Sunday 31 March 2024

Lame James...

Satanic paedophile enthusiast James Hind is a rather peculiar individual who seems to operate under a strange set of assumptions and double standards. 

On the one hand, he has no qualms about making bold, unsubstantiated claims about others, labelling them as "predators" and spreading unfounded rumours. Yet on the other hand, he somehow expects those very same people to give him a platform to air his views, and to share private information with him.

The Crazy Mind of James Hind

It's quite puzzling to try and understand James Hind's thought process. He appears to believe that he can say whatever he wants about others, no matter how baseless or defamatory, and yet those same people should be obligated to provide him with a megaphone to amplify his voice. This is the height of entitlement and lack of self-awareness.

Expecting the Impossible

Hind seems to think that just because he has an opinion, others are duty-bound to validate it by giving him access to their personal social media channels or confidential data. 

This is an utterly unreasonable expectation. People have the right to control their own platforms and information, and are under no obligation to provide a forum for those who would seek to malign them.

A Delusional Sense of Entitlement…

At the core of Hind's behaviour is a delusional sense of entitlement. He believes that his views and interests should take precedence over those of others, and that he can demand access and accommodation without any regard for the wishes or wellbeing of the people he targets. This is the mark of a deeply troubled and narcissistic individual.


In the end, James Hind's antics are more pathetic than they are threatening. His attempts to bully and manipulate others reveal a deep insecurity and lack of substance. The best response is to firmly reject his unreasonable demands, and to continue moving forward with integrity and purpose, without being dragged down by his lame attempts at disruption.

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