Saturday 9 December 2023

Brighton Satanist James Hind, Challenged my Arse!

The Satanic paedophile from Brighton, James Hind thinks he can challenge me!!!

We would all be amazed to learn everything there is to know about James Hind, and who he really is, if ever I had the opportunity to raid his home at 5am, remove all his IT equipment, and forensically go through everything he does online.

Remember, this is exactly what has happened to me on numerous occasions, but yet I haven't been charged with anything, I've been accused of doing.

And on those things, that I have been found guilty, I'm not allowed to mention or discuss it, due to court orders

Why is that???

The Facts...

James Hind pledged to keep a close eye on me. In other words, he's stalking me online.

James Hind offered £300 to any member of the public to start civil/criminal proceedings against me.

James Hind pretends to be a 12 year old boy online, who shares very disturbing illegal content of the top level with children as young as 11 and 12 years old.

James Hind has radicalised other vulnerable adults (Shellie Mote, Helen Janes and others) on YouTube to make false allegations and complaints against me.

James Hind boasts of making my life a misery.

James Hind emotionally abused three teenage boys, following the sudden and tragic death of their father, Ross Broadstock, while as the same time reporting anyone who names Child X and their mother, on the grounds of child abuse.

James Hind allowed a paedophile groomer from Kent to go free, because he could live with ruining a paedophile's life on his mind.

James Hind protects paedophiles, the ex husband of Samatha Baldwin springs to mind.

In fact, it's James Hind default setting to protect and defend any and everyone accused of being a paedophile.

So let me assure you all, I'll be able to expose James Hind, if I had access to his computers and online activities.

Until then, I can prove fuck all and James Hind knows it.

Why else does he hide behind a fake name?

Why else doesn't he show his face?

Why else does he incite, manipulate and control others to do his dirty work?

Unlike James Hind, my innocence has been proven beyond a doubt.

My computer/mobile equipment was forensically searched, and my online activity, analysed with a fine tooth comb.

The allegations that I took three teenage boys into the woods to have sex with, after showing them videos of babies being beheaded, have been proved to be completely unfounded and false.

With all the circumstantial evidence posted above, and other pertinent information and evidence, which I choose to remain private, (for the time being,) I continue to state with certainty, that the Brighton based satanist, James Hind, is the one and only person, responsible for setting me up.

James Hind challenges me to prove my allegation, knowing full well, that the only way any allegation of this kind is proved, is by the seizure of all computer and mobile equipment, and a forensic search made of his hard drive and his online activities.

It's typical of a satanist to deflect attention back onto their accusers.

It's typical of James Hind.

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