Saturday 9 March 2024

Why I have no choice but to leave YouTube.

The proposed prohibitions requirements of the Stalking Protection Order are as follows:

1. Contacting by any means, directly or indirectly Jamie Lofthouse and Darren, or incite another person to do so; this includes but is not limited to contact in person, calls, letters, emails, messages, social media.

2. Entering Biggleswade as defined by the exclusion zone on the attached map.

3. Attending any place you believe Jamie Lofthouse is present, or remaining in that place once you are aware of their presence.

4. Posting or encouraging or inciting any other persons from posting on the internet or otherwise publishing or broadcasting any video, comment, opinion or other material which directly refers to Mr Jamie Lofthouse. If directed to do so by your Police Offender Manager or other Police Officer must remove any post under your control when required to do so.

5. Possessing, owning or using any computer capable of accessing the internet or internet enabled device (including but not limited to a mobile phone, tablet computer, dongle or Personal Computer) unless:

a)  It has been installed with monitoring software that is approved and monitored by the police force in the area in which the defendant resides, and

b) It has the capacity to retain and display the memory of internet use, and he does not delete such history or concealed the history (not to use things such as incognito browsing, in private, private browsing or virtual computer), and) He makes the device immediately available for examination on request for inspection by a police officer, or police staff employee, or

d) The computer or internet enabled device is not able to have monitoring software installed but has been approved by your managing Police Officer, who has provided their confirmation in writing. Confirmation is not to be unreasonably withheld.

Save for a computer at the defendant's place of work, Jobcentre Plus, public library, educational establishment, or other place, which must be notified and approved by your managing Police Officer in the area that you reside.

6. Denying managing Police Officers entry to his place of residence to examine any computer, tablet computer, mobile phone, internet-enable device, digital storage or other media that is in his possession or refusing to allow that examination to occur. Failing to disclose the existence of any device in your possession to Police Officers will count as a refusal.

7. Having or using any Social Media, Social Networking, Gaming or Dating website unless with written permission of your police offender manager and having supplied username and emails associated with each site * The Oxford English Dictionary defines Social Media as “websites and software programs used for social networking” and Social Networking as “the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interest to one's own.”

8. Having any YouTube channel under your control without providing your police officer manager with the channel name and email address associated with that channel.

9. Possessing, owning or using more than one mobile phone and one SIM card, unless we've written permission from your Police Manager in the area that you reside. You must provide the telephone number and unique identifying numbers of all devices(s) .


Allow your Police Offender manager to enter your registered address(es), to conduct a risk assessment between the hours of 09:00 and 20:00 hours. 

Re-register your address every 12 months at a police station within 365 Days of last registration

Attend an assessment for COBI, at a time directed by your Police Managing Officer, and then participate in further sessions as directed by your Police Manager Officer.

Matt Taylor

The Stalking Protection Order (SPO) outlined above would have a significant and restrictive impact on my life. 

Restrictions on Contact and Movement:

(1 & 3): These clauses prevent any form of contact with Jamie Lofthouse and Darren, and restrict movement within a designated area (Biggleswade). This can drastically limit social interactions, employment opportunities, and daily routines.

Restrictions on Online Activity:

(2, 4 & 7): These limit online communication and expression. Banning comments about Jamie Lofthouse and requiring permission for social media accounts severely restricts freedom of speech and online interaction.

Intrusive Monitoring of Devices:

(5): This mandates extensive monitoring software on internet-enabled devices. It requires complete transparency of browsing history and eliminates privacy. Obtaining permission for specific devices adds further burden.

Limited Phone Usage:

(9): Restricting the number of phones and SIM cards allowed makes communication difficult and limits options for managing personal and professional lives.

Restricted Access to Public Services:

(5): Using public computers requires advanced permission, hindering access to essential services like job searches or online forms.

Home Inspections and Disruptions:

(6): Police can enter the residence to inspect devices at any point within specific hours, causing significant disruption and privacy concerns.

Mandatory Assessments and Programs:

(Other): Mandatory attendance at assessments and programs leaves little control over personal time and could conflict with existing commitments.

Overall Impact:

These restrictions combined create an environment of extreme control and limited freedom. My daily life, communication, online activity, and even my devices become subject to constant monitoring and limitations. This can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, difficulty functioning in daily life and suicide.

It's important to note:

SPOs are designed to protect victims of stalking, and the severity of restrictions depends on the specific case.

There are legitimate reasons for these limitations, but the impact on me and my freedoms are undeniable.

Support systems like therapy could be crucial for someone adapting to such restrictions.

In conclusion, this SPO represents a significant loss of my freedom and privacy. While it might be necessary for protecting victims, it's crucial to consider the significant impact it has on the person subjected to the order.

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