Thursday 29 June 2023

Trouser Mouse loses credibility after attacking Michele Marie Dalene on YouTube

A notorious YouTube troll who identifies as a common rodent, has lost all credibility and standing in its community, following an unprovoked and hypocritical attack on a hermaphrodite YouTuber from Connecticut, America…

Identifying as “Trouser Mouse,” the unknown individual known as a “Clipper YouTuber,” well-known for stealing other YouTuber’s content, rather than creating it’s own, Trouser Mouse has caused further distress and hurt by unfairly accusing Michele Marie Dalene of faking her own death.

Brought to our attention by Captain Promotions and MattTaylorTV!, Michele Marie Dalene is attracting attention from across the Atlantic, with her amazing stories of split personalities, the ability to control the weather and her enduring friendship with other YouTubers, notable amongst them being Dave, aka Noodles, aka Leather King.

Scheduled to have her documentary, The Northern Snow Queen - The Michele Marie Dalene Documentary, premiered on Ann Drogyne’s YouTube channel tonight at 9.30pm UK’s time, the reaction from Ann’s 10K plus subscribership is set to further shine the lime light on Michele Marie Dalene.

Following a week of warnings from Trouser Mouse and its family of vermin, that Michele Marie Dalene will be unfairly treated by a certain section of YouTube, all concerns were found to be baseless after successfully appearing on MattTaylorTV!, and finding new friends through a new audience.

Sadly events have come to a head recently, with Trouser Mouse making a series of unfounded and malicious claims that Michele Marie Dalene had faked her own death.

Having explained to Trouser Mouse that the claims of Michele’s death, were part of a misinformation campaign by Trolls on her side of the Atlantic, Trouser Mouse has unfairly dismissed her answers, and continues to peddle lies, proving that its Trouser Mouse and it’s supporters who are the culprits of sabotaging Michele’s promotion in the UK.

The drama began with a video posted on Trouser Mouse’s channel…

Within an hour of it’s posting, Michele explained herself with the comment, “I didn’t. One of my trolls put that out I am quite alive.”

But that wasn’t enough for Trouser Mouse… Egged on by his vicious family of vermin, Trouser Mouse is taking no prisoners, especially not a hermaphrodite from Connecticut, America.

“Why haven't you had it removed then?” 

To which Michele swiftly replied, “I try but they keep generating new ones.”

What followed was a conversation, which clearly paints Trouser Mouse as the villain and Michele as the latest victim, of Trouser Mouse’s life-long obsession of trolling anyone who’s different.

Clearly not content with the perfectly reasonable answers from Michele, Trouser Mouse attempts to debunk Michele’s account that she wasn’t responsible to posting her fake obituary, by saying, “I only found this one.”

To which Michele replied, “there are several more out there.”

To which Trouser Mouse persisted, “There's no proof that 'trolls' are doing this.”

Leaving an exasperated Michele to insist, “well, I am not…”

In answer to other pathetic and infantile responses from Trouser Mouse’s family of other assorted vermin, it insists, “they would be very easy to remove if it was done maliciously I'd imagine - yes.”

“I see that all Michele's connections online keep blaming trolls for everything without ever showing any proof.”

While Michele is happy to answer any and every question Trouser Mouse, and its family of vermin, ask of her, Trouser Mouse continues to evade a very serious question, which it dismisses as “silly.”

Why hasn’t Trouser Mouse ever called out James Hind for sharing very disturbing illegal content of the top level, with children as young as 11 and 12 years old?

Thus it appears, this whole exercise of attacking Michele Marie Dalene, on the eve of her documentary being premiered on Ann Drogyne’s channel, attracting a whole new audience, is a futile attempt in deflecting attention from itself and its family of vermin, who all continue to support a Brighton based satanist called James Hind (not his real name,) who boasts of sharing very disturbing illegal content of the top level, with children as young as 11 and 12 years old.

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