Saturday 29 June 2024

Unveiling the Hidden History: The Legacy of King Arthur II..

The story of King Arthur has captivated imaginations for centuries, often shrouded in myth and legend. However, researchers Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett propose a compelling and controversial narrative: there were two historical King Arthurs, and their contributions to British history have been largely misunderstood or overlooked. Their extensive research, which spans over three decades, seeks to redefine our understanding of ancient British history.

The Concept of Two Arthurs.

Wilson and Blackett argue that the traditional account of King Arthur conflates two distinct historical figures:

1. King Arthur I: A leader from the Roman period, around the 3rd to 4th century AD.

2. King Arthur II: A 6th-century warlord who led the Britons against Saxon invaders.

Their hypothesis suggests that King Arthur II was a real historical figure who ruled in the region now known as Glamorgan in South Wales. This Arthur is believed to have been a formidable leader who played a crucial role in the defense of Britain during a time of significant upheaval.


Evidence and Controversies.

Wilson and Blackett’s research delves into various sources of evidence to support their claims:

  • Ancient Scripts and Inscriptions: They utilize the Coelbren Alphabet, an ancient Welsh script, to decipher historical texts and inscriptions. This has led them to reinterpret existing artifacts and monuments, offering a new perspective on British history 
  • Historical Accounts and Genealogies: They revisit medieval chronicles and genealogical records, which they believe have been misinterpreted by mainstream historians.
  • Archaeological Findings: The researchers also point to physical evidence, such as ancient fortifications and burial sites in South Wales, which they argue align with their narrative of King Arthur II's reign.

Despite these efforts, their work remains highly controversial. Mainstream historians often challenge their interpretations, citing a lack of definitive proof and questioning the methodologies used. Nevertheless, the persistence of Wilson and Blackett in bringing these theories to light has sparked significant interest and debate.

Cultural and Historical Impact.

The work of Wilson and Blackett extends beyond academic circles, influencing popular perceptions of British history. Ross Broadstock has been instrumental in promoting their findings through various media, including books, websites, and YouTube channels. His efforts have helped disseminate their theories to a broader audience, encouraging a reevaluation of historical narratives.

In Conclusion.

The research of Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett invites us to reconsider the stories we accept as history. By challenging established narratives and offering new interpretations, they highlight the complexity of our past and the importance of questioning historical consensus. Whether their claims about King Arthur II are ultimately validated or not, their work underscores the dynamic nature of historical inquiry and the enduring fascination with the legendary king.

For further reading and detailed explorations of their theories, you can visit the following sources:

Remembering The Hidden King… King Arthur II - The War King.

Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett, and Ross Broadstock are prominent figures in the field of alternative historical research, focusing on ancient British history and the legacy of King Arthur II.

Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett have dedicated over three decades to uncovering what they believe is a hidden history of Britain. Their research suggests that mainstream historical accounts have overlooked or suppressed significant aspects of British history. Key points of their work include:

1. King Arthur II: Wilson and Blackett claim that there were two historical King Arthurs, with King Arthur II reigning in the 6th century AD. They argue that this King Arthur was a real figure who led the Britons against the Saxons and that his story has been misrepresented over the centuries.

2. Ancient Migrations: They propose that there were significant migrations to Britain in ancient times, which brought various cultural and historical influences.

3. Coelbren Alphabet: Wilson and Blackett assert that ancient Welsh scripts, known as the Coelbren Alphabet, can be used to decipher historical texts and inscriptions, providing evidence for their theories about British history.

4. Controversial Claims: Their work includes controversial ideas such as Jesus surviving the crucifixion and travelling to South Wales, and the identification of the Ark of the Covenant within Britain 

Ross Broadstock has been instrumental in promoting and preserving the works of Wilson and Blackett. He has worked to republish their books and ensure their research reaches a wider audience through his website "Britain's Hidden History" and related YouTube channel. Broadstock has also organized events and discussions to further explore and debate these historical claims 

Britain’s Hidden History Rally Round Alan Wilson & Tony (Baram) Blackett.

Together, these researchers challenge the conventional narratives of British history, advocating for a re-examination of historical evidence and proposing that the true history of Britain is far more complex and intriguing than traditionally taught. Their work remains a subject of ongoing debate and interest among alternative history enthusiasts.

The Hidden King (Song Inspired by Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett, and Ross Broadstock's Research)

In the valleys of old Cymru, where legends never die,  

There lies a tale forgotten, beneath the ancient sky.  

Two Arthurs led their people, through battles fierce and true,  

One a mighty war king, the other lost to view.

King Arthur of Glamorgan, your story must be told,  

Not just in myths and legends, but in history's fold.  

With Coelbren's ancient whispers, and truths long buried deep,  

We'll uncover your legacy, from the shadows you will leap.

Wilson and Blackett journeyed, through time's forgotten stream,  

Revealing truths and secrets, challenging the mainstream.  

They found the signs and symbols, in ancient scripts and lore,  

Piecing together history, hidden at its core.

King Arthur of Glamorgan, your story must be told,  

Not just in myths and legends, but in history's fold.  

With Coelbren's ancient whispers, and truths long buried deep,  

We'll uncover your legacy, from the shadows you will leap.

From the sacred Ark to Jesus, in Wales' hills he trod,  

Their theories stir the silence, and shake the scholar's nod.  

Ross Broadstock spreads the message, of histories concealed,  

A hidden past emerging, its truths will be revealed.

King Arthur of Glamorgan, your story must be told,  

Not just in myths and legends, but in history's fold.  

With Coelbren's ancient whispers, and truths long buried deep,  

We'll uncover your legacy, from the shadows you will leap.

So let us raise our voices, to the tales untold,  

To the warriors and dreamers, and the secrets they hold.  

For in the heart of Britain, where the ancient rivers run,  

The story of King Arthur, has only just begun.

MattTaylorTV! Friday Night Live - 28th June 2024.

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Thursday 27 June 2024

The Implications of James Hind's Online Activities: A Call for Scrutiny.

James Hind's fascination with artificial intelligence (AI) and children has raised significant concerns within the community. Hind's own confession of posing as a 12-year-old boy online and engaging with children as young as 11 has heightened these worries. Such behaviour necessitates a closer examination, particularly regarding the potential misuse of AI technology.

Matthew Taylor, an ex-Royal Military Policeman, has voiced a compelling argument for the investigation of Hind’s personal computer equipment. Taylor's call for action stems from the unsettling possibility that Hind may possess AI-generated material involving children. Given the capabilities of AI in creating realistic yet fabricated content, this suspicion is not without merit.

The ethical and legal implications of using AI inappropriately, especially in relation to children, are profound. AI technology, while offering numerous benefits, can also be misused to create harmful and exploitative content. The digital age requires vigilant monitoring to prevent such misuse, ensuring the safety and well-being of minors online.

Hind’s actions, as admitted, include pretending to be a young boy and sharing illegal content, of the top level with children barely in their teens. These behaviours are extremely alarming and warrant thorough investigation. Taylor’s suggestion to examine Hind’s computer equipment is a prudent step towards ensuring no inappropriate AI-created content is being distributed or consumed.

The importance of protecting children in the digital realm cannot be overstated. Authorities must remain vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing potential threats. By scrutinising Hind's online activities and use of AI, a clear message is sent: the safety of children is paramount, and any misuse of technology to endanger them will be met with appropriate legal action.

In conclusion, while the advancements in AI hold great promise, they also come with responsibilities. James Hind’s case underscores the need for careful oversight and regulation to prevent abuse. Matthew Taylor’s call for an investigation into Hind's computer equipment is a necessary step in safeguarding our children from potential harm. The community must support such measures to protect children online, against fake child protection activists, such as James Hind and his Project Night Watch.

The Myth of James Hind: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Deception.

James Hind, a name that has been a fixture in various circles for nearly a decade, has now been declared a fictional construct. According to recent statements, this persona was nothing more than a collaborative creation, a facade maintained by multiple individuals. The announcement that James Hind "retired" in December 2023 under the guise of never having been real has raised eyebrows and incited scepticism. I, for one, categorically reject this outlandish excuse. It is a blatant attempt at damage control, concocted to evade accountability for a series of controversial words, deeds, and actions.

A Convenient Fabrication.

The timing of this revelation is suspicious, to say the least. For years, James Hind's presence has been influential, stirring both admiration and ire. The sudden claim that he never existed, conveniently surfacing when scrutiny and demands for accountability reached a peak, is nothing short of a strategic evasion. If this persona was truly a collective invention, why wait until now to unveil the truth? The answer is clear: it is a desperate measure to shield the creators from the repercussions of their actions.

The Real Consequences of a Fake Persona.

The narrative surrounding James Hind was not without impact. Words attributed to him shaped opinions, influenced decisions and sparked actions. Deeds and actions under his name carried real-world consequences, affecting individuals and communities. To dismiss all of this as mere fiction is an insult to those who were misled, harmed, or otherwise affected by the rhetoric and activities associated with the name. The creators behind this supposed construct must be held accountable, not given a pass under the guise of creative storytelling.

Damage Limitation at Its Finest.

By declaring James Hind a fictitious character, the responsible parties hope to wipe the slate clean. This manoeuvre is a textbook case of damage limitation. When faced with mounting criticism and the threat of tangible consequences, they have opted for a narrative that absolves them of responsibility. This ploy is not only transparent but also insulting to the intelligence of the public. It is an attempt to rewrite history and escape unscathed, leaving behind a trail of unresolved issues and unanswered questions.

A Call for Accountability.

The creator of James Hind cannot be allowed to hide behind the flimsy excuse of a fictional persona. he must face the music for the impact of his words and actions. The attempt to retire the character and walk away unchallenged is a disservice to everyone affected by the decade-long charade. We must demand transparency and hold those responsible accountable. The truth about James Hind needs to be fully exposed, not swept under the rug with a convenient, albeit absurd, explanation.

In Conclusion.

The claim that James Hind was never real is nothing more than a smokescreen, a last-ditch effort to avoid accountability. It is a narrative designed to deflect blame and mitigate damage, not an honest revelation. As a community, we must reject this excuse and insist on facing the truth head-on. The creator of this fictional persona must answer for his actions, and the public deserves nothing less than full transparency and accountability. James Hind may have been declared a myth, but the consequences of his supposed existence are very real and must be addressed.

The Dubious Claims of Project Night Watch: Are Children Really Safer?

In the complex landscape of child protection, authenticity and integrity are paramount. However, the recent claims by a group known as Project Night Watch, represented by the controversial figure James Hind, have raised significant concerns and questions. Hind, a self-proclaimed satanist, asserts that his organisation is dedicated to "helping children feel safe." This bold claim warrants a critical examination: What child has genuinely felt safer thanks to the intervention of James Hind and his Project Night Watch?

A Closer Look at Project Night Watch.

Project Night Watch purports to be a child protection group, but its association with James Hind immediately casts doubt on its legitimacy. Hind's notoriety stems from his outspoken and controversial beliefs, which are at odds with the values typically associated with child protection. This incongruity has led many to question the true intentions and effectiveness of the organisation.

Questionable Claims and Lack of Evidence.

The core of Project Night Watch's mission is to ensure the safety and well-being of children. However, there is a conspicuous lack of tangible evidence to support their claims. Despite asserting that they help children feel safe, there are no documented cases or testimonials from children or families who have benefited from their intervention. In the realm of child protection, transparency and verifiable outcomes are crucial, and Project Night Watch falls short on both counts.

The Importance of Trust in Child Protection.

Trust is a foundational element in any child protection endeavour. Parents and guardians need to have absolute confidence in the organisations they turn to for help. The involvement of James Hind, with his controversial background and extremist views, undermines this trust. His association with Project Night Watch raises legitimate concerns about the group's true motives and effectiveness.

The Role of Genuine Child Protection Agencies.

In contrast to Project Night Watch, numerous reputable organisations have a proven track record of safeguarding children and supporting families. These organisations operate with transparency, accountability, and a clear focus on the best interests of the child. They provide concrete evidence of their impact, including testimonials from those they have helped and detailed reports on their activities.

A Call for Scrutiny and Accountability.

Given the lack of evidence supporting Project Night Watch's claims and the controversial nature of its representative, it is imperative that this group be scrutinised more closely. Authorities, child protection professionals, and the public should demand transparency and accountability from any organisation claiming to safeguard children. Without this scrutiny, there is a risk that vulnerable children may be left without the genuine support they need.

Bold Assertions.

The bold assertions made by Project Night Watch and James Hind about their role in helping children feel safe are unsubstantiated and deeply questionable. The lack of verifiable evidence, coupled with Hind's controversial background, undermines their credibility. In the critical field of child protection, there is no room for deception or half-truths. Genuine efforts to protect children must be grounded in transparency, accountability, and demonstrable impact—qualities that Project Night Watch has yet to display. As such, the claims made by this organisation should be approached with scepticism and subjected to rigorous scrutiny.

A Critical Look at Project Night Watch's Claims: The Case of the Unreported Paedophile Groomer.

Project Night Watch, led by the controversial figure James Hind, claims to be dedicated to "helping children feel safe." However, recent actions—or rather, inactions—raise serious questions about the efficacy and true intentions of this group. Specifically, the failure to report a paedophile groomer from Kent, identified on a popular social media site frequented by children and teenagers, to the police is deeply concerning. How does such a significant oversight align with their mission of child protection?

Extract from Satanic Views blog - November 2018

The Incident in Question..

According to his own admission in November 2018, on his blog, SatanicViews, James Hind reportedly identified an individual from Kent who was engaging in paedophile grooming behaviour on a social media platform popular with young people. Grooming, a manipulative process used by predators to exploit children, is a serious crime that warrants immediate intervention by law enforcement. Yet, instead of reporting this individual to the police, Project Night Watch chose a different course of action, leaving many to question their commitment to child safety.

The Role of Reporting in Child Protection.

In any legitimate child protection initiative, reporting suspected or confirmed cases of grooming to the authorities is a critical step. Law enforcement agencies have the necessary resources, legal authority, and expertise to investigate and intervene in such situations, potentially preventing further harm to vulnerable children. By failing to report the groomer, Project Night Watch neglected a fundamental responsibility, thereby compromising the safety of the children they claim to protect.

Understanding the Consequences.

The implications of not reporting a paedophile groomer are severe. Without police intervention, the groomer remains free to continue their predatory behaviour, posing an ongoing threat to children and teenagers. This inaction undermines the very essence of child protection and raises legitimate concerns about the operational integrity of Project Night Watch. How can children truly feel safe when a known threat is allowed to persist unchecked?

The Need for Accountability and Transparency.

Project Night Watch's failure to act appropriately in this instance calls for greater scrutiny and accountability. Effective child protection organisations operate with transparency and adhere to strict protocols for reporting and managing cases of abuse and exploitation. They prioritise the safety and well-being of children above all else, ensuring that every action taken is in the best interest of those they aim to protect. 

Reassessing Project Night Watch's Claims.

The situation with the paedophile groomer from Kent casts a shadow over Project Night Watch's claims of helping children feel safe. Without clear evidence of effective intervention and a commitment to proper reporting procedures, their assertions lack credibility. Genuine child protection requires more than just identifying threats; it demands decisive action to neutralise those threats and safeguard vulnerable children.

Moving Forward: The Importance of Proper Protocols.

For Project Night Watch to restore any semblance of trust, they must adopt and adhere to established protocols for reporting and managing cases of grooming and exploitation. This includes immediate notification of law enforcement authorities upon identifying potential threats, transparent communication about their actions, and a demonstrable commitment to the principles of child safety.

In Conclusion.

The failure of James Hind and Project Night Watch to report a paedophile groomer from Kent to the police raises serious doubts about their effectiveness and dedication to child protection. Genuine efforts to help children feel safe require rigorous adherence to reporting protocols and a transparent approach to handling threats. Without these critical elements, Project Night Watch's claims remain unsubstantiated and questionable. Moving forward, a commitment to transparency, accountability, and proper procedure is essential for any organisation claiming to safeguard children.


James Hind: Judge, Jury & Executioner.

James Hind: The Relentless Adversary Plaguing Matt Taylor…

In the landscape of online interactions, certain figures emerge who, rather than contributing positively, seem driven by a singular, malicious intent. For Matt Taylor, this adversary has a name: James Hind. Hind’s relentless pursuit of Taylor, acting as an unsolicited judge, jury, and executioner, has profoundly affected Taylor's life, pushing him to the brink of despair.

Hind’s vendetta against Taylor is not one of constructive criticism or healthy debate. Instead, it’s a campaign of unyielding judgment and punitive actions that have left Taylor feeling perpetually scrutinized and oppressed. Every word Taylor speaks, every action he takes, is met with immediate and harsh condemnation from Hind, creating an environment of constant fear and anxiety.

This ceaseless antagonism has taken a severe toll on Taylor’s mental health. The weight of Hind's relentless persecution has driven Taylor into a state of deep depression and vulnerability. He finds himself trapped in a cycle of negativity, unable to express himself freely without the looming threat of Hind’s vindictive responses.

Taylor's life has become a nightmare of constant surveillance and judgment. Hind’s actions have stripped away his peace of mind and left him feeling isolated and powerless. The impact on Taylor’s well-being is undeniable, as he grapples with feelings of hopelessness and despair. It’s a stark reminder of how one individual's malevolent obsession can wreak havoc on another person's life.

In a digital age where cyberbullying and online harassment are rampant, Hind's behaviour exemplifies the worst aspects of this troubling trend. His fixation on undermining Taylor is not just a personal vendetta; it’s a stark example of how such actions can devastate someone's mental health and overall well-being.

Taylor has reached a breaking point. The relentless onslaught from Hind has left him exhausted and in dire need of respite. It’s imperative that we recognize the profound impact such sustained harassment can have on individuals and advocate for a more compassionate and respectful discourse, both online and offline.

As Taylor struggles to reclaim his sense of self and peace of mind, it's crucial for the broader community to stand against such toxic behaviour. Only by acknowledging and addressing the detrimental effects of Hind’s actions can we hope to create a more supportive and empathetic environment for all.

James Hind: Judge, Jury, and Executioner

I’m walking on eggshells, shadows on my back,  

Every step I take, he’s ready to attack.  

Words like daggers, his judgment’s always near,  

In this battlefield of fear, I’m trapped year after year.

Relentless whisper, never letting me be,  

A man on a mission, to bring me to my knees.

James Hind, judge, jury, executioner,  

You’ve turned my life into a nightmare, a sinister conjurer.  

Your shadows haunt me, every night and day,  

Relentless torment, won’t you go away?

Depression’s a prison, walls closing in tight,  

Your constant persecution, steals away my light.  

I’m screaming in silence, can’t find my voice,  

In this endless darkness, you leave me no choice.

Relentless whisper, never letting me be,  

A man on a mission, to bring me to my knees.

James Hind, judge, jury, executioner,  

You’ve turned my life into a nightmare, a sinister conjurer.  

Your shadows haunt me, every night and day,  

Relentless torment, won’t you go away?

You’ve become the storm I can’t outrun,  

In this battle, you’ve already won.  

But I’m fighting back, I won’t stay down,  

Your reign of terror won’t take my crown.

James Hind, judge, jury, executioner,  

You’ve turned my life into a nightmare, a sinister conjurer.  

Your shadows haunt me, every night and day,  

Relentless torment, won’t you go away?

I’m reclaiming my peace, breaking free from this bind,  

Your darkness won’t control me, not this time.  

James Hind, your reign is over, my strength’s reborn,  

In the light of dawn, a new day is sworn.