Wednesday 24 July 2024

The Devil’s Playground: Chris Spivey’s Allegations and the Energy of Fear.

Christopher Spivey, a controversial figure known for his alternative takes on history and current events, presents a provocative theory: the Devil is real, and the world’s elites are not just aware of this, but are actively serving him. This notion aligns with the comments by EastEndGirl, who posits that the orchestrated horrors and tragedies we witness are designed to generate negative energy, which feeds satanic entities.

The Devil aka Beelzebub

An extract from his article - A Harsh Lesson in History published on 21st July 2024 reads:

“You see, I believe that the Devil (and the many different names ‘IT‘ goes by) is very real, but he is not the Devil portrayed in the bible. Indeed, were he not for real then these elite monsters would have lost interest in the occult centuries ago.

Mind you, I should stop calling the cunt “the Devil” or even “Satan” for that matter because he is neither and I only do so out of habit. Therefore, ‘Prince of Darkness’ is a much better term because he is the overall controller of the Demons that the elite monsters are able to summon in their Black Magic Rituals.

Another possible name for the fella would be Beelzebub albeit in theological sources – predominantly christian – Beelzebub is wrongly attributed as another name for SATAN.

However, the Prince of Darkness differs slightly to Beelzebub since the latter is known in demonology as but one of the seven deadly demons AKA the seven princes of Hell. Beelzebub represents gluttony & envy which is obviously why the evil rich cunt’s who rule the world worship him… And make no mistake about it, these demon summoning evil rich cunts really, really do rule the world.”

The Existence of the Devil and Demonic Influence.

Spivey suggests that the Devil, or Satan, is not just a mythological figure but a real entity influencing global events. He argues that the elite, who control much of the world’s political and economic systems, are aware of and collaborate with this malevolent force. According to this theory, many horrific events and crimes are not random acts of violence but are strategically planned to generate fear, despair, and negative energy.

Negative Energy as Sustenance for Demons.

EastEndGirl expands on this idea, explaining that demons thrive on negative energy. She references historical and contemporary crimes that have shocked nations, suggesting that the emotional turmoil these events generate feeds satanic entities. One notable example she cites is the tragic case of seven-year-old Maria Colwell, who suffered severe abuse and died in 1973. The widespread public outrage and heartbreak that followed her death, she argues, created a wave of negative emotions that fed these demonic forces.

“People might wonder why ‘They’ orchestrate crimes that horrify the whole nation, and the answer to that is very simple: Demons survive on negative energy, and the chief demon, satan, who I very much believe does exist, needs negative energy to feed on. Imagine for one moment how much negative energy is created when we hear about a crime that horrifies us. For example, one of the cases I mentioned in an earlier post, 7 year old Maria Colwell, who, we are told, suffered horrifying abuse at the hands of her step-father which resulted in her death in 1973. Apparently this case enraged and disgusted the whole of Britain. People were angry, sad and heartbroken……….in other words, there was a tsunami of negative emotions pouring forth…….which in turn, feeds satan and his demons. There is also another reason why ‘They’ do this sort of thing: Psychological Warfare. When human beings are constantly bombarded with stories and scenes of appalling tragedy, this begins to have a very negative impact on the psyche. We start to feel a sense of hopelessness and despair, we feel that the world is a vile and disgusting place. In other words: IT WEAKENS US. This is exactly what ‘They’ want. because they know that when people are psychologically weak, they are EASY TO CONTROL. This is why I stopped watching the Tel-Lie-Vision and reading ‘Newspapers’ about 15 years ago. I realised that the constant diet of horror and tragedy was having a very negative impact on me. It was some years later when I had a shift in consciousness and it dawned on me that most of the news is a fabricated load of bullshit.”

Psychological Warfare and Control.

The theory goes beyond the feeding of demonic entities. EastEndGirl argues that constant exposure to horror and tragedy is a form of psychological warfare. When people are continually bombarded with negative news, it weakens their spirit and resilience. This sense of hopelessness and despair makes individuals easier to control, aligning with the goals of the elites who, according to this theory, seek to maintain power through manipulation and fear.

Media as a Tool for Demonic Agenda.

Central to this theory is the role of the media, which EastEndGirl refers to as "Tel-Lie-Vision" and mainstream newspapers. She believes that the media is complicit in spreading fear and despair, acting as a tool for the elite to disseminate their fabricated narratives. This constant "diet of horror and tragedy" is seen as deliberate, aimed at weakening the populace’s psychological defences.

Personal Awakening and Rejection of Mainstream Media.

EastEndGirl shares her personal journey of awakening, describing how she stopped consuming mainstream news around 15 years ago. She realised that the constant negativity was having a detrimental effect on her well-being. This shift in consciousness led her to question the authenticity of the news, eventually concluding that much of it is fabricated to serve a larger, more sinister purpose.

Broader Implications and Public Reception.

Spivey and EastEndGirl’s theories, while controversial, tap into broader fears and suspicions about the nature of power and control in society. The idea that a hidden, malevolent force influences world events is not new, but Spivey’s explicit linkage to satanic entities adds a dramatic and unsettling dimension. For those who feel disillusioned with mainstream narratives, these theories offer an alternative explanation for the pervasive sense of despair and negativity in the world.

In Conclusion: A Call for Critical Examination.

Whether one accepts Spivey and EastEndGirl’s theories or not, their ideas challenge us to critically examine the sources of our information and the potential motivations behind them. In a world where information is increasingly controlled and curated, questioning the narratives presented to us is a crucial step towards understanding the true nature of power and influence.

For more detailed exploration of these theories, you can read Chris Spivey's articles on his

Chris Spivey

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