adventure.

The King Arthur II movie trilogy promises not just to save Disney but to reignite the world’s love for epic storytelling. Now, all eyes are on the entertainment giant—will they seize this golden opportunity, or will they let history pass them by?

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Top Ten Tips on Becoming a YouTuber... (According to MattT Taylor)

Top 10 Ways to Troll Your Audience Like a Mastermind

If you’re a content creator, you know that audience engagement is everything. But what if, instead of simply entertaining them, you decided to toy with them? What if you took your viewers on a rollercoaster of confusion, frustration, and anticipation—all for your own amusement?

Trolling your audience isn’t just about being annoying; it’s about crafting a psychological game they can’t help but fall into. So, for those of you looking to become the ultimate puppet master, here are the top 10 ways to troll your audience like a pro.

1. The Endless Live Stream Delay

Your idea: Set a time to go live, but five minutes before, push it an hour forward. Keep doing this until you eventually cancel it altogether.

Absolute genius. The sheer rage and disbelief this causes are delicious. They’ll be sitting there, waiting, refreshing the page, only for you to pull the rug out from under them.

2. The Mysterious 'Big Announcement' That Never Comes

Hype up a HUGE announcement. Drop cryptic hints. Get people buzzing with speculation. Then, when the moment finally arrives... say nothing. Instead, act like they imagined the whole thing. Extra points if you pretend they’re being ridiculous for expecting something at all.

3. The Reverse Giveaway

Promise a giveaway where one lucky viewer wins a prize. Build up the excitement. Have them comment, like, share, and engage. Then, when the time comes to announce the winner, say "Actually, I’ve decided to keep it for myself."

4. The 'Fake Rage Quit'

In the middle of a stream or video, pretend to snap. Throw your headphones down, yell something unintelligible, and storm off-screen. Let the silence sit. Maybe even end the stream abruptly. The confusion and frantic comments will be priceless.

5. The Clickbait of the Century

Title your video "I QUIT YOUTUBE FOREVER." Act super dramatic in the first minute. Then casually say, "Anyway, back to today's video..." and continue as normal.

6. The Accidental Leak That Wasn't Accidental

Pretend to "accidentally" flash a document, a phone screen, or a tab that hints at some insane scandal or secret project. The internet detectives will be all over it. Then, when questioned, deny everything and gaslight them into thinking they’re crazy.

7. The Longest Story Ever Told

Start telling a very dramatic, very interesting story. Add twists and turns. Keep your audience on the edge of their seats. But never finish it. Every time someone asks for the ending, pretend you don’t remember what you were talking about.

8. The Fake Feud

Pick a random person—another YouTuber, a viewer, or even a celebrity. Act like you have serious beef with them. Make cryptic posts. Drop subtle insults. Then, when people demand answers, act completely confused and insist nothing is going on.

9. The Looping Premiere

Upload a "live premiere" video that looks legit, but make it a loop of the first few minutes. Viewers will sit there for ages, waiting for it to continue. When they finally realize, it's too late—they've been played.

10. The 'Viewer Appreciation' Roast

Tell your audience you’re going to shout out some of your most loyal fans. Then, instead of praising them, roast them. Make it sound heartfelt but devastating. "Shoutout to @Dave123, who's been here since day one. Still unemployed, though."

Bonus Tip: The Ultimate Apology Video That Apologizes for Nothing

When people finally get fed up with your trolling, drop an apology video. Make it dramatic, sad music and all. Then, instead of actually apologizing, double down on everything.

So there you have it—10 devious ways to troll your audience. Just be careful... push them too far, and they might just troll you back. 😉

Which one is your favourite? Or do you have a method of your own? Let me know in the comments... if you dare. 😈

Monday, 24 March 2025

Words by William Shatner...

“Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old. I went to space, after decades of playing an iconic science-fiction character who was exploring the universe. I thought I would experience a deep connection with the immensity around us, a deep call for endless exploration.
"I was absolutely wrong. The strongest feeling, that dominated everything else by far, was the deepest grief that I had ever experienced.
"I understood, in the clearest possible way, that we were living on a tiny oasis of life, surrounded by an immensity of death. I didn’t see infinite possibilities of worlds to explore, of adventures to have, or living creatures to connect with. I saw the deepest darkness I could have ever imagined, contrasting so starkly with the welcoming warmth of our nurturing home planet.
"This was an immensely powerful awakening for me. It filled me with sadness. I realized that we had spent decades, if not centuries, being obsessed with looking away, with looking outside. I did my share in popularizing the idea that space was the final frontier. But I had to get to space to understand that Earth is and will stay our only home. And that we have been ravaging it, relentlessly, making it uninhabitable."

The Unequal Worth of Individuals in Modern Society…

In today’s society, the worth of an individual extends beyond financial value. While monetary wealth undeniably grants privilege and influence, there exists a hierarchy in which some individuals are deemed more significant than others. This hierarchy manifests in various ways, including the legal system, social recognition, and the application of fundamental rights. In many cases, certain individuals are protected and prioritised, while others are marginalised and disregarded.

Take my own experiences as an example. Certain people have the privilege to claim that my words have caused them alarm, distress, and fear. Their complaints are taken with such severity that the full force of the law is brought down upon me. I have been forcefully removed from my home, detained for an undisclosed period with no explanation of the circumstances, and subjected to an invasive ransacking of my personal space. My belongings—including my phone, computers, diaries, and journals—have been seized, stripping me not just of my possessions but also my personal thoughts and reflections.

Yet, when the tables are turned—when I experience alarm, distress, and fear at the hands of these same individuals—there is no equivalent response. My concerns are dismissed, my distress overlooked, and my fear deemed inconsequential. The disparity in treatment suggests that my rights and feelings hold less value than theirs. This selective application of justice and protection illustrates a harsh reality: some people are simply worth more than others in the eyes of society.

The notion that all individuals are equal under the law is an ideal rather than a reality. In practice, social standing, influence, and the perception of moral superiority dictate whose voices are heard and whose suffering is acknowledged. This creates an environment where certain individuals can weaponise legal and social systems against those deemed lesser, reinforcing a power imbalance that strips people like myself of dignity, respect, and basic human rights.

The result is a dehumanisation of those who do not fit into the privileged category. I am treated as less than a fourth-class citizen—an entity unworthy of humane treatment. My feelings, aspirations, and fundamental rights are deemed irrelevant in comparison to those who have the privilege of societal validation. This inequality fosters resentment and disillusionment, as those who find themselves on the lower rungs of the social hierarchy realise they are at the mercy of a system that does not recognise their worth.

This issue extends far beyond my own experiences. Across the world, marginalised groups—whether due to political beliefs, social status, or perceived deviance from the norm—face systemic discrimination that diminishes their worth. Whether through legal persecution, media vilification, or social ostracisation, these individuals are relegated to a status where their suffering is ignored or even justified.

Ultimately, this disparity raises crucial questions about the fairness of our societal structures. If equality is truly a guiding principle, then why do some individuals wield disproportionate influence over legal and social institutions? Why do protections and rights apply selectively? And most importantly, what can be done to rectify this imbalance?

Until these questions are addressed, the reality remains stark: in today’s society, some people are simply worth more than others. The challenge is to demand a system where justice, dignity, and respect are not luxuries reserved for the privileged, but fundamental rights granted to all.

Friday, 21 March 2025

MattTaylorTV! What a Weirdo I've Become? Wednesday 19 March... Is it even worth it? Featuring Brian Hurle - Thursday 20 March 2025.

Tonight's show revolved around Lenny, who experienced a particularly tough week.

Here’s a summary and analysis of the key points:

Lenny's Struggles:

    • Lenny is feeling deeply depressed after a series of unfortunate events, including a rejection by a woman he was interested in and a lack of success at Cheltenham (likely a reference to horse racing or a similar event).

    • He feels humiliated and describes the rejection as a confirmation of his insecurities, particularly about his appearance.

    • Lenny is struggling to bounce back emotionally and mentions feeling withdrawn and ugly.

  1. Support and Banter:

    • Matt (Brighton's Best) and others offer support, encouraging Lenny to stay positive and bounce back.

    • Snartaffles, however, engages in trolling and mockery, suggesting Lenny try dating sites or even humorous, inappropriate alternatives like "Plenty of Rotters" or "batting for the other side."

    • Despite the banter, Lenny remains open about his feelings, expressing his reluctance to use dating sites and his fear of emotional pain, such as losing another pet (his dog died in 2017).

  1. Shared Struggles:

    • Brighton's Best (Matt) reveals that he is also going through a difficult time, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared vulnerability.

    • Lenny appreciates the support and acknowledges that life has been particularly harsh lately.

  1. Closing:

    • The conversation ends on a somewhat positive note, with Matt encouraging Lenny to wake up with a smile and reminding him that he is "the best."

    • Lenny expresses gratitude for the support, though it’s clear he is still deeply affected by his recent experiences.


  • Emotional Vulnerability: Lenny’s openness about his depression and rejection highlights his emotional vulnerability. He is struggling with self-esteem and feels isolated, despite the support from Matt and others.

  • Mixed Responses: The conversation includes both genuine support (from Matt) and insensitive humour (from Snartaffles), reflecting the varied ways people respond to someone in distress.

  • Resilience and Hope: Despite his low mood, Lenny engages with the group and acknowledges the support, suggesting a glimmer of hope for recovery. Matt’s encouragement to "bounce back" and "wake up with a smile" reinforces the importance of resilience.

  • Shared Humanity: The exchange underscores the universality of struggles like rejection, depression, and self-doubt, as well as the value of sharing these experiences with others.

Overall, the conversation is a mix of raw emotion, humour, and support, illustrating the complexities of human interaction during difficult times.

Tonight's show was a mix of casual banter, personal reflections, and random topics among participants in a lively chat. 

Here's a summary of the key points:

  1. Lenny's Embarrassment: Lenny shares a story about getting drunk and making a fool of himself in front of a woman, expressing regret and embarrassment. He acknowledges that alcohol is no excuse for his behaviour.

  1. Casual Banter: The chat includes light-hearted exchanges, jokes, and references to pop culture, such as Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt, and Paul Young. Lenny and others engage in playful teasing and discussions about music, TV shows, and celebrities.

  1. Brian Hurle's Appearance: Brian Hurle, a guest on the show, is discussed extensively. He appears to be a controversial figure, with mentions of his connections to the underworld and his drunken state during the live-stream.

  1. Helen Janes: A user named Helen Janes is mentioned multiple times, with accusations of stalking, creating multiple accounts, and engaging in melodramatic "histrionic" behaviour. The chat participants express frustration with her actions.

  1. Hit and Run Incident: Emily T mentions a hit-and-run incident involving a motorbike and a pedestrian, which led to a critical injury and a helicopter airlift to the hospital.

  1. Easter and Chocolate: Lenny humorously mentions eating an Easter egg in March, sparking a brief discussion about Easter and chocolate relapses.

  1. Fiona Barnett: Fiona Barnett introduces herself, claiming to have connections with Angela Power Disney and expressing interest in appearing on Matt Taylor's show to expose certain truths.

  1. Snooker Discussion: Lenny and others briefly discuss snooker, mentioning players like Judd Trump and Kieran Wilson.

  1. End of the Stream: The chat winds down with participants thanking each other and expressing hopes for future streams. Lenny reflects on Brian Hurle's appearance and his own dehydration after drinking.

Overall, the conversation is a mix of personal anecdotes, humour, and random topics, typical of a live chat environment.

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

The Evolution of "Conspiracy Theorist": From Ridicule to Vindication in the JFK Assassination.

For sixty years, the term conspiracy theorist has been used as a tool of dismissal—a phrase engineered to ridicule and silence those who dared to question the official story of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Initially adopted in the aftermath of the 1963 tragedy, it became a label for those who refused to accept the Warren Commission’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. However, now—on the verge of the final disclosure of all JFK-related files—public opinion has dramatically shifted. It is now widely believed that the official story was false and that the U.S. government has systematically deceived its citizens about one of the most significant political murders in modern history.


The Origins of "Conspiracy Theorist" as a Weapon…

Following Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963, the U.S. government faced a crisis of credibility. The event had unfolded in broad daylight, captured on film, and witnessed by millions through live television coverage. Despite this, the official explanation—that a lone gunman using a bolt-action rifle from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository executed a near-impossible feat of marksmanship—was immediately met with scepticism.

The Warren Commission, established to investigate the assassination, delivered its report in 1964, asserting that Oswald acted alone. But rather than quelling doubts, the report only fuelled them. A majority of Americans, even in the years following, remained unconvinced by its findings. To combat rising scepticism, the CIA reportedly encouraged the use of the term conspiracy theorist to discredit dissenters. In a now-declassified 1967 memo (CIA Document 1035-960), the agency advised operatives to use this phrase against critics of the Warren Report, equating scepticism with irrationality and paranoia. This tactic proved highly effective—casting doubt on any alternative explanation as the product of delusional thinking.

The Slow Erosion of the Official Story…

Despite the government's efforts, doubts about the lone gunman theory persisted. Over the decades, investigators, whistleblowers, and researchers—including figures like Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone, and countless independent journalists—challenged the Warren Commission’s conclusions. Key pieces of evidence, such as the Zapruder film, the mysterious deaths of key witnesses, and the inconsistencies in forensic analysis, made the single-assassin narrative increasingly untenable.

By the 1970s, the U.S. government itself began to crack. The House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded in 1979 that Kennedy was “probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy,” contradicting the Warren Commission. The release of the JFK files—mandated by the 1992 JFK Records Act—only added fuel to the fire, revealing intelligence agency surveillance of Oswald, CIA involvement in anti-Castro operations, and the suppression of key witnesses and documents.

The Inevitable Reckoning…

Now, as the final files approach full disclosure, the consensus is shifting. Even mainstream historians, once defenders of the official narrative, are acknowledging that elements of the U.S. government were likely involved in covering up crucial details. With each new revelation, the term conspiracy theorist loses its stigma, transforming from an insult into a badge of credibility.

The JFK assassination is no longer just a case study in government deception; it has become proof that scepticism of official narratives is not paranoia but due diligence. The American public has been forced to reckon with the reality that the government lied to them—not just about a tragic event, but about the very foundation of their democracy. If an American president could be assassinated in broad daylight, in front of the world, and the truth could be hidden for decades, what else has been concealed?


Sixty years after Kennedy’s murder, the official narrative is in tatters. The label conspiracy theorist, once weaponized to dismiss truth-seekers, has lost its potency. With the full disclosure of the JFK files, history will likely confirm what many have suspected all along: that the U.S. government has been lying to its people about the assassination of their most beloved president. The real conspiracy was not in questioning the official story, but in believing it.

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